4,177 research outputs found

    Energy Management for a User Interactive Smart Community: A Stackelberg Game Approach

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    This paper studies a three party energy management problem in a user interactive smart community that consists of a large number of residential units (RUs) with distributed energy resources (DERs), a shared facility controller (SFC) and the main grid. A Stackelberg game is formulated to benefit both the SFC and RUs, in terms of incurred cost and achieved utility respectively, from their energy trading with each other and the grid. The properties of the game are studied and it is shown that there exists a unique Stackelberg equilibrium (SE). A novel algorithm is proposed that can be implemented in a distributed fashion by both RUs and the SFC to reach the SE. The convergence of the algorithm is also proven, and shown to always reach the SE. Numerical examples are used to assess the properties and effectiveness of the proposed scheme.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Feasibility of Using Discriminate Pricing Schemes for Energy Trading in Smart Grid

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    This paper investigates the feasibility of using a discriminate pricing scheme to offset the inconvenience that is experienced by an energy user (EU) in trading its energy with an energy controller in smart grid. The main objective is to encourage EUs with small distributed energy resources (DERs), or with high sensitivity to their inconvenience, to take part in the energy trading via providing incentive to them with relatively higher payment at the same time as reducing the total cost to the energy controller. The proposed scheme is modeled through a two-stage Stackelberg game that describes the energy trading between a shared facility authority (SFA) and EUs in a smart community. A suitable cost function is proposed for the SFA to leverage the generation of discriminate pricing according to the inconvenience experienced by each EU. It is shown that the game has a unique sub-game perfect equilibrium (SPE), under the certain condition at which the SFA's total cost is minimized, and that each EU receives its best utility according to its associated inconvenience for the given price. A backward induction technique is used to derive a closed form expression for the price function at SPE, and thus the dependency of price on an EU's different decision parameters is explained for the studied system. Numerical examples are provided to show the beneficial properties of the proposed scheme.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, conference pape

    High temperature cavity polaritons in epitaxial Er_2O_3 on silicon

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    Cavity polaritons around two Er^(3+) optical transitions are observed in microdisk resonators fabricated from epitaxial Er_2O_3 on Si(111). Using a pump-probe method, spectral anticrossings and linewidth averaging of the polariton modes are measured in the cavity transmission and luminescence at temperatures above 361 K

    Changes in Polarization Position Angle across the Eclipse in the Double Pulsar System

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    We investigate the changes in polarization position angle in radiation from pulsar A around the eclipse in the Double Pulsar system PSR J0737-3039A/B at the 20 cm and 50 cm wavelengths using the Parkes 64-m telescope. The changes are ~2\sigma\ during and shortly after the eclipse at 20 cm but less significant at 50 cm. We show that the changes in position angle during the eclipse can be modelled by differential synchrotron absorption in the eclipse regions. Position angle changes after the eclipse are interpreted as Faraday rotation in the magnetotail of pulsar B. Implied charge densities are consistent with the Goldreich-Julian density, suggesting that the particle energies in the magnetotail are mildly relativistic.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Unambiguous state discrimination in quantum cryptography with weak coherent states

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    The use of linearly independent signal states in realistic implementations of quantum key distribution (QKD) enables an eavesdropper to perform unambiguous state discrimination. We explore quantitatively the limits for secure QKD imposed by this fact taking into account that the receiver can monitor to some extend the photon number statistics of the signals even with todays standard detection schemes. We compare our attack to the beamsplitting attack and show that security against beamsplitting attack does not necessarily imply security against the attack considered here.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, updated version with added discussion of beamsplitting attac

    Instruments and channels in quantum information theory

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    While a positive operator valued measure gives the probabilities in a quantum measurement, an instrument gives both the probabilities and the a posteriori states. By interpreting the instrument as a quantum channel and by using the typical inequalities for the quantum and classical relative entropies, many bounds on the classical information extracted in a quantum measurement, of the type of Holevo's bound, are obtained in a unified manner.Comment: 12 pages, revtex

    Estimates for practical quantum cryptography

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    In this article I present a protocol for quantum cryptography which is secure against attacks on individual signals. It is based on the Bennett-Brassard protocol of 1984 (BB84). The security proof is complete as far as the use of single photons as signal states is concerned. Emphasis is given to the practicability of the resulting protocol. For each run of the quantum key distribution the security statement gives the probability of a successful key generation and the probability for an eavesdropper's knowledge, measured as change in Shannon entropy, to be below a specified maximal value.Comment: Authentication scheme corrected. Other improvements of presentatio

    Operational Theory of Homodyne Detection

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    We discuss a balanced homodyne detection scheme with imperfect detectors in the framework of the operational approach to quantum measurement. We show that a realistic homodyne measurement is described by a family of operational observables that depends on the experimental setup, rather than a single field quadrature operator. We find an explicit form of this family, which fully characterizes the experimental device and is independent of a specific state of the measured system. We also derive operational homodyne observables for the setup with a random phase, which has been recently applied in an ultrafast measurement of the photon statistics of a pulsed diode laser. The operational formulation directly gives the relation between the detected noise and the intrinsic quantum fluctuations of the measured field. We demonstrate this on two examples: the operational uncertainty relation for the field quadratures, and the homodyne detection of suppressed fluctuations in photon statistics.Comment: 7 pages, REVTe

    Growth, processing, and optical properties of epitaxial Er_2O_3 on silicon

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    Erbium-doped materials have been investigated for generating and amplifying light in low-power chip-scale optical networks on silicon, but several effects limit their performance in dense microphotonic applications. Stoichiometric ionic crystals are a potential alternative that achieve an Er^(3+) density 100× greater. We report the growth, processing, material characterization, and optical properties of single-crystal Er_2O_3 epitaxially grown on silicon. A peak Er^(3+) resonant absorption of 364 dB/cm at 1535nm with minimal background loss places a high limit on potential gain. Using high-quality microdisk resonators, we conduct thorough C/L-band radiative efficiency and lifetime measurements and observe strong upconverted luminescence near 550 and 670 nm

    Squeezing enhancement by damping in a driven atom-cavity system

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    In a driven atom-cavity coupled system in which the two-level atom is driven by a classical field, the cavity mode which should be in a coherent state in the absence of its reservoir, can be squeezed by coupling to its reservoir. The squeezing effect is enhanced as the damping rate of the cavity is increased to some extent.Comment: 3 pages and 3 figure