71 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic relationships of BNAC proteins.

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    <p>The amino acid sequences were aligned using MUSCLE program and the Bayesian tree was generated by MrBayes v 3.2, using MCMC algorithms and GTR model with gamma distributed rates. Each subfamily is highlighted in a different color.</p


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    <p>In this study, we performed the first comparative proteomic analysis of wheat flag leaves and developing grains in response to drought stress. Drought stress caused a significant decrease in several important physiological and biochemical parameters and grain yield traits, particularly those related to photosynthesis and starch biosynthesis. In contrast, some key indicators related to drought stress were significantly increased, including malondialdehyde, soluble sugar, proline, glycine betaine, abscisic acid content, and peroxidase activity. Two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) identified 87 and 132 differentially accumulated protein (DAP) spots representing 66 and 105 unique proteins following exposure to drought stress in flag leaves and developing grains, respectively. The proteomes of the two organs varied markedly, and most DAPS were related to the oxidative stress response, photosynthesis and energy metabolism, and starch biosynthesis. In particular, DAPs in flag leaves mainly participated in photosynthesis while those in developing grains were primarily involved in carbon metabolism and the drought stress response. Western blotting and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) further validated some key DAPs such as rubisco large subunit (RBSCL), ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase), chaperonin 60 subunit alpha (CPN-60 alpha) and oxalate oxidase 2 (OxO 2). The potential functions of the identified DAPs revealed that a complex network synergistically regulates drought resistance during grain development. Our results from proteome perspective provide new insight into the molecular regulatory mechanisms used by different wheat organs to respond to drought stress.</p

    The relative expression ratio of 6 representative <i>BNAC</i> genes in response to different abiotic conditions.

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    <p>The name of each gene is provided at the top of each bar diagram (error bars indicate standard deviations). D12, D24, D48 and R48: drought treatments for 12, 24, 48 h and recover 48 h, respectively; S12, S24 and S48: salt treatment for 12, 24 and 48 h, respectively; C12, C24 and C48: cold treatment for 12, 24 and 48 h, respectively; G6, G12 and G24: gibberellin treatment for 6, 12 and 24 h, respectively; H2, H4 and H6: H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> treatment for 2, 4 and 6 h, respectively.</p

    Functional divergence between NAC subgroups in <i>Brachypodium distachyon</i>.

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    <p>Note: θ<sub>I</sub> and θ<sub>II</sub>, the coefficients of Type-I and Type-II functional divergence; LRT, Likelihood Ratio Statistic</p><p>*, p < 0.05</p><p>**, p < 0.01</p><p>Qk, posterior probability.</p><p>Functional divergence between NAC subgroups in <i>Brachypodium distachyon</i>.</p

    The relative expression ratio of 9 representative <i>BNAC</i> genes in different abiotic stresses.

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    <p>The single and double asterisks indicate genes whose expression was up- or down-regulated by more than three- and tenfold, respectively. The y-axis represents the relative expression level of the stresses-treated seedling compared with that of control seedling. CK, before treatment; Cd, cadmium stress. Error bars represent the standard errors.</p

    Estimates of the dates for the segmental events between the duplicated <i>BNAC</i> genes.

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    <p>MYA: million years ago</p><p>λ = 6.5×10<sup>−9</sup></p><p>Estimates of the dates for the segmental events between the duplicated <i>BNAC</i> genes.</p

    A putative pathway of membrane-bound NAC TFs in response to various abiotic stresses.

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    <p>Transcription factors such as DREBs or AREBs might regulate the transcription of <i>NAC</i> genes by binding to stress-related <i>cis</i>-acting elements in the upstream promoter. The NTLs are released from RIP and RUP in response to ER stress. During RIP, activated NTLs are released from membrane by specific membrane-integrated proteases, such as calpain. During RUP, the NTLs are ubiquitinated and degraded by the 26S proteasome to maintain the protein stability. DREB, dehydration responsive element binding protein; AREB, ABA-responsive element binding protein; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; RIP, regulated intramembrane proteolysis; RUP, regulated ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent processing; NTL, NAC membrane-bound TF; KRP, KIP-related protein; H4: histone H4; FT, FLOWERING LOCUS T; ROS, reactive oxygen species.</p
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