188 research outputs found

    Exploring the framework of assemblage moment matrices and its applications in device-independent characterizations

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    In a recent work [Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 240401 (2016)], a framework known by the name of "assemblage moment matrices" (AMMs) has been introduced for the device-independent quantification of quantum steerability and measurement incompatibility. In other words, even with no assumption made on the preparation device nor the measurement devices, one can make use of this framework to certify, directly from the observed data, the aforementioned quantum features. Here, we further explore the framework of AMM and provide improved device-independent bounds on the generalized robustness of entanglement, the incompatibility robustness and the incompatibility weight. We compare the tightness of our device-independent bounds against those obtained from other approaches. Along the way, we also provide an analytic form for the generalized robustness of entanglement for an arbitrary two-qudit isotropic state. When considering a Bell-type experiment in a tri- or more-partite scenario, we further show that the framework of AMM provides a natural way to characterize a superset to the set of quantum correlations, namely, one which also allows post-quantum steering.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. Comments welcome

    Boosting entanglement growth of many-body localization by superpositions of disorder

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    Many-body localization (MBL) can occur when strong disorders prevent an interacting system from thermalization. To study the dynamics of such systems, it is typically necessary to perform an ensemble average over many different disorder configurations. Previous works have utilized an algorithm in which different disorder profiles are mapped into a quantum ancilla. By preparing the ancilla in a quantum superposition state, quantum parallelism can be harnessed to obtain the ensemble average in a single computation run. In this work, we modify this algorithm by performing a measurement on the ancilla. This enables the determination of conditional dynamics not only by the ensemble average but also by the quantum interference effect. Using a phenomenological analysis based on local integrals of motion, we demonstrate that this protocol can lead to an enhancement of the dephasing effect and a boost in the entanglement growth for systems in the deep MBL phase. We also present numerical simulations of the random XXZ model where this enhancement is also present in a smaller disorder strength, beyond the deep MBL regime.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
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