37 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Manifestasi Panas Bumi Dengan Memanfaatkan Kanal Thermal Pada Citra Landsat (Studi Kasus : Kawasan Dieng)

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    Indonesia is one country that still uses fossil energy sources as a primary energy source. However, the availability of fossil energy sources is surely will be depleted when used continuously.In addition to the abundant fossil energy sources, Indonesia is also gifted new and renewable energy sources. The energy sources such as water, geothermal, biomass, solar, wind, up to uranium. Geothermal energy in Indonesia is estimated to be the third largest in the world. It is closely related to the position of Indonesia in the tectonic framework of the world. Dieng Plateau is a complex of volcanoes, vast plains shaped with a length of approximately 14 km, 6 km wide and extends from the Southwestern - Southeast. The availability of geothermal energy is not separated by a manifestations exist on the surface. Surface geothermal manifestations such as solfatar, fumaroles, hot steamy soil, silica sinter and hydrothermal alteration. All the manifestations of the surface has a relatively higher temperature then the surrounding environment. Remote sensing method is very effective in finding geothermal manifestations considering the research area covering a large area. Landsat image processing result of thermal band will generate hot spots that indicates the exist of geothermal manifestations. But the hot spots that gained are not all as geothermal manifestations. Therefore it needs separation of the hot spots in the form of geothermal manifestations and not a manifestation of geothermal. Landsat image processing results in this research showed the lowest temperature is 11,180 0C on Landsat imagery in 2006 and the highest temperature is 39,671 0C on Landsat imagery in 2014. The temperature range of geothermal manifestation which is recorded in this research is at 25,271 0C up to 39,671 0C. According to the level of consistency hot sightings from geothermal manifestations in this research, the manifestations of which are constantly showing the heat production is Sileri Crater and Condrodimuko Crater. Size manifestation that was detected by Landsat imagery wider than 30 m x 30 m in accordance with a spatial resolution of thermal band Landsat image

    Analisis Perbandingan Kepadatan Pemukiman Menggunakan Klasifikasi Supervised Dan Segmentasi (Studi Kasus: Kota Bandung)

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    Settlements are residential area consisting of more than one housing unit which is very important in human life. Nowadays, vacant area and green area are decreasing because of the higher density of settlements, especially in big cities such as Bandung.Remote sensing technology and geographic information system (GIS) can help obtaining the dense settlement information by analyzing the image of high resolution Quickbird. In this study, the method used to analyze is segmentation and supervised classification.Information of the dense settlement wide area in Bandung in 2012 is obtained using segmentation method and supervised classification. The result of both methods is compared. The Result of dense settlement area of Bandung in 2012 using segmentation method is 115,949,487.2 m², while according to the result of supervised classification is 117,233,067.02 m². Based on the accuracy test of segmentation method, it is 100% whereas supervised classification is 98,418%. In statistical test point of view, both of the methods have a remarkably strong correlation and the same direction with the value of 0.998, with the hypothesis that the wide of dense settlements area obtained from segmentation method was different with supervised classification method was significantly different with

    Identifikasi Kawasan Upwelling Berdasarkan Variabilitas Klorofil-a, Suhu Permukaan Laut Dari Data Citra Aqua Modis Tahun 2003-2015 Dan Arus (Studi Kasus: Perairan Nusa Tenggara Timur)

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    The existence of Indonesian sea which is widely and strategic becoming Indonesia as the world maritime axis that is why Indonesia have potential sea natural resources, one of them is East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) where have great fish potential. A lot of fish potential is related to fitoplankton existence which can know from chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature by remote sensing with using Aqua MODIS imagery and also complemented with the wind vector and wind velocity from QuickScat Imagery in NTT sea.The data processing method in this research was used IDL to process sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a and tide from 2013 until 2015, therefore sea surface temperature distribution spatial pattern, chlorophyll-a, vector and speed of wind to identify upwelling phenomenon in NTT sea which proven a lot of nutrition and a lot of fitoplankton as natural feed for fish therefore it can get impact for rising fish productivity in NTT sea. The test of data is required by analyzed distribution of clorophyll-a, Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and wind to fish potential area in NTT sea.This research product are sea surface temperature distribution map and tide map, based on climatology this is to know cause and effect of upwelling in NTT sea. Upwelling phenomenon in NTT sea is happened on May until december. When the upwelling happens, chlorophyll-a value is about 0,223 until 0,413 mg/m3with the average is 0,329 mg/m3, the highest distribution of chlorophyll-a is on September. Sea surface temperature value distribution between 26,768-28,689 ⁰C with the average is 27,548 ⁰C, and The lowest distribution is on August and wid speed when upwelling happens is about 3,654-5,351 m/s with the average is 4,715 m/s, The highest wind speed is on July. Therefore, it makes upwelling time late in NTT sea

    Pemanfaatan Penginderaan Jauh Dan Sig Untuk Pemetaan Kawasan Potensi Sumber Plts Di Pulau Jawa

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    The increasing population density which happened in Java Island as central of government, education, social and politics is caused by inequality distribution of population. Those are led to bump the vital needs, one of them is eletric current. Electric energy wtih the new and renewable resources has not yet reach the optimization, one of them is solar energy. The mapping of solar power energy generator potential is needed for accelerate identification potential areas.The purpose of reasearch is get distribution solar power energy generator location with remote sensing and GIS. The methods which will be used are classification method, overlay, scoring and weighting each parameters. Parameters which is used are monthly rainfall accumulation, monthly average cloud distribution, land surface temperature class map, land use map, and slope map. Determination of solar power energy generator potential on chosen regency is computed by weighting land surface temperature parameter, land use and landslide in 4 classes potential.These classes were defined very low potential, low potential, medium potential, and high potential.Based on monthly rainfall accumulation and cloud distribution overlay are resulted 4 regencies with drought month and most cloud free area Gresik, Lamongan, Rembang, and Sampang regency. From the rainfall accumulation, Rembang regency is the lowest rainfall accumulation on one year periode. Spatial analysis, weighting addition, and also scoring on land surface temperature, land use and land slide are done only on Rembang regency. The results are 2,085.153Ha or 2 % very low potential area, 70,877.295 Ha or 69% low potential area, 3,509.407Ha or 3% medium potential area, 27,162.458 Ha or 26% high potential area

    Analisis Perbandingan Data Citra Satelit Eos Aqua/terra Modis Dan Noaa Avhrr Menggunakan Parameter Suhu Permukaan Laut

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    Sea surface temperature (SST) is one of the parameters which can be used to detect the potential of fish distribution in the sea. One of method which can be used to measure the SST to utilize remote sensing satellite imagery. The data used in this study are the Aqua, Terra and NOAA satellite imagery from 2010 until 2012. This study purpose is to find out the value of SST in the northern region of Papua in 2010 to 2012 from satellite imagery and also to compare the satellite imagery with Buoy data as a field validation data.The methode of processing is used a script programming language by using the programming software which built to get the SST value by compiling data. The next step when the previous processing result has out are selecting the data, emulating the time between the satellite imagery with the Buoy Data, average monthly and yearly SST calculation, noise and RMSE value calculation, making the graphic and scatterplot, and also the depiction of SST distribution maps.The result shows the value of SST in northern Papua has decreased every year with a random pattern. From the three satellite imagery which are used in this research, NOAA imagery is the most imagery which can represent the condition of the SST on real field. It is due to the value of the noise and RMSE on NOAA are about -0.43 and 0.2228. Based on statistic test, there is a correlation between the Aqua, Terra and NOAA imagery and Buoy Data. Then, there is a difference between the value of the average SST temperature data from satellite imagery and Buoy with a confidence level of 95%

    Analisis Akurasi Pemodelan 3d Menggunakan Metode Close Range Photogrammetry (Crp), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Uav) Dan Terrestrial Laser Scanner (Tls)

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    Patung Diponegoro merupakan salah satu ikon penting yang berada di kawasan kampus Universitas Diponegoro. Karena patung yang baru berada didaerah Widya Puraya. Oleh karena itu banyak orang yang mengunjungi patung tersebut. Patung Diponegoro juga mengalami pengikisan oleh alam (angin, air hujan, dan lain-lain). Maka dari itu, dibutuhkan upaya pelestarian patung Diponegoro tersebut agar tidak rusak dan hilang keberadaannya oleh zaman.Pada penelitian kali ini, akan menggunakan tiga alat yang akan diuji ketelitiannya terhadap patung Diponegoro yaitu kamera non metrik, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) dan Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Close Range Photogrametry dengan membandingkan hasil visualisasi model dan menguji ketelitian model tiga dimensi dengan perbandingan jarak hasil ukur lapangan Total Station. Dari hasil visualisasi dan ketelitian model tiga dimensi akan didapatkan hasil mana yang lebih baik antara kamera non metrik, UAV maupun TLS.Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa TLS memiliki tingkat ketelitian geometrik yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kamera non metrik dan UAV. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil tingkat ketelitian akurasi pada TLS sebesar 0,0067 ±0,0087 meter untuk Patung Pangeran Diponegoro. Sedangkan pada kamera non metrikdidapatkan hasil tingkat ketelitianyang lebih rendah yaitu sebesar 0,1615 ±0,0593 meter pada Patung Pangeran Diponegoro. Sementara itu Pada UAV didapatkan tingkat ketelitian yang cukup baik dibandingkan dengan kamera yaitu sebesar 0,0162±0,0133 meter. Berdasarkan hasil visualisasi model tiga dimensi antara kamera, UAV dan TLS didapatkan hasil bahwa UAV dan TLS menghasilkan model yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan model tiga dimensi yang dihasilkan oleh kamera non metrik.Dengan hasil analisis pada penelitian ini diharapkan hasil pemodelan 3D dengan kamera dan UAV dapat digunakan sebagai upaya pelestarian patung Diponegoro