23 research outputs found

    The effect of seif-isolation on the psychological state of the individual

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    The article discusses the reasons for the psychological state at the time of self-isolation during the COVID-19. A comparative analysis of the effect of self-isolation on various psychotypes.В статье рассмотрены причины психологического состояния на момент самоизоляции в период COVID-19. Проведен сравнительный анализ влияния самоизоляции на различные психотип

    The blessed and the insane in Europe and Russia in the middle ages and early modern times: a comparative analysis

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    The article reveals the problem of attitudes towards mentally ill people in the pre-scientific period of the development of medicine in Russia and Europe. A comparative analysis of the situation of the insane in these regions is carried out. The author made a conclusion about the living conditions of the mentally ill in Europe and Russia at different intervals.В статье раскрывается проблема отношения к душевнобольным людям в донаучный период развития медицины в России и Европе. Проводится сравнительный анализ положения умалишенных в данных регионах. Автор сделал вывод об условиях жизни душевнобольных в Европе и России в разные промежутки времени


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    This paper reports the results on the composition of lithosphere mantle under the Mirny kimberlite field. The authors investigated 57 samples of the mantle xenoliths collected from the Mir pipe. The samples were represented by peridotites (Grt lherzolites) and pyroxenites (Grt websterite, Grt clinopyroxenite and eclogite). The composition of minerals (garnet, clinopyroxene) and various rocks in the lithosphere mantle under the Mirny kimberlite field were analyzed based on petrographic features and chemical data. Besides, PT conditions of rock crystallization were calculated using different geothermobarometers. Garnets from peridotites and websterites show relatively high Mg# (75–83) and low TiO2 contents (up to 0.2 wt. %). Since the eclogite has high-Ca (3.78–9.46 wt. %) and high-Fe (7.77–17.20 wt. %) garnet composition, it lies in the area of wehrlite paragenesis. In general, garnets from the lithosphere mantle under the Mirny kimberlite field have low-Ti garnet composition (up to 0.7 wt. %). Thus, the lithosphere mantle under the Mirny kimberlite field differs from the lithosphere mantle under other diamondiferous fields in a widespread development of eclogite and pyroxenite (up to 50 %), low-Ti composition of rocks, as well as virtual absence of deformed lherzolites. These signs probably indicate minor alteration of silicate metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle under the Mirny field (in contrast to the center of the Siberian craton)

    Modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment of urethral strictures: literature review and own experience

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    This article presents a literature review of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment for urethral strictures. In addition, the own results of a pilot study on the use of synthetic tissue-engineering structures as a material for urethroplasty substitution are presented as well


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    This paper reports the results on the composition of lithosphere mantle under the Mirny kimberlite field. The authors investigated 57 samples of the mantle xenoliths collected from the Mir pipe. The samples were represented by peridotites (Grt lherzolites) and pyroxenites (Grt websterite, Grt clinopyroxenite and eclogite). The composition of minerals (garnet, clinopyroxene) and various rocks in the lithosphere mantle under the Mirny kimberlite field were analyzed based on petrographic features and chemical data. Besides, PT conditions of rock crystallization were calculated using different geothermobarometers. Garnets from peridotites and websterites show relatively high Mg# (75–83) and low TiO2 contents (up to 0.2 wt. %). Since the eclogite has high-Ca (3.78–9.46 wt. %) and high-Fe (7.77–17.20 wt. %) garnet composition, it lies in the area of wehrlite paragenesis. In general, garnets from the lithosphere mantle under the Mirny kimberlite field have low-Ti garnet composition (up to 0.7 wt. %). Thus, the lithosphere mantle under the Mirny kimberlite field differs from the lithosphere mantle under other diamondiferous fields in a widespread development of eclogite and pyroxenite (up to 50 %), low-Ti composition of rocks, as well as virtual absence of deformed lherzolites. These signs probably indicate minor alteration of silicate metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle under the Mirny field (in contrast to the center of the Siberian craton).Целью работы являлось изучение состава литосферной мантии под кимберлитовой трубкой Мир. Авторами была исследована коллекция мантийных ксенолитов из трубки Мир (57 образцов). Образцы представлены перидотитами (зернистые гранатовые лерцолиты) и пироксенитами (гранатовые вебстериты, гранатовые клинопироксениты и эклогиты). На основе данных по петрографическим особенностям, составу минералов (гранат, клинопироксен) составлена вещественная характеристика различных типов пород в литосферной мантии под кимберлитовой трубкой Мир, также с помощью различных геотермобарометров были рассчитаны Р-Т-условия кристаллизации пород. Гранаты из перидотитов отличаются относительно высокой магнезиальностью (75–83) и низким содержанием TiO2 (до 0.2 мас. %). Эклогиты характеризуются высококальциевым (3.78–9.46 мас. %) и высокожелезистым (7.77–17.20 мас. %) составом граната, на диаграмме Н.В. Соболева попадая в область верлитового парагенезиса. В целом гранаты из литосферной мантии под Мирнинским кимберлитовым полем характеризуются низкотитанистым составом граната (до 0.7 мас. %), отличаясь от высокотитанистых гранатов Далдынского кимберлитового поля. Таким образом, литосферная мантия под Мирнинским кимберлитовым полем отличается от литосферной мантии под другими алмазоносными полями более широким развитием эклогитов и пироксенитов (до 50 %), низко-Ti составом пород и отсутствием деформированных лерцолитов. Данные признаки, вероятно, свидетельствуют о минимальном проявлении силикатного метасоматоза в литосферной мантии под кимберлитовой трубкой Мир (в отличие от центра Сибирского кратона)

    Online education: Prospects of development in Russia

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    Copyright©2019 by authors, all rights reserved. Nowadays two mainstreams of “Globalization of online education” and “Its individualization” can be observed in the area of distance and online education. This article aimed at outlining some possibilities of foreign-language online courses that meet the trends mentioned above, as well as identifying tendencies in the development of distance education in Russia. Our paper is devoted to the analysis of MOOC market, both on a national as well as a worldwide basis. MOOCs integrate virtual educational space at the global level and their main characteristics include massive involvement, openness, online interaction between students and teachers in chats, video conferences, forums, automatic assessment of student performance while performing tests, and the system of mutual evaluation of each other's works by students. To further investigate the subject, the following methods were used: system analysis, synthesis, and generalization, as well as the method of comparison when identifying main trends in the development and dissemination of MOOC

    Online education: Prospects of development in Russia

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    Copyright©2019 by authors, all rights reserved. Nowadays two mainstreams of “Globalization of online education” and “Its individualization” can be observed in the area of distance and online education. This article aimed at outlining some possibilities of foreign-language online courses that meet the trends mentioned above, as well as identifying tendencies in the development of distance education in Russia. Our paper is devoted to the analysis of MOOC market, both on a national as well as a worldwide basis. MOOCs integrate virtual educational space at the global level and their main characteristics include massive involvement, openness, online interaction between students and teachers in chats, video conferences, forums, automatic assessment of student performance while performing tests, and the system of mutual evaluation of each other's works by students. To further investigate the subject, the following methods were used: system analysis, synthesis, and generalization, as well as the method of comparison when identifying main trends in the development and dissemination of MOOC

    Theological and educational ideas of the Tatar enlightener Kayum Nasyri

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    © Chumarova et al. Purpose of the study: In the article, it is researched influence of theological and educational ideas of the Tatar enlightener Kayum Nasyri to the development of education and upbringing of Tatar people. The authors studied the conditions of the period when Kayum Nasyri lived and worked. Methodology: In the article, it is analyzed the merits of the great Tatar enlightener. There is a description of the educational goals, tasks, and principles that Kayum Nasyri thought that should be taken by teachers in the process of education and upbringing of Tatar people. Results: The authors of the article researched the value of theological and educational ideas of Kayum Nasyri for further changes of the educational system of Tatar people from the middle of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century which was the period of glory of Tatar philosophical thoughts. Applications of this study: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality of this study: In this research, the model of the theological and educational ideas of the Tatar enlightener Kayum nasyri is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Theological and educational ideas of the Tatar enlightener Kayum Nasyri

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    © Chumarova et al. Purpose of the study: In the article, it is researched influence of theological and educational ideas of the Tatar enlightener Kayum Nasyri to the development of education and upbringing of Tatar people. The authors studied the conditions of the period when Kayum Nasyri lived and worked. Methodology: In the article, it is analyzed the merits of the great Tatar enlightener. There is a description of the educational goals, tasks, and principles that Kayum Nasyri thought that should be taken by teachers in the process of education and upbringing of Tatar people. Results: The authors of the article researched the value of theological and educational ideas of Kayum Nasyri for further changes of the educational system of Tatar people from the middle of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century which was the period of glory of Tatar philosophical thoughts. Applications of this study: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality of this study: In this research, the model of the theological and educational ideas of the Tatar enlightener Kayum nasyri is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    The phenomenon of ‘silence’ of ontological prose of 1970s by russian and russian-speaking writers

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    Молчание является несомненным этноокрашенным феноменом, и потому его сопоставительный анализ в текстах русских и русскоязычных писателей младописьменных литератур России обнаруживает специфику решений мотивно-тематического комплекса «молчание» не только индивидуального, но и надыиндивидуального порядка. Онтологическая проза с ее известными константными особенностями высвечивает ментальные смещения и вариации в определенных узловых моментах текста, где культурный генотип автора срабатывает бессознательно и автоматически. Феномен молчания выступает в роли зоны-ловушки различий картины мира мастеров слова. В статье устанавливается общность изображения феномена молчания в текстах 1970-х годов одного жанра ненецкого, хантыйского и чукотского русскоязычных прозаиков и фиксируется ее отличие от воплощения данного мотивно-тематического комплекса в повестях трех представителей русской художественной школы (В. Распутин, В. Крупин, В. Личутин). В исследовании устанавливается, что метисная природа одного из авторов (А. Ким) коррелирует со смешанным типом воплощения комплекса «молчание» в текстах. В работе выделяются четыре различных подхода к аналитике молчания, формулируются широкие культурно-антропологические и социокультурные основания для сопоставления онтологических поисков мастеров художественного слова в российском пространстве второй половины XX . Silence is definitely an ethnic phenomenon, that is why the comparative analysis of the texts of Russian and Russian-speaking writers detects the specifics of making motive-thematic complex «silence» not only of an individual, but also of a supra-individual order. Ontological prose with its constant features highlights the mental bias and variations in certain crucial points of the text, where the cultural genotype of the author works unconsciously and automatically. The phenomenon of silence is an index to differences in the worldimage of writers. This paper marks the common features of the phenomenon of silence in the texts of the 1970s, belonging to one genre and written by Nenetsky, Khanty and the Chukotsky Russian-speaking writers. The article also studies the differences between this prose and works written by the three representatives of the Russian literature school (V. Rasputin, V. Krupin, V. Lichutin). The study establishes that the origin of one of the authors (A. Kim) correlates with the mixed type of the realization of the complex “silence”. The paper highlights four different approaches to the analysis of silence, formulates broad cultural and anthropological and socio-cultural basis for mapping ontological search of writers in Russia in the second half of XX century