29 research outputs found

    Analisis Beban Kerja dan Produktivitas untuk Perencanaan Jumlah Tenaga Kerja pada Divisi Consumer Banking Operations PT Bank DBS Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan dalam rangka perencanaan sumber daya manusia pada divisi consumer banking operations (CBO) PT Bank DBS Indonesia melalui analisis beban kerja dan produktivitas mengggunakan metode pengamatan work sampling dan daily log. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa empat unit kerja yang terdapat pada divisi CBO mengalami overload dengan presentasi produktivitas yang telah mencapai optimum yaitu rata-rata diatas 80% dan satu unit lainnya pada divisi CBO mengalami underload dengan presentase produktivitas dibawah produktivitas optimal yaitu 66%. Untuk itu, melalui perhitungan Full Time Equivalent (FTE) dapat diketahui bahwa diperlukan penambahan tenaga kerja pada unit-unit kerja yang mengalami overload


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    PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF BACTERIAL CELLULOSE REINFORCED POLYETHYLENE COMPOSITES. This paper discusses the influence of bacterial cellulose reinforced polyethylene composites on the physical and mechanical properties. Composites consisting of polyethylene and bacterial cellulose were prepared by extrusion and compression process. The content of bacterial cellulose subjected to polyethylene was set from 0-50 (w/w)% with the addition of 2 % Polyethylene Maleic Anhydride (MAPE). The effect of bacterial cellulose content in the composites was evaluated. The tensile strength and elongation at break of composite declined with increasing of bacterial cellulose, but the Young’s modulus increased, demonstrating that composite becoming more rigid. At 23 oC 50 % RH, tensile strength, break strain and modulus of elasticity of polyethylene was 21.2 MPa, of 270 % and 763 MPa respectively. With the bacterial cellulose loading up to 50 %, tensile strength dropped to be half, break strain to be less than 0.5 %, but Young’s modulus increased more than 230 %. In addition, the composite became more hydrophilic and more amorphous loading with bacterial cellulose

    Digitalisasi Desa Berbasis Aplikasi “Simpeldesa”: Inovasi Dalam Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan Berkelanjutan Di Desa Cibiru Wetan

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    Digitalisasi desa dapat berkontribusi terhadap pembangunan nasional, khususnya dalam konteks ketahanan pangan. Melalui pendekatan observasi lapangan dan wawancara dengan berbagai pihak di Desa Cibiru Wetan, Kabupaten Bandung. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana digitalisasi desa dapat berkontribusi terhadap pembangunan nasional, khususnya dalam konteks ketahanan pangan, sehingga dapat memberikan jawaban bahwa digitalisasi bukan hanya konsep abstrak tetapi dapat diwujudkan dan memberikan manfaat nyata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa digitalisasi desa berpotensi dalam mendukung pembangunan nasional khususnya mengenai ketahanan pangan melalui peningkatan ketersediaan, akses, pemanfaatan, dan stabilitas pangan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan referensi bagi desa-desa lain di Indonesia dalam mengimplementasikan digitalisasi sebagai salah satu strategi pembangunan, serta memberikan wawasan baru bagi pemerintah daerah dan stakeholder terkait dalam merumuskan kebijakan pembangunan desa yang berorientasi pada ketahanan pangan

    Performance Evaluation of Bacterial Cellulose Reinforced Polyethylene Composites

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    This paper discusses the influence of bacterial cellulose reinforced polyethylene composites on the physical and mechanical properties. Composites consisting of polyethylene and bacterial cellulose were prepared by extrusion and compression process. The content of bacterial cellulose subjected to polyethylene was set from 0-50 (w/w)% with the addition of 2% Polyethylene Maleic Anhydride (MAPE). The effect of bacterial cellulose content in the composites was evaluated. The tensile strength and elongation at break of composite declined with increasing of bacterial cellulose, but the Young\u27s modulus increased, demonstrating that composite becoming more rigid. At 23 oC 50%RH, tensile strength, break strain and modulus of elasticity of polyethylene was 21.2 MPa, of 270 % and 763 MPa respectively. With the bacterial cellulose loading up to 50%, tensile strength dropped to be half, break strain to be less than 0.5%, but Young\u27s modulus increased more than 230 %. In addition, the composite became more hydrophilic and more amorphous loading with bacterial cellulose

    Studying on Influence of Variation for Voltages and Hydrogen Rates to Power Density Production of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuelcell

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    The studying on influence of variation fan voltages and hydrogen flow rates to power density production of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) had been done. There was also a polarisation curve fitting method to investigate dependence of over potential losses with variation hydrogen flow rates (20-100 mL/minute). Double cells of open cathode PEMFCs stack with active area of 30 cm2 was applied with different fan voltages (3-12Volt) which were got fromexternal electric circuit. As a result, there was an increase of power density in the voltage variation by 47-67% (compared with power density without fan) which rose from 45.16 mW/cm2 to about 70 mW/cm2. The highest power was achieved from 3 volt of fan voltage (73.26 mW/cm2). From the variation of hydrogen flow rates, dead point, which was caused by unbalance stoikiometri between hydrogen and oxygen, was introduced at low flow rate (20-40 mL/minute) and the optimum power (79 mW/cm2) was the result of 50 mL/minute of hydrogen flow rate. Based on polarisation curve fitting, increasing hydrogen flow rate caused increased in activation over potential activation but decreased in diffusion over potential which were results of hydrogen crossover and membrane dehydration. Meanwhile, the ohmic over potential remained constant for all hydrogen flow rate

    Analysis Ofcrushed Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes

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    Crushing Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) by cryogenic crusher is one of mechanical methods to create good dispersion Carbon Nanotube (CNT) as structural modification of MWCNT for potential hybrids materials. Crushing in 15 and 30 minutes effectively cut tubes to be shorter and densely-packed structure formed after crushing 30 minutes. Based on Raman spectroscopy and thermal behavior of crushed MWCNTs, functionalization of MWCNT unidentified after crushing. Burn temperature of crushed MWCNTs (601.6 °C and 603.6 °C) appeared to be sooner than that's of pristine MWCNT (642.2 °C). The low oxidation resistance of crushed MWCNT pointed out presence of defective carbon corresponding to too short-CNT due to cutting