516 research outputs found

    Analyzing the Response of Learners to Use Kahoot as Gamification of Learning Physics

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    This study aims to investigate the response of learners to use Kahoot as a gamification of learning. Kahoot is available for free applications, and this platform can be used in gamification based learning. Kahoot allows educators to make games based on quizzed, surveys, and other things related. Kahoot can be accessed using a smartphone-based on android and ios as well as through a computer with address www.kahoot.it. The method used in this research is descriptive method qualitative data support the results of analyzing the response of pesetas learners. This research was conducted in SMP Tunas Bangsa, West Jakarta learner class VII, with several 16 students. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire. Instrument used validated using product moment formula and reliability using the formula KR-20. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, we can conclude that the response of learners in the use Kahoot as gamification of learning that is in the select category with an average overall score obtained is 87.28%

    The MSSM Parameter Space with Non-Universal Higgs Masses

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    Without assuming that Higgs masses have the same values as other scalar masses at the input GUT scale, we combine constraints on the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) coming from the cold dark matter density with the limits from direct searches at accelerators such as LEP, indirect measurements such as b to s gamma decay and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. The requirement that Higgs masses-squared be positive at the GUT scale imposes important restrictions on the MSSM parameter space, as does the requirement that the LSP be neutral. We analyze the interplay of these constraints in the (mu, m_A), (mu, m_{1/2}), (m_{1/2}, m_0) and (m_A, tan beta) planes. These exhibit new features not seen in the corresponding planes in the constrained MSSM in which universality is extended to Higgs masses.Comment: 18 pages, latex, 10 eps figure

    Developing STEM Identity of Nez Perce Students: Identifying Entry-Level Competencies for Forestry and Fire Management

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the competencies that are required for entry-level forestry and fire management technicians. The strategy is a part of a larger goal to develop the STEM identity of Nez Perce students through the integration of relevant competencies in middle and high school curriculums. The DACUM process was used. Through this groupware process, nine experts from the Nez Perce Natural Resources produced a competency profile consisting of 12 duties and 79 tasks, along with general knowledge and skills, attitudes, tools, and future trends. Findings indicate that the experts view relevant cultural competencies as central to the function of the job and not as mere enablers. This has implications for how content is integrated, taught, and assessed in schools

    Hubungan Antara Aktivitas Menonton Tayangan Televisi Dan Intensitas Bimbingan Orang Tua Dengan Prestasi Belajar Sosiologi Siswa SMA N 1 Bantul Tahun Pelajaran 2012/ 2013

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    The objective of research was to find out the significant relationship of: (1) television show watching activity to learning achievement, (2) parent guidance intensity to learning achievement, and (3) television show watching activity and parent guidance intensity to learning achievement in the X graders of SMA N 1 Bantul in the school year of 2012/2013. This study employed a quantitative method with statistic analysis. The population of research was all of the X graders of SMA Negeri 1 Bantul consisting of 192 students. The sample was taken using random sampling. The size of sample for instrument tryout consisted of 17 students, selected randomly, and the sample of research consisted of 49 students. Technique of collecting data used for X1, X2, and Y variables was questionnaire, while the data analysis was conducted using a statistic descriptive analysis and product moment correlation with SPSS program for windows help. Considering the result of research, it could be found (1) the activity of watching television show related with the learning achievement with rX1Y = 0.0149, and P = 0.30, so that the relationship of activity of watching television show to learning achievement of the X graders of SMA N 1 Bantul was not significant. (2) The parent guidance intensity related with the learning achievement with rX2Y = 0.285, and P = 0.045, so that the relationship of parent guidance intensity to learning achievement of the X graders of SMA N 1 Bantul was significant. (3) The relationship of television show watching activity and parent guidance intensity to learning achievement yielded r X1X2Y = 0.339, and P = 0.060, so that the relationship of television show watching activity and parent guidance intensity to learning achievement in the X graders of SMA N 1 Bantul was significant

    High-Energy Constraints on the Direct Detection of MSSM Neutralinos

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    The requirement that the MSSM remain an acceptable effective field theory up to energies beyond the weak scale constrains the sparticle spectrum, and hence the permissible ranges of cold dark matter neutralino-proton cross sections. Specifically, squarks are generally much heavier than sleptons if no tachyons are to appear before the GUT scale ~10^16 GeV, or even before 10 TeV. We display explicitly the allowed ranges of effective squark and slepton masses at the weak scale, and the cross-section ranges allowed if the MSSM is to remain valid without tachyons up to 10 TeV or the GUT scale. The allowed areas in the cross section-mass plane for both spin-independent and spin-dependent scattering are significantly smaller than would be allowed if the MSSM were required to be valid only around the weak scale. In addition to a reduction in the maximum cross section, the upper limit on the neutralino mass is greatly reduced when tachyons are avoided, particularly for smaller values of the squark masses.Comment: 22 pages, 22 figure

    On the Feasibility of a Stop NLSP in Gravitino Dark Matter Scenarios

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    We analyze the possibility that the lighter stop {\tilde t_1} could be the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) in models where the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). We do not find any possibility for a stop NLSP in the constrained MSSM with universal input soft supersymmetry-breaking masses at the GUT scale (CMSSM), but do find small allowed regions in models with non-universal Higgs masses (NUHM). We discuss the cosmological evolution of stop hadrons. Most {\tilde t_1}qq `sbaryons' and the corresponding `antisbaryons' annihilate with conventional antibaryons and baryons into {\tilde t_1}{\bar q} `mesinos' and the corresponding `antimesinos', respectively, shortly after the quark-hadron transition in the early Universe, and most mesinos and antimesinos subsequently annihilate. As a result, insufficient metastable charged stop hadrons survive to alter Big Bang nucleosynthesis.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure

    Information on Applications of Traditional Medicine Nutritious Concoction Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    This writing describes the Application Information on Traditional Medicine nutritiousconcoction that aims to find out about the symptoms, causes, prevention, andtraditional herbs to cope with the disease. For that the author wanted to show them incomputerized form using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. By presenting it in the form ofcomputerization, the authors hope that the information that a typo, missing, orinappropriate can be repaired or renewed in a manner and time more efficiently. Alsoexpected this application enriches its users

    Dampak Kebijakan Larangan Ekspor Rotan Mentah terhadap Industri Furnitur Rotan Indonesia 2011-2012

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    This paper aims to analyze the impact of the ban policy on the export ofraw rattan towards Indonesian rattan furniture industry. Indonesian supplied theworld raw materials for 75.5%. Indonesia has the advantage in the production ofrattan raw materials, otherwise rattan furniture industry has not yet evolved.Through Permendag No. 35/M-DAG/PER/11/2011, Indonesia protect the rattanfurniture industry. In addition, this study aims to give information about thecondition of Indonesian rattan furniture industry before and after the issuance ofthe policy.This study applies mercantilism perspective. Mercantilism assume thateconomy controlled by political community and especially the government orcountry. Economic dependence on other countries for the mercantile should beavoided. When there is a threat of foreign parties in the free trade, then the statecan provide protection to avoid the impact. Protection theory used to analyze theimpact of the ban policy on the export of raw rattan towards Indonesian rattanfurniture industry. This study applies qualitative research method with libraryresearch.The results of this research founds that the ban policy on the raw rattanexport gives the positives influence on increases the export value of rattanfurniture and an increases in foreign exchange.Keywords: Mercantilism, Protection Policy, Rattan, Value of export

    Design Company In Sales Computerized Mds Kain Batik Using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

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    This writing explains the computerized system at the company's sales "Cain BatikMDS" which during the process is still done manually, so much the possibility oferror and is considered less effective and inefficient. Therefore, the authors provide abetter alternative to create a computerized sales system with a simple batik usingVisual Basic 6.0 programming language, which will be proposed by the authors toassist with the inputting of data processing goods through the production and salesprocess, which will then be automatically stored in a database and will exit thedisplay output to be received by the customer or purchaser as the invoice or receiptand to come to the view sales reports required by employers proficiency level in thesebatik cloth

    Application Information Academic and Student Administration (Baak) in STMIK Jakarta Sti&k Using Protocol Wireless Application (Wap)

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    Applications using Wireless Application Protocol technology (WAP), enablingapplications that can be displayed and made accessible with wireless hardware, sothat information retrieval can be more effective and efficient. Media are used tocapture information that is mobile phone (mobile phone), which is a very appropriatemedium and easy to socialize. This application form displayed text on the screenphone users. This application can be accessed by mobile phone already has thetechnology General Packet Radio Service (GPRS
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