43 research outputs found

    Analisis Determinasi Kualitas Perencanaan, Budaya Organisasi, Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru Di Smk PGRI 4 Denpasar

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    The objectives of this study was to determine the magnitude of Planning Quality determination of independent variables (X­1), Organization Culture (X2), Discipline (X3), and teacher performance (Y) toward the dependent variable at SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar. This research belonged to the subject of quantities research approaches, the research conducted are classified as “ex post facto”. Simple regression, multiple regressions, multiple correlation as well as partial correlation are carried out in analyzing data. The populations of the subjects study were teachers of SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar, amounting to 90 people. Samples in this study were taken with a proportional random sampling technique, the sample size by 73 teachers. Data are collected using questionnaires. The result showed that: (1) there is a determination of planning quality towards the performance of teachers in SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar with a determination equal to 47,5%, (2) there is a determination of organization culture towards the performance of teacher in SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar with a determination equal to 36,1%, (3) There is a determination towards the performance of work discipline teacher in SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar with a determination equal to 28,5%, and (4) simultaneously there is a determination of planning quality, organization culture, and discipline employment of teachers towards teacher performance in SMK PGRI 4 Denpasar with a determination equal to 62,1%

    Kontribusi Kompetensi Guru, Sikap Profesi Guru, Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMA Negeri 1 Sukawati

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    The study aimed at finding out the extend of (1) the contribution between teacher\u27s competency toward the teacher\u27s performance, (2) the contribution between teacher\u27s profession attitude toward the teacher\u27s performance, (3) the contribution between teacher\u27s work\u27s motivation toward teacher\u27s performance, and (4) the contribution between teacher\u27s competency, profession attitude, and work motivation toward teacher\u27s performance of SMAN 1 Sukawati. This study utilized an ex-post facto. Population are the whole teacher\u27s at SMAN 1 SUkawati which contained 65 teachers. Sampel was taken from the whole teacher at SMAN 1 Sukawati by using population research. They were analyzed based on regression analysis on 5% significant level. The result of the study indicated that: (1) there is contribution between teacher\u27s competency toward teacher\u27s performance at SMAN 1 Sukawati with its contribution 36,1%, (2) there is contribution between teacher\u27s profession attitude toward teacher\u27s performance at with its contribution 37,8%, (3) there is contribution between teacher\u27s work\u27s motivation toward teacher\u27s performance at SMAN 1 Sukawati with its contribution 39,3%, and (4) there is positive contribution between teachers competency, profession attitude and work\u27s motivation towards teacher\u27s performance at SMAN 1 Sukawati with its contribution 60,6%

    Determinasi Ekspektasi Karir, Kecerdasan Emosi, Dan Kompetensi Profesional Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMP Se-kecamatan Blahbatuh

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    This study aimed to find out the determination of carier expectation, emotional intelligence, and professional competency towards teacher\u27s performance in SMP of Blahbatuh subdistrict. This study belonged to ex post facto. Sampling in this study utilized simple random sampling that amounts 100 teachers. The data analyzed by using partial correlation and multiple linier regression. The results of this study showed that: (1) there is a determination of carier expectation towards teacher\u27s performance in SMP of Blahbatuh subdistrict with the value 35.1%, (2) there is a determination of emotional intelligency towards teacher\u27s performance in SMP of Blahbatuh subdistrict with the value 21.6%, (3) there is a determination of professional competency towards teacher\u27s performance in SMP of Blahbatuh subdistrict with the value 37.9%, dan (4) there are determination of carier expectation, emotional intelligence, and professional competency towards teacher\u27s performance in SMP of Blahbatuh subdistrict with the value 52,1%. Based on this finding it concluded that there is a determination of carier expectation, emotional intelligence, and professional competency towards teacher\u27s performance in SMP of Blahbatuh subdistrict

    Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Pembelajaran Sejarah (Studi Kasus Pada Peserta Didik Di SMA Negeri 1 Marga Tabanan)

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian kualitatif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan (1) perencanaan pendidikan karakter melalui pembelajaran sejarah, (2) pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter melalui pembelajaran sejarah, dan (3) penilaian pendidikan karakter melalui pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Negeri 1 Marga Tabanan. Subjek penelitiannya adalah guru sejarah kelas X, XI, dan XII. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode dokumen untuk mendapatkan data berupa silabus dan RPP, sedangkan observasi dan wawancara untuk mendapatkan data berupa perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan penilaian pembelajaran. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan prosedur analisis data kualitatif yakni pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penyimpulan/ verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) perencanaan pendidikan karakter melalui pembelajaran sejarah sudah cukup diterapkan oleh guru sejarah. (2) pelaksanaan pendidikan karakter melalui pembelajaran sejarah sudah cukup diterapkan oleh guru sejarah. (3) penilaian pendidikan karakter melalui pembelajaran sejarah kurang baik diterapkan oleh guru sejarah. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendidikan karakter melalui pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Negeri 1 Marga Tabanan masih perlu ditingkatkan lagi. Oleh karena itu, disarankan kepada guru sejarah, kepala sekolah, komite sekolah, dan dinas pendidikan bekerja sama dengan lebih intensif lagi untuk mendalami penerapan pendidikan karakter melalui pembelajaran sejarah di sekolah. Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: pendidikan karakter, pembelajaran sejarah This study used qualitative research design aimed at describing and explaining (1) the planning of character education through history instruction, (2) the implementation of character education through history instruction, and (3) the evaluation of character education through history instruction at SMA Negeri 1 Marga Tabanan. The subjects were the history teachers who taught at the tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades. The data collection used document method to gather data in the form of syllabus and lesson plans, while observation and interview were used to obtain data in the form of planning, implementation, and evaluation of the instruction. The data analysis used qualitative data analysis, i.e., data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion or verification. The results showed that: (1) the planning of character education through history instruction has been implemented quite well by the history teachers. (2) the implementation of character education through history instruction has been implemented quite well by the history teachers. (3) the evaluation of character education through history instruction was not adequately implemented. Therefore, it can be concluded that the character education through history instruction at SMA Negeri 1 Marga Tabanan still needs to be improved. Thus, it is suggested to the history teachers, the principal, school committee and officers at the office of education to work together more intensively to understand more about the implementation of character education through history instruction at school. keyword : Keywords: character education, history instructio

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad Terhadap Prestasi Belajar IPS Ditinjau Dari Konsep Diri Akademik Siswa Kelas VIII SMPN 3 Sukawati

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    This study aims to determine the influence of STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model of Social Learning Achievement Judging from Self Concept in Class Students at SMPN 3 Sukawati. This study uses the Post Test –Only Control Group Design. The research were conducted in academic year 2012/2013 that consist of 263 students. The sample using simple random sampling and analyzed by two ways Anova. The results are: 1)There are differences in social achievement of students who follow the model of type STAD Cooperative Learning with those who follow conventional learning 2)There are differences in the interaction in social achievement between the students who follow model of type STAD Cooperative Learning with those who follow conventional learning who have high self concept There are differences in social achievement between the students who follow model of type STAD Cooperative Learning with those who follow conventional learning who have high self concept with self concept 3)There are differences in social achievement between the students who follow model of type STAD Cooperative Learning with those who follow conventional learning who have high self concept 4) There are differences in social achievement between the students who follow model of type STAD Cooperative Learning with those who follow conventional learning who have low self concept. Based on these finding we can conclude that there are differences in students' social learning achievement of the following type STAD Cooperative Learning model judging from self concept in VIII Class Students at SMPN 3 Sukawati-Gianyar

    Kontribusi Sikap Profesional, Etos Kerja Dan Iklim Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMP Negeri Di Kecamatan Tampaksiring

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    This Study aimed at finding out and analist some phenomena in the field, such as teachers who do not pursue their profesion professionally in terms of job at outside working hours, less able to take advantage of the opportunity of free time for creativity, it can affect on the SMP teacher's performance in the subdistrict of Tampaksiring. The aim of this study was to find out the contribution of professional attitude, work ethic, and work climate on teacher performance in the SMP in subdistrict of Tampaksiring? This study is ex-post facto correlational with population of subjects include all SMP teachers in the subdistrict of Tampaksiring, number of samples were 93 people. This study was a survey. Data was collected by using questionnaires for variable of professional attitude, work ethic, work climate and performance. The questionnaire by using Likert scale models. Data were analyzed by using simple regression, multiple regression, and partial correlation analysis. The results showed there was significant contribution of professional attitude on the SMP teachers performance in subdistrict of Tampaksiring was 26.5%. There was significant contribution of work ethic on the teacher's performance in the subdistrict of Tampaksiring were 15.6%. There was significant contribution of the work climate on the SMP teacher's performance in the subdistrict of Tampaksiring were 15.6%. There was significant contribution of the professional attitude, work ethic, and working climate on the SMP teacher's performance in the subdistrict of Tampaksiring was 54.2%

    Manajemen Asta-kosala Kosali Candi Purasada, Desa Adat Kapal, Kecamatan Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung, Bali (Perspektif Lokal Genius Dan Pemanfaatan Sebagai Sumber Belajar Sejarah) Bagi Siswa Kelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 2 Tabanan

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    Guru dituntut menggunakan sumber belajar dilingkungan sekitar mengacu pada pembelajaran berbasis lingkungan. Pemanfaatan Candi Pura Sada sebagai sumber belajar sejarah sesuai dengan inovasi yang diharapkan dalam KTSP. Maka rumusan masalah yang muncul yaitu : 1. Bagaimana manajemen Asta Kosala Kosali Candi Pura Sada? 2. Bagaimanakah pengelolaan Candi Pura Sada dalam fungsinya sebagai sumber belajar sejarah? 3.Bagaimanakah persfektif lokal genius Candi Pura Sada dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber pembelajaran bagi siswa?. Kegiatan pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan situs sejarah Candi Pura Sada sebagai sumber belajar sejarah lebih menarik, kegiatan belajar menjadi tidak membosankan dan menumbuhkan antosianisme siswa dalam belajar. Pembelajaran lebih bermakna sebab siswa menangkap secara kongkrit, memahami dan mengamati sumber secara langsung mengenai kearipan lokal yang terkandung pada situs Candi Pura Sada. Maka pembelajaran sejarah dengan memanfatkan situs Candi Pura Sada sebagai sumber belajar sejarah efektif diterapkan dikelas XI IPS SMA Negeri 2 Tabanan. Hendaknya guru mengembangkan kreatifitas merencanakan kegiatan pemanfaatan sumber belajar secara efektif, sehingga melahirkan sistem pembelajaran yang “PAKEM” (pembelajaran aktif kreatif, efektif dan menyenangkan).Kata Kunci : Asta Kosala-Kosali, Candi, Lokal Genius, Sumber Belajar Teachers are required to use a variety of learning resources that exist around refers dlingkungan based learning environment. The temple of Pura Sada utilization as a source of learning history in accordance with the expected innovation in KTSP. The formulation of the problems that arise are: 1. How management Asta Kosala Kosali village temple of Pura Sada? 2. How is the management of the village temple of Pura Sada its function as a source of learning history? 3. How is the local perspective on the genius of Pura Sada temple can be used as a source of learning for students?. Learning activity by utilizing historical sites temple Pura Sada as a source of learning history more interesting, learning becomes boring and grow antosianisme students in learning. Learning more meaningful because students concretely capture, understand and observe the direct source of the Kearifan local contained on the temple site of Pura Sada. Then learning the history of the temple site of Pura Sada tapped as a source of learning the history of effectively applied in class XI IPS SMA Negeri 2 Tabanan. Teachers should develop a creative plan for the utilization of learning resources effectively, thus giving birth to the learning system "PAKEM" (active learning creative, effective and fun)