1,688 research outputs found

    A Study of EFL Classroom Discourse from the Perspectives of both DA and CA

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    In order to get the deeper understanding of EFL classroomdiscourse, the researcher displays the process of EFLclassroom discourse through the analytical instrumentsof both DA and CA. It is found that there are severaldiscourse structures in the EFL classroom discourse fromthe perspective of DA, it is more complex than the singleIRF structure which also including the IRFR structure,theIR [I1R1 … (InRn)] F structure and the IR1F1R2F2 …RnFnstructure. From the perspective of CA, the researchshows that quite a few conversational skills are usedin the EFL classroom discourse, such as turn-taking,conversation repair, interruption and repetition. It isconcluded that the students generally play a passive roleinEFL classroom discourse, especially in teacher-studentinteraction. Itshould be the joint effort of teacher andstudents to increase students’ contributionin classroomdiscourse and interaction.Key words: Discourse analysis; Conversationanalysis; IRF model; Turn-taking; ESL classroo

    Influence of Lisu People’s Religious Beliefs on their Traditional Medicine

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    The Lisu, inhabitants of Nujiang River Canyon in China’s northwestern Yunnan Province, believe in three set of religious beliefs: their own primitive religion, Christianity and Catholicism, introduced by Western missionaries in the 18th century (Yang et al. (Eds.), 1993). Religious convictions permeate all aspects of life conducted by Lisu and do have a profound impact upon various aspects of their traditional culture. The present article explores how religious tenets have helped shape and have affected traditional Lisu medicine, investigating the relationship between religion, culture, and traditional medicine, tracking the path from Lisu ancient history down to modern times

    Insuring Rural China's Health? An Empirical Analysis of China's New Cooperative Medical System

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    Although health is an important factor in economic development, millions of China's rural residents have no medical coverage. Nearly 10 percent of those that were sick in rural China consciously did not seek medical care, mostly because of financial constraints. More than 25% of rural residents are dissatisfied with their village's health system. In response to this deteriorating situation, a new cooperative medical system (NCMS) was initialized in rural China in 2003 by the government. However, after two years of trials, there has been no household-based, economic analysis of the program. This paper provides one of the first. Although where introduced, most rural residents voluntarily participate, there are many problems with the program. First, at least in its initial years, targeting has been poor; the program has been adopted in richer villages, even though there is a case that there are higher medical needs in poorer villages. Also, while the government subsidy pays part of the premium, more than 40% criticize the design of the program, including complaints about coverage, reimbursement rates and procedures. Based on our survey, the major concern is the extremely low reimbursement rates. Instead of up to 30% as promised, only 3% of total medical expenses of program participants were paid (6% for inpatient expenses). The expected payout of a participating farmer is actually negative; the farmer receives back less than what he/she puts in. There also is a gap in understanding of farmers and clinicians between the actual implementation of reimbursements and policy.Rural Health, Insurance, Targeting, Design Problems, China, Health Economics and Policy, I11, O15, O53,

    Inter-tier Interference Suppression in Heterogeneous Cloud Radio Access Networks

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    Incorporating cloud computing into heterogeneous networks, the heterogeneous cloud radio access network (H-CRAN) has been proposed as a promising paradigm to enhance both spectral and energy efficiencies. Developing interference suppression strategies is critical for suppressing the inter-tier interference between remote radio heads (RRHs) and a macro base station (MBS) in H-CRANs. In this paper, inter-tier interference suppression techniques are considered in the contexts of collaborative processing and cooperative radio resource allocation (CRRA). In particular, interference collaboration (IC) and beamforming (BF) are proposed to suppress the inter-tier interference, and their corresponding performance is evaluated. Closed-form expressions for the overall outage probabilities, system capacities, and average bit error rates under these two schemes are derived. Furthermore, IC and BF based CRRA optimization models are presented to maximize the RRH-accessed users' sum rates via power allocation, which is solved with convex optimization. Simulation results demonstrate that the derived expressions for these performance metrics for IC and BF are accurate; and the relative performance between IC and BF schemes depends on system parameters, such as the number of antennas at the MBS, the number of RRHs, and the target signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio threshold. Furthermore, it is seen that the sum rates of IC and BF schemes increase almost linearly with the transmit power threshold under the proposed CRRA optimization solution

    Computational Approach to Investigating Key GO Terms and KEGG Pathways Associated with CNV

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    Choroidal neovascularization (CNV) is a severe eye disease that leads to blindness, especially in the elderly population. Various endogenous and exogenous regulatory factors promote its pathogenesis. However, the detailed molecular biological mechanisms of CNV have not been fully revealed. In this study, by using advanced computational tools, a number of key gene ontology (GO) terms and KEGG pathways were selected for CNV. A total of 29 validated genes associated with CNV and 17,639 nonvalidated genes were encoded based on the features derived from the GO terms and KEGG pathways by using the enrichment theory. The widely accepted feature selection method—maximum relevance and minimum redundancy (mRMR)—was applied to analyze and rank the features. An extensive literature review for the top 45 ranking features was conducted to confirm their close associations with CNV. Identifying the molecular biological mechanisms of CNV as described by the GO terms and KEGG pathways may contribute to improving the understanding of the pathogenesis of CNV

    Transformer Convolutional Neural Networks for Automated Artifact Detection in Scalp EEG

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    It is well known that electroencephalograms (EEGs) often contain artifacts due to muscle activity, eye blinks, and various other causes. Detecting such artifacts is an essential first step toward a correct interpretation of EEGs. Although much effort has been devoted to semi-automated and automated artifact detection in EEG, the problem of artifact detection remains challenging. In this paper, we propose a convolutional neural network (CNN) enhanced by transformers using belief matching (BM) loss for automated detection of five types of artifacts: chewing, electrode pop, eye movement, muscle, and shiver. Specifically, we apply these five detectors at individual EEG channels to distinguish artifacts from background EEG. Next, for each of these five types of artifacts, we combine the output of these channel-wise detectors to detect artifacts in multi-channel EEG segments. These segment-level classifiers can detect specific artifacts with a balanced accuracy (BAC) of 0.947, 0.735, 0.826, 0.857, and 0.655 for chewing, electrode pop, eye movement, muscle, and shiver artifacts, respectively. Finally, we combine the outputs of the five segment-level detectors to perform a combined binary classification (any artifact vs. background). The resulting detector achieves a sensitivity (SEN) of 60.4%, 51.8%, and 35.5%, at a specificity (SPE) of 95%, 97%, and 99%, respectively. This artifact detection module can reject artifact segments while only removing a small fraction of the background EEG, leading to a cleaner EEG for further analysis.Comment: This is an extension to a paper presented at the 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow, UK, July 11-15, 202

    Clinical significance of HPV-HC2 in diagnosis and prognosis of cervical lesions: a retrospective study

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    Background: To evaluate the human papillomavirus HC2 different range detection values and their clinical significance in prediction of CIN lesions grades as well as their role in the follow-up outcome after treatment.Methods: Using the hybrid capture 2 to detect and measure the HPV and the viral load quantity, we enrolled a total of 527 HPV positive women. All patients underwent thin prep liquid-based cytology test (TCT) and only 325 underwent colposcopy guided biopsy due to abnormal cytology results. All cytology and biopsy results were collected and analyzed according to the HPV viral load. Among these patients 108 patients were followed during 2years post-operatives and their prognosis results were collected and analyzed.Results: The proportion and severity of cytological abnormalities was positively correlated with the HPV-HC2 viral load (P0.05).Conclusions: High HPV-HC2 viral load is significantly associated with the severity of cervical lesions (CIN), however it does not predict any further prognosis on follow-up after treatment