49 research outputs found

    Isolation and characterization of putative functional long terminal repeat retrotransposons in the Pyrus genome

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    Annotation of 440 isolated LTR retrotransposons. (XLSX 88 kb

    Response of miR156-SPL Module during the Red Peel Coloration of Bagging-Treated Chinese Sand Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai)

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    MicroRNA156 is an evolutionarily highly conserved plant micro-RNA (miRNA) that controls an age-dependent flowering pathway. miR156 and its target SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE (SPL) genes regulate anthocyanin accumulation in plants, but it is unknown whether this process is affected by light. Red Chinese sand pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) fruits exhibit a unique coloration pattern in response to bagging treatments, which makes them appropriate for studying the molecular mechanism underlying light-induced anthocyanin accumulation in fruit. Based on high-throughput miRNA and degradome sequencing data, we determined that miR156 was expressed in pear fruit peels, and targeted four SPL genes. Light-responsive elements were detected in the promoter regions of the miR156a and miR156ba precursors. We identified 19 SPL genes using the “Suli” pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Chinese White Pear Group) genome database, of which seven members were putative miR156 targets. The upregulated expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic and regulatory genes and downregulated expression of PpSPL2, PpSPL5, PpSPL7, PpSPL9, PpSPL10, PpSPL13, PpSPL16, PpSPL17, and PpSPL18 were observed in pear fruits after bags were removed from plants during the anthocyanin accumulation period. Additionally, miR156a/ba/g/s/sa abundance increased after bags were removed. Yeast two-hybrid results suggested that PpMYB10, PpbHLH, and PpWD40 could form a protein complex, probably involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis. Additionally, PpSPL10 and PpSPL13 interacted with PpMYB10. The results obtained in this study are helpful in understanding the possible role of miR156 and its target PpSPL genes in regulating light-induced red peel coloration and anthocyanin accumulation in pear

    Molecular evolution of Adh and LEAFY and the phylogenetic utility of their introns in Pyrus (Rosaceae)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The genus <it>Pyrus </it>belongs to the tribe Pyreae (the former subfamily Maloideae) of the family Rosaceae, and includes one of the most important commercial fruit crops, pear. The phylogeny of <it>Pyrus </it>has not been definitively reconstructed. In our previous efforts, the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) revealed a poorly resolved phylogeny due to non-concerted evolution of nrDNA arrays. Therefore, introns of low copy nuclear genes (LCNG) are explored here for improved resolution. However, paralogs and lineage sorting are still two challenges for applying LCNGs in phylogenetic studies, and at least two independent nuclear loci should be compared. In this work the second intron of <it>LEAFY </it>and the alcohol dehydrogenase gene (<it>Adh</it>) were selected to investigate their molecular evolution and phylogenetic utility.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>DNA sequence analyses revealed a complex ortholog and paralog structure of <it>Adh </it>genes in <it>Pyrus </it>and <it>Malus</it>, the pears and apples. Comparisons between sequences from RT-PCR and genomic PCR indicate that some <it>Adh </it>homologs are putatively nonfunctional. A partial region of <it>Adh1 </it>was sequenced for 18 <it>Pyrus </it>species and three subparalogs representing <it>Adh1-1 </it>were identified. These led to poorly resolved phylogenies due to low sequence divergence and the inclusion of putative recombinants. For the second intron of <it>LEAFY</it>, multiple inparalogs were discovered for both <it>LFY1int2 </it>and <it>LFY2int2</it>. <it>LFY1int2 </it>is inadequate for phylogenetic analysis due to lineage sorting of two inparalogs. <it>LFY2int2-N</it>, however, showed a relatively high sequence divergence and led to the best-resolved phylogeny. This study documents the coexistence of outparalogs and inparalogs, and lineage sorting of these paralogs and orthologous copies. It reveals putative recombinants that can lead to incorrect phylogenetic inferences, and presents an improved phylogenetic resolution of <it>Pyrus </it>using <it>LFY2int2-N</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study represents the first phylogenetic analyses based on LCNGs in <it>Pyrus</it>. Ancient and recent duplications lead to a complex structure of <it>Adh </it>outparalogs and inparalogs in <it>Pyrus </it>and <it>Malus</it>, resulting in neofunctionalization, nonfunctionalization and possible subfunctionalization. Among all investigated orthologs, <it>LFY2int2-N </it>is the best nuclear marker for phylogenetic reconstruction of <it>Pyrus </it>due to suitable sequence divergence and the absence of lineage sorting.</p

    Transcriptional co-regulation of anthocyanin accumulation and acidity in fruits

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    Color and acidity, two important fruit quality traits, greatly influence consumer choice and market competitiveness. They result from the accumulation of anthocyanins and organic acids in the vacuole. A shift in the vacuolar pH, caused by the accumulation of organic acids, leads to a change in the absorption spectrum of anthocyanins, and thus to changes in the color of tissues, suggesting a possible relationship between these two traits. Thus, the discovery of the molecular co-mechanism responsible for these processes is one of the most challenging for improving fruit quality traits and ultimately increasing market value. Here, we review current knowledge on the relationship between anthocyanin accumulation and acidity, and highlight recent advances in the roles of TFs in regulating these quality traits via transcriptional co-regulation of different genes associated with anthocyanin accumulation and acidity for fruit quality improvement

    Combined Analyses of Chloroplast DNA Haplotypes and Microsatellite Markers Reveal New Insights Into the Origin and Dissemination Route of Cultivated Pears Native to East Asia

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    Asian pear plays an important role in the world pear industry, accounting for over 70% of world total production volume. Commercial Asian pear production relies on four major pear cultivar groups, Japanese pear (JP), Chinese white pear (CWP), Chinese sand pear (CSP), and Ussurian pear (UP), but their origins remain controversial. We estimated the genetic diversity levels and structures in a large sample of existing local cultivars to investigate the origins of Asian pears using twenty-five genome-covering nuclear microsatellite (simple sequence repeats, nSSR) markers and two non-coding chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions (trnL-trnF and accD-psaI). High levels of genetic diversity were detected for both nSSRs (HE = 0.744) and cpDNAs (Hd = 0.792). The major variation was found within geographic populations of cultivated pear groups, demonstrating a close relationship among cultivar groups. CSPs showed a greater genetic diversity than CWPs and JPs, and lowest levels of genetic differentiation were detected among them. Phylogeographical analyses indicated that the CSP, CWP, and JP were derived from the same progenitor of Pyrus pyrifolia in China. A dissemination route of cultivated P. pyrifolia estimated by approximate Bayesian computation suggested that cultivated P. pyrifolia from the Middle Yangtze River Valley area contributed the major genetic resources to the cultivars, excluding those of southwestern China. Three major genetic groups of cultivated Pyrus pyrifolia were revealed using nSSRs and a Bayesian statistical inference: (a) JPs; (b) cultivars from South-Central China northward to northeastern China, covering the main pear production area in China; (c) cultivars from southwestern China to southeastern China, including Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Fujian Provinces. This reflected the synergistic effects of ecogeographical factors and human selection during cultivar spread and improvement. The analyses indicated that UP cultivars might be originated from the interspecific hybridization of wild Pyrus ussuriensis with cultivated Pyrus pyrifolia. The combination of uniparental DNA sequences and nuclear markers give us a better understanding of origins and genetic relationships for Asian pear groups and will be beneficial for the future improvement of Asian pear cultivars

    Abscisic Acid (ABA ) Promotes the Induction and Maintenance of Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia White Pear Group) Flower Bud Endodormancy

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    Dormancy is an adaptive mechanism that allows temperate deciduous plants to survive unfavorable winter conditions. In the present work, we investigated the possible function of abscisic acid (ABA) on the endodormancy process in pear. The ABA content increased during pear flower bud endodormancy establishment and decreased towards endodormancy release. In total, 39 putative genes related to ABA metabolism and signal transductions were identified from pear genome. During the para- to endodormancy transition, PpNCED-2 and PpNCED-3 had high expression levels, while PpCYP707As expression levels were low. However, during endodormancy, the expression of PpCYP707A-3 sharply increased with increasing cold accumulation. At the same time, the ABA content of pear buds declined, and the percentage of bud breaks rapidly increased. On the other hand, the expression levels of PpPYLs, PpPP2Cs, PpSnRK2s, and PpABI4/ABI5s were also changed during the pear flower bud dormancy cycle. Furthermore, exogenous ABA application to para-dormant buds significantly reduced the bud breaks and accelerated the transition to endodormancy. During the whole treatment time, the expression level of PpPP2C-12 decreased to a greater extent in ABA-treated buds than in control. However, the expression levels of PpSnRK2-1, PpSnRK2-4, and PpABI5-1 were higher in ABA-treated buds. Our results indicated that PpCYP707A-3 and PpNCEDs play pivotal roles on the regulation of endodormancy release, while ABA signal transduction pathway also appears to be involved in the process. The present work provided the basic information about the function of ABA-related genes during pear flower bud dormancy process

    Phylogenetic, Molecular, and Functional Characterization of PpyCBF Proteins in Asian Pears (<i>Pyrus pyrifolia</i>)

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    C-repeat binding factor/dehydration-responsive element (CBF/DRE) transcription factors (TFs) participate in a variety of adaptive mechanisms, and are involved in molecular signaling and abiotic stress tolerance in plants. In pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) and other rosaceous crops, the independent evolution of CBF subfamily members requires investigation to understand the possible divergent functions of these proteins. In this study, phylogenetic analysis divided six PpyCBFs from the Asian pear genome into three clades/subtypes, and collinearity and phylogenetic analyses suggested that PpyCBF3 was the mother CBF. All PpyCBFs were found to be highly expressed in response to low temperature, salt, drought, and abscisic acid (ABA) as well as bud endodormancy, similar to PpyCORs (PpyCOR47, PpyCOR15A, PpyRD29A, and PpyKIN). Transcript levels of clade II PpyCBFs during low temperature and ABA treatments were higher than those of clades I and III. Ectopic expression of PpyCBF2 and PpyCBF3 in Arabidopsis enhanced its tolerance against abiotic stresses, especially to low temperature in the first case and salt and drought stresses in the latter, and resulted in lower reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant gene activities compared with the wild type. The increased expression of endogenous ABA-dependent and -independent genes during normal conditions in PpyCBF2- and PpyCBF3-overexpressing Arabidopsis lines suggested that PpyCBFs were involved in both ABA-dependent and -independent pathways. All PpyCBFs, especially the mother CBF, had high transactivation activities with 6XCCGAC binding elements. Luciferase and Y1H assays revealed the existence of phylogenetically and promoter-dependent conserved CBF&#8722;COR cascades in the pear. The presence of a previously identified CCGA binding site, combined with the results of mutagenesis of the CGACA binding site of the PpyCOR15A promoter, indicated that CGA was a core binding element of PpyCBFs. In conclusion, PpyCBF TFs might operate redundantly via both ABA-dependent and -independent pathways, and are strongly linked to abiotic stress signaling and responses in the Asian pear

    Genome wide identification and predicted functional analyses of NAC transcription factors in Asian pears

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    Abstract Background NAC proteins contribute to diverse plant developmental processes as well as tolerances to biotic and abiotic stresses. The pear genome had been decoded and provided the basis for the genome-wide analysis to find the evolution, duplication, gene structures and predicted functions of PpNAC transcription factors. Results A total of 185 PpNAC genes were found in pear, of which 148 were mapped on chromosomes while 37 were on unanchored scaffolds. Phylogeny split the NAC genes into 6 clades (Group1- Group6) with their sub clades (~ subgroup A to subgroup H) and each group displayed common motifs with no/minor change. The numbers of exons in each group varied from 1 to 12 with an average of 3 while 44 pairs from all groups showed their duplication events. qPCR and RNA-Seq data analyses in different pear cultivars/species revealed some predicted functions of PpNAC genes i.e. PpNACs 37, 61, 70 (2A), 53, 151(2D), 10, 92, 130 and 154 (3D) were potentially involved in bud endodormancy, PpNACs 61, 70 (2A), 172, 176 and 23 (4E) were associated with fruit pigmentations in blue light, PpNACs 127 (1E), 46 (1G) and 56 (5A) might be related to early, middle and late fruit developments respectively. Besides, all genes from subgroups 2D and 3D were found to be related with abiotic stress (cold, salt and drought) tolerances by targeting the stress responsive genes in pear. Conclusions The present genome-wide analysis provided valuable information for understanding the classification, motif and gene structure, evolution and predicted functions of NAC gene family in pear as well as in higher plants. NAC TFs play diverse and multifunctional roles in biotic and abiotic stresses, growth and development and fruit ripening and pigmentation through multiple pathways in pear

    Genome wide identification and predicted functional analyses of NAC transcription factors in Asian pears

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    Abstract Background NAC proteins contribute to diverse plant developmental processes as well as tolerances to biotic and abiotic stresses. The pear genome had been decoded and provided the basis for the genome-wide analysis to find the evolution, duplication, gene structures and predicted functions of PpNAC transcription factors. Results A total of 185 PpNAC genes were found in pear, of which 148 were mapped on chromosomes while 37 were on unanchored scaffolds. Phylogeny split the NAC genes into 6 clades (Group1- Group6) with their sub clades (~ subgroup A to subgroup H) and each group displayed common motifs with no/minor change. The numbers of exons in each group varied from 1 to 12 with an average of 3 while 44 pairs from all groups showed their duplication events. qPCR and RNA-Seq data analyses in different pear cultivars/species revealed some predicted functions of PpNAC genes i.e. PpNACs 37, 61, 70 (2A), 53, 151(2D), 10, 92, 130 and 154 (3D) were potentially involved in bud endodormancy, PpNACs 61, 70 (2A), 172, 176 and 23 (4E) were associated with fruit pigmentations in blue light, PpNACs 127 (1E), 46 (1G) and 56 (5A) might be related to early, middle and late fruit developments respectively. Besides, all genes from subgroups 2D and 3D were found to be related with abiotic stress (cold, salt and drought) tolerances by targeting the stress responsive genes in pear. Conclusions The present genome-wide analysis provided valuable information for understanding the classification, motif and gene structure, evolution and predicted functions of NAC gene family in pear as well as in higher plants. NAC TFs play diverse and multifunctional roles in biotic and abiotic stresses, growth and development and fruit ripening and pigmentation through multiple pathways in pear