738 research outputs found


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    Sport equipment plays a key role for the performance in all kinds of sports games. Sport competition is not only the skill competitions among athletes and coaches but also the design competitions among the equipment companies. The basic principles of sport science and biomechanics should be applied in sport equipment innovation.The new equipment which enhance muscle strength and explosive power come out one after another. In the recent years, more and more biomechanics theories were applied in the strength training equipment.A new developed training method is demonstrated in this paper.Passive leg press training wasdeveloped based on the concepts of the stretch-shortening cycle and the benefits of high muscle contractionvelocity.Thus,these muscle groups accomplished both concentric and eccentric isokinetic contractions in a passive, rapid, and repetitive manner.The results suggest that jump performance, speed, and muscle power significantly improved after PLP training.Applying biomechanics for sporting goods innovation is a promising approach to integrate academic research and industrial which can increase industrial competitiveness and open more doors for biomechanics research

    Factors associated with adequacy of money incomes of disadvantaged families in Iowa

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    MOTRv2: Bootstrapping End-to-End Multi-Object Tracking by Pretrained Object Detectors

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    In this paper, we propose MOTRv2, a simple yet effective pipeline to bootstrap end-to-end multi-object tracking with a pretrained object detector. Existing end-to-end methods, MOTR and TrackFormer are inferior to their tracking-by-detection counterparts mainly due to their poor detection performance. We aim to improve MOTR by elegantly incorporating an extra object detector. We first adopt the anchor formulation of queries and then use an extra object detector to generate proposals as anchors, providing detection prior to MOTR. The simple modification greatly eases the conflict between joint learning detection and association tasks in MOTR. MOTRv2 keeps the query propogation feature and scales well on large-scale benchmarks. MOTRv2 ranks the 1st place (73.4% HOTA on DanceTrack) in the 1st Multiple People Tracking in Group Dance Challenge. Moreover, MOTRv2 reaches state-of-the-art performance on the BDD100K dataset. We hope this simple and effective pipeline can provide some new insights to the end-to-end MOT community. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/megvii-research/MOTRv2}.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 202


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    The purpose of this study was to imitate an exhaustive outdoor mountain road uphill running and investigate the effect on knee joint motion angles during the stance phase of running. Knee joint kinematical data collected from 8 male recreational runners running at 10 km/hr on a level treadmill prior to and following exhaustive uphill running revealed differences in flexion angles. These results demonstrated that exhaustive running can have an effect on knee joint running movement pattern. Due to these findings, the human natural movement control may be adjusted and the maintenance of preferred or optimal movement path costs more efforts which possibly play a role in many common lower extremity running injuries. This relevance may be applied to the future designing of assistive performance control shoes

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Proses Sains dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Melalui Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Guided Inquiry di SMP Negeri 26 Surakarta Kelas VIII-B Tahun Pelajaran 2011/ 2012

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    The purposes of this research is to increase students science process skills and achievement of class VIII-B SMP Negeri 26 Surakarta through the implementa-tion of Guided Inquiry learning strategy. This research is a Classroom Action Research with 4 cycles of action. Each cycle consisting of 4 phases which is planning, acting, observing, , and reflecting. Observational data obtained from the observation, and test. Technical analysis of data is technical descriptive both qualitative and quantitative. Data validation is use split half method.Result of this research show that with the implementation of Guided Inquiry strategy could increase students science process skills and achievement in Biological learning. It’s based on the result of observation and test. Average procentage for each aspect of science process skills from the result of observation first cycle are 33,19 % (worked up 16,97%), second cycle 43,22 % (worked up 10,03%), third cycle 48,23 % (worked up 5,01%), dan last cycle 60,38 % (worked up 12,15%). Average score of knowledge dimension of cognitive achievement on the first cycle 37,10 %, second cycle 42,64%, third cycle 37,72%, and the last cycle 45,22%. Score of affective achievement on the first cycle 18,52% (worked up 2,3%), second cycle 28,06% (worked up 9,54%), third cycle 38,73% (worked up 10,67%), and the last cycle 45,22% (worked up 6,49%). Score of psikomotor achievement on the first cycle 38,95% (worked up 22,71%), second cycle 43,71% (worked up 4,76%), third cycle 46,39% (worked up 2,68%), and the last cycle 48,9% (worked up 2,51%). According to this result, can be concluded that the implementation of Guided Inquiry learning strategy could increase students science process skills and achievement of class VIII B SMP Negeri 26 Surakarta class year 2011/ 2012
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