21,911 research outputs found

    Non-Fermi liquid states in the pressurized CeCu2(Si1xGex)2CeCu_2(Si_{1-x}Ge_x)_2 system: two critical points

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    In the archetypal strongly correlated electron superconductor CeCu2_2Si2_2 and its Ge-substituted alloys CeCu2_2(Si1x_{1-x}Gex_{x})2_2 two quantum phase transitions -- one magnetic and one of so far unknown origin -- can be crossed as a function of pressure \cite{Yuan 2003a}. We examine the associated anomalous normal state by detailed measurements of the low temperature resistivity (ρ\rho) power law exponent α\alpha. At the lower critical point (at pc1p_{c1}, 1α1.51\leq\alpha\leq 1.5) α\alpha depends strongly on Ge concentration xx and thereby on disorder level, consistent with a Hlubina-Rice-Rosch scenario of critical scattering off antiferromagnetic fluctuations. By contrast, α\alpha is independent of xx at the upper quantum phase transition (at pc2p_{c2}, α1\alpha\simeq 1), suggesting critical scattering from local or Q=0 modes, in agreement with a density/valence fluctuation approach.Comment: 4 pages, including 4 figures. New results added. Significant changes on the text and Fig.

    On cost-effective communication network designing

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    How to efficiently design a communication network is a paramount task for network designing and engineering. It is, however, not a single objective optimization process as perceived by most previous researches, i.e., to maximize its transmission capacity, but a multi-objective optimization process, with lowering its cost to be another important objective. These two objectives are often contradictive in that optimizing one objective may deteriorate the other. After a deep investigation of the impact that network topology, node capability scheme and routing algorithm as well as their interplays have on the two objectives, this letter presents a systematic approach to achieve a cost-effective design by carefully choosing the three designing aspects. Only when routing algorithm and node capability scheme are elegantly chosen can BA-like scale-free networks have the potential of achieving good tradeoff between the two objectives. Random networks, on the other hand, have the built-in character for a cost-effective design, especially when other aspects cannot be determined beforehand.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Investigation on gas-liquid two-phase flow centrifugal pump performances for different rotational speeds

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    International audiencePerformance characteristics of a centrifugal pump under gas-liquid mixture are presented, using a direct coupled single-stage, single-suction centrifugal pump. Both experimental and numerical simulations comparison are carried out, for three different rotational speeds and different inlet gas volume fractions, the results of which are presented, based on dimensionless coefficients from similarity laws. The numerical results show that good agreement is obtained with experimental data at nominal rotational speed for several flow coefficients. It is found that the running of the pump is near the sudden break down of the present pump when the inlet void fraction is below 7%. However, numerical results are less sensitive to rotational speed effects compared with experiment ones; the influence of decreasing rotational speed on pump performances is more and more pronounced when inlet gas void fraction increases and flow coefficient decreases. Froude number effects are taken into account in order to explain part of these differences

    δ\delta meson effects on neutron stars in the modified quark-meson coupling model

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    The properties of neutron stars are investigated by including δ\delta meson field in the Lagrangian density of modified quark-meson coupling model. The Σ\Sigma^- population with δ\delta meson is larger than that without δ\delta meson at the beginning, but it becomes smaller than that without δ\delta meson as the appearance of Ξ\Xi^-. The δ\delta meson has opposite effects on hadronic matter with or without hyperons: it softens the EOSes of hadronic matter with hyperons, while it stiffens the EOSes of pure nucleonic matter. Furthermore, the leptons and the hyperons have the similar influence on δ\delta meson effects. The δ\delta meson increases the maximum masses of neutron stars. The influence of (σ,ϕ)(\sigma^*,\phi) on the δ\delta meson effects are also investigated.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    Non-thermal Plasma - Nanometer TiO2 Photocatalysis for Formaldehyde Decomposition

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    In non-thermal plasma-nanometer TiO2 photocatalysis, the techniques of photocatalysis and plasma are combined, and do not need ultraviolet light. It can make use of some kinds of energy in the process of decomposing, while at the same time producing much free hydroxide and improving the efficiency of decomposing. It is regarded as one of the most promising technologies in air cleaning. A non-thermal plasma-nanometer TiO2 photocatalysis purifier was placed in a stimulant air conditioning room, followed by pumping in a mixture of formaldehyde and air. The purifier was then turned on to carry on the static state experiment of decomposing formaldehyde. The INTERSCAN4160 analysis instrument was adapted to analyze the variety of the formaldehyde density in the room. The fan was turned on in the room to keep the diffusion circulating in the room and alter the velocity of the air and the density for the experiment. The experiment shows that the efficiency of the decomposing formaldehyde in static state increased up to 90% after the Non-thermal Plasma-Nanometer TiO2 Photocatalysis process. In an air-conditioned room, the purifier can decrease the density of formaldehyde effectively. The concentration increasing effect of decomposing is more promising

    Single Top Quark Production and Decay at Next-to-leading Order in Hadron Collision

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    We present a calculation of the next-to-leading order QCD corrections, with one-scale phase space slicing method, to single top quark production and decay process ppˉ,pptbˉ+Xbνbˉ+Xp\bar{p},pp\to t\bar{b}+X\to b\ell\nu\bar{b}+X at hadron colliders. Using the helicity amplitude method, the angular correlation of the final state partons and the spin correlation of the top quark are preserved. The effect of the top quark width is also examined.Comment: 47 pages, 9 figure

    The magnetoresistance and Hall effect in CeFeAsO: a high magnetic field study

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    The longitudinal electrical resistivity and the transverse Hall resistivity of CeFeAsO are simultaneously measured up to a magnetic field of 45T using the facilities of pulsed magnetic field at Los Alamos. Distinct behaviour is observed in both the magnetoresistance Rxx({\mu}0H) and the Hall resistance Rxy({\mu}0H) while crossing the structural phase transition at Ts \approx 150K. At temperatures above Ts, little magnetoresistance is observed and the Hall resistivity follows linear field dependence. Upon cooling down the system below Ts, large magnetoresistance develops and the Hall resistivity deviates from the linear field dependence. Furthermore, we found that the transition at Ts is extremely robust against the external magnetic field. We argue that the magnetic state in CeFeAsO is unlikely a conventional type of spin-density-wave (SDW).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures SCES2010, To appear in J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. for SCES201