31,641 research outputs found

    Simple unconventional geometric scenario of one-way quantum computation with superconducting qubits inside a cavity

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    We propose a simple unconventional geometric scenario to achieve a kind of nontrivial multi-qubit operations with superconducting charge qubits placed in a microwave cavity. The proposed quantum operations are insensitive not only to the thermal state of cavity mode but also to certain random operation errors, and thus may lead to high-fidelity quantum information processing. Executing the designated quantum operations, a class of highly entangled cluster states may be generated efficiently in the present scalable solid-state system, enabling one to achieve one-way quantum computation.Comment: Accepted version with minor amendments. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Universal holonomic quantum gates in decoherence-free subspace on superconducting circuits

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    To implement a set of universal quantum logic gates based on non-Abelian geometric phases, it is a conventional wisdom that quantum systems beyond two levels are required, which is extremely difficult to fulfil for superconducting qubits, appearing to be a main reason why only single qubit gates was implemented in a recent experiment [A. A. Abdumalikov Jr \emph{et al}., Nature 496, 482 (2013)]. Here we propose to realize non-adiabatic holonomic quantum computation in decoherence-free subspace on circuit QED, where one can use only the two levels in transmon qubits, a usual interaction, and a minimal resource for the decoherence-free subspace encoding. In particular, our scheme not only overcomes the difficulties encountered in previous studies, but also can still achieve considerably large effective coupling strength, such that high fidelity quantum gates can be achieved. Therefore, the present scheme makes it very promising way to realize robust holonomic quantum computation with superconducting circuits.Comment: V4: published version; V1: submitted on April

    Quantum computation in decoherence-free subspace with superconducting devices

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    We propose a scheme to implement quantum computation in decoherence-free subspace with superconducting devices inside a cavity by unconventional geometric manipulation. Universal single-qubit gates in encoded qubit can be achieved with cavity assisted interaction. A measurement-based two-qubit Controlled-Not gate is produced with parity measurements assisted by an auxiliary superconducting device and followed by prescribed single-qubit gates. The measurement of currents on two parallel devices can realize a projective measurement, which is equivalent to the parity measurement on the involved devices.Comment: v2: thoroughly rewritten version with title and motivation changed; v3: published version with detail dirivation

    Quantum computing through electron propagation in the edge states of quantum spin Hall systems

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    We propose to implement quantum computing based on electronic spin qubits by controlling the propagation of the electron wave packets through the helical edge states of quantum spin Hall systems (QSHs). Specfically, two non-commutative single-qubit gates, which rotate a qubit around z and y axes, can be realized by utilizing gate voltages either on a single QSH edge channel or on a quantum point contact structure. The more challenging two-qubit controlled phase gate can be implemented through the on-demand capacitive Coulomb interaction between two adjacent edge channels from two parallel QSHs. As a result, a universal set of quantum gates can be achieved in an all-electrical way. The fidelity and purity of the two-qubit gate are calculated with both time delay and finite width of the wave packets taken into consideration, which can reach high values with the existing high-quality single electron source

    Average distance in a hierarchical scale-free network: an exact solution

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    Various real systems simultaneously exhibit scale-free and hierarchical structure. In this paper, we study analytically average distance in a deterministic scale-free network with hierarchical organization. Using a recursive method based on the network construction, we determine explicitly the average distance, obtaining an exact expression for it, which is confirmed by extensive numerical calculations. The obtained rigorous solution shows that the average distance grows logarithmically with the network order (number of nodes in the network). We exhibit the similarity and dissimilarity in average distance between the network under consideration and some previously studied networks, including random networks and other deterministic networks. On the basis of the comparison, we argue that the logarithmic scaling of average distance with network order could be a generic feature of deterministic scale-free networks.Comment: Definitive version published in Journal of Statistical Mechanic

    Non-damping oscillations at flaring loops

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    Context. QPPs are usually detected as spatial displacements of coronal loops in imaging observations or as periodic shifts of line properties in spectroscopic observations. They are often applied for remote diagnostics of magnetic fields and plasma properties on the Sun. Aims. We combine imaging and spectroscopic measurements of available space missions, and investigate the properties of non-damping oscillations at flaring loops. Methods. We used the IRIS to measure the spectrum over a narrow slit. The double-component Gaussian fitting method was used to extract the line profile of Fe XXI 1354.08 A at "O I" window. The quasi-periodicity of loop oscillations were identified in the Fourier and wavelet spectra. Results. A periodicity at about 40 s is detected in the line properties of Fe XXI, HXR emissions in GOES 1-8 A derivative, and Fermi 26-50 keV. The Doppler velocity and line width oscillate in phase, while a phase shift of about Pi/2 is detected between the Doppler velocity and peak intensity. The amplitudes of Doppler velocity and line width oscillation are about 2.2 km/s and 1.9 km/s, respectively, while peak intensity oscillate with amplitude at about 3.6% of the background emission. Meanwhile, a quasi-period of about 155 s is identified in the Doppler velocity and peak intensity of Fe XXI, and AIA 131 A intensity. Conclusions. The oscillations at about 40 s are not damped significantly during the observation, it might be linked to the global kink modes of flaring loops. The periodicity at about 155 s is most likely a signature of recurring downflows after chromospheric evaporation along flaring loops. The magnetic field strengths of the flaring loops are estimated to be about 120-170 G using the MHD seismology diagnostics, which are consistent with the magnetic field modeling results using the flux rope insertion method.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted by A&
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