191 research outputs found

    Semantic Graph Representation Learning for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition

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    Handwritten mathematical expression recognition (HMER) has attracted extensive attention recently. However, current methods cannot explicitly study the interactions between different symbols, which may fail when faced similar symbols. To alleviate this issue, we propose a simple but efficient method to enhance semantic interaction learning (SIL). Specifically, we firstly construct a semantic graph based on the statistical symbol co-occurrence probabilities. Then we design a semantic aware module (SAM), which projects the visual and classification feature into semantic space. The cosine distance between different projected vectors indicates the correlation between symbols. And jointly optimizing HMER and SIL can explicitly enhances the model's understanding of symbol relationships. In addition, SAM can be easily plugged into existing attention-based models for HMER and consistently bring improvement. Extensive experiments on public benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed module can effectively enhance the recognition performance. Our method achieves better recognition performance than prior arts on both CROHME and HME100K datasets.Comment: 12 Page

    Cell-Type-Specific Afferent Innervation of the Nucleus Accumbens Core and Shell

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    The nucleus accumbens (NAc) is clearly implicated in reward processing and drug addiction, as well as in numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders; nevertheless, the circuit mechanisms underlying the diverse functions of the NAc remain poorly understood. Here, we characterized the whole-brain and monosynaptic inputs to two main projection cell types – D1 dopamine receptor expressing medium spiny neurons (D1R-MSNs) and D2 dopamine receptor expressing medium spiny neurons (D2R-MSNs) – within the NAc core and NAc shell by rabies-mediated trans-synaptic tracing. We discovered that D1R-MSNs and D2R-MSNs in both NAc subregions receive similar inputs from diverse sources. Inputs to the NAc core are broadly scattered, whereas inputs to the NAc shell are relatively concentrated. Furthermore, we identified numerous brain areas providing important contrasting inputs to different NAc subregions. The anterior cortex preferentially innervates the NAc core for both D1R-MSNs and D2R-MSNs, whereas the lateral hypothalamic area (LH) preferentially targets D1R-MSNs in the NAc shell. Characterizing the cell-type-specific connectivity of different NAc subregions lays a foundation for studying how diverse functions of the NAc are mediated by specific pathways

    Effects of Cutting Intensity on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in a Mixed Natural Forest in Southeastern China

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    The mixed Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.), Masson’s pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.), and hardwood forest is a major forest type in China and of national and international importance in terms of its provision of both timber and ecosystem services. However, over-harvesting has threatened its long-term productivity and sustainability. We examined the impacts of timber harvesting intensity on soil physical and chemical properties 10 and 15 years after cutting using the research plots established with a randomized block design. We considered five treatments, including clear cutting and low (13.0% removal of growing stock volume), medium (29.1%), high (45.8%), and extra-high (67.1) intensities of selective cutting with non-cutting as the control. The impact on overall soil properties derived from principal component analysis showed increasing with a rise in cutting intensity, and the most critical impact was on soil nutrients, P and K in particular. Soil nutrient loss associated with timber harvesting even at a low cutting intensity could lead to nutrient deficits in this forest although most of the soil physical properties could be recovered under the low and medium intensities of cutting. These results indicate that clear cutting and the selective cutting of extra-high and high intensities should be avoided in this type of forest in the region

    Strong Stability of a Nonlinear Multi-Stage Dynamic System in Batch Culture of Glycerol Bioconversion to 1,3-Propanediol

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    In this paper, we consider a nonlinear multi-stage dynamic system to characterize batch culture. We construct corresponding linear variational system for the solution to the multi-stage system, also prove the boundedness of fundamental matrix solutions for the linear variational system. On this basis, we prove strong stability with respect to perturbance of initial state vector for the multi-stage system through the application of such boundedness. From extensive simulation study, it is observed that the strong stability is highly satisfactory

    Optimization for Nonlinear Uncertain Switched Stochastic Systems with Initial State Difference in Batch Culture Process

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    Based on the deterministic description of batch culture expressed in form of switched ordinary differential equations, we introduce a switched stochastic counterpart system with initial state difference together with uncertain switching instants and system parameters to model the process of glycerol biodissimilation to 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PD) induced by Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae). Important properties of the stochastic system are discussed. Our aim is to obtain the unified switched instants and system parameters under the condition of different initial states. To do this, we will formulate a system identification problem in which these uncertain switched instants and system parameters are regarded as decision variables to be chosen such that the relative error between experimental data and computational results is minimized. Such problem governed by the stochastic system is subject to continuous state inequality constraints and box constraints. By performing a time-scaling transformation as well as introducing the constraint transcription and local smoothing approximation techniques, we convert such problem into a sequence of approximation subproblems. Considering both the difficulty of finding analytical solutions and the complex nature of these subproblems, we develop a parallelized differential evolution (DE) algorithm to solve these approximation subproblems. From an extensive simulation, we show that the obtained optimal switched instants and system parameters are satisfactory with initial state difference

    Spatial–Temporal Response of Reactive Oxygen Species and Salicylic Acid Suggest Their Interaction in Pumpkin Rootstock-Induced Chilling Tolerance in Watermelon Plants

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    Grafting with pumpkin rootstock could improve chilling tolerance in watermelon, and salicylic acid (SA) as a signal molecule is involved in regulating plant tolerance to chilling and other abiotic stresses. To clarify the mechanism in pumpkin rootstock-induced systemic acquired acclimation in grafted watermelon under chilling stress, we used self-grafted (Cl/Cl) and pumpkin rootstock-grafted (Cl/Cm) watermelon seedlings to study the changes in lipid peroxidation, photosystem II (PSII) activity and antioxidant metabolism, the spatio–temporal response of SA biosynthesis and H2O2 accumulation to chilling, and the role of H2O2 signal in SA-induced chilling tolerance in grafted watermelon. The results showed that pumpkin rootstock grafting promoted SA biosynthesis in the watermelon scions. Chilling induced hydrolysis of conjugated SA into free SA in the roots and accumulation of free SA in the leaves in Cl/Cm plants. Further, pumpkin rootstock grafting induced early response of antioxidant enzyme system in the roots and increased activities of ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase in the leaves, thus maintaining cellular redox homeostasis. Exogenous SA improved while the inhibition of SA biosynthesis reduced chilling tolerance in Cl/Cl seedlings. The application of diphenyleneiodonium (DPI, inhibitor of NADPH oxidase) and dimethylthiourea (DMTU, H2O2 scavenger) decreased, while exogenous H2O2 improved the PSII activity in Cl/Cl plants under chilling stress. Additionally, the decrease of the net photosynthetic rate in DMTU- and DPI-pretreated Cl/Cl plants under chilling conditions could be alleviated by subsequent application of H2O2 but not SA. In conclusion, pumpkin rootstock grafting induces SA biosynthesis and redistribution in the leaves and roots and participates in the regulation of antioxidant metabolism probably through interaction with the H2O2 signal, thus improving chilling tolerance in watermelon

    Identification of suitable reference genes for gene expression normalization in qRT-PCR analysis in watermelon.

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    Watermelon is one of the major Cucurbitaceae crops and the recent availability of genome sequence greatly facilitates the fundamental researches on it. Quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (qRT-PCR) is the preferred method for gene expression analyses, and using validated reference genes for normalization is crucial to ensure the accuracy of this method. However, a systematic validation of reference genes has not been conducted on watermelon. In this study, transcripts of 15 candidate reference genes were quantified in watermelon using qRT-PCR, and the stability of these genes was compared using geNorm and NormFinder. geNorm identified ClTUA and ClACT, ClEF1α and ClACT, and ClCAC and ClTUA as the best pairs of reference genes in watermelon organs and tissues under normal growth conditions, abiotic stress, and biotic stress, respectively. NormFinder identified ClYLS8, ClUBCP, and ClCAC as the best single reference genes under the above experimental conditions, respectively. ClYLS8 and ClPP2A were identified as the best reference genes across all samples. Two to nine reference genes were required for more reliable normalization depending on the experimental conditions. The widely used watermelon reference gene 18SrRNA was less stable than the other reference genes under the experimental conditions. Catalase family genes were identified in watermelon genome, and used to validate the reliability of the identified reference genes. ClCAT1and ClCAT2 were induced and upregulated in the first 24 h, whereas ClCAT3 was downregulated in the leaves under low temperature stress. However, the expression levels of these genes were significantly overestimated and misinterpreted when 18SrRNA was used as a reference gene. These results provide a good starting point for reference gene selection in qRT-PCR analyses involving watermelon
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