21 research outputs found

    Sources and preservation of organic matter in soils of the wetlands in the Liaohe (Liao River) Delta, North China

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    Total organic carbon, total nitrogen, delta C-13(org), delta N-15, and aliphatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons of fifty-five soil samples collected from the coastal wetlands of the Liaohe Delta were measured, in order to determine the sources and possible preservation of organic matter (OM). The delta(15)(N) and delta C-13(org) values in the samples ranged from 3.0 parts per thousand to 9.4 parts per thousand and from -30.4 parts per thousand to -20.3 parts per thousand, respectively, implying that the OM in the soils is predominantly derived from C-3 plant. The long-chain n-alkanes had a strong odd-over-even carbon number predominance, suggesting a significant contribution from waxes of higher plants. The ubiquitous presence of unresolved complex mixture, alkylated polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons and typical biomarkers of petroleum hydrocarbons (pristane, phytane, hopanes and steranes) indicates that there is a contribution of petroleum hydrocarbons to the organic carbon pool in the wetland soils. P. australis-vegetated wetlands have strong potentials for the preservation of organic carbon in the wetlands. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Total organic carbon, total nitrogen, delta C-13(org), delta N-15, and aliphatic and polyaromatic hydrocarbons of fifty-five soil samples collected from the coastal wetlands of the Liaohe Delta were measured, in order to determine the sources and possible preservation of organic matter (OM). The delta(15)(N) and delta C-13(org) values in the samples ranged from 3.0 parts per thousand to 9.4 parts per thousand and from -30.4 parts per thousand to -20.3 parts per thousand, respectively, implying that the OM in the soils is predominantly derived from C-3 plant. The long-chain n-alkanes had a strong odd-over-even carbon number predominance, suggesting a significant contribution from waxes of higher plants. The ubiquitous presence of unresolved complex mixture, alkylated polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons and typical biomarkers of petroleum hydrocarbons (pristane, phytane, hopanes and steranes) indicates that there is a contribution of petroleum hydrocarbons to the organic carbon pool in the wetland soils. P. australis-vegetated wetlands have strong potentials for the preservation of organic carbon in the wetlands. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Model Free Reinforcement Learning with Stability Guarantee

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    Model-free reinforcement learning has proved to be successful in many tasks such as robotic manipulator, video games, and even stock trading. However, as the dynamics of the environment is unmodelled, it is fundamentally difficult to ensure the learned policy to be absolutely reliable and its performance is guaranteed. In this thesis, we borrow the concept of stability and Lyapunov analysis in control theory to design a policy with stability guarantee and assure the guaranteed behaviors of the agent. A novel sample-based approach is proposed for analyzing the stability of a learning control system, and on the basis of the theoretical result, we establish a practical model-free learning framework with provable stability, safety and performance guarantees.% Specifically, a novel locally constrained method is proposed to solve the safety constrained problems with lower conservatism. In our solution, a Lyapunov function is searched automatically to guarantee the closed-loop system stability, which also guides the simultaneous learning (covering both the policy and value-based learning methods). Our approach is evaluated on a series of discrete and continuous control benchmarks and largely outperforms the state-of-the-art results concerning unconstrained and constrained problems. It is also shown that the algorithm has the ability of recovery to equilibrium under perturbation using the policy with stability guarantee. (Anonymous code is available to reproduce the experimental esults\footnote{\url{https://github.com/RLControlTheoreticGuarantee/Guarantee_Learning_Control}}.) Since sometimes the constraint is hard to define, we introduce a novel method to learn a constraint by representing the bad cases or situations as a distribution, and the constraint is the Wasserstein distance between the distribution.Mechanical Engineering | Vehicle Engineerin

    To Find A Mocking Bird: Urban Bird Watching Product Design for Leica Sport Optics

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    Bird observation, as one of the most popular nature exploration activities in Europe, has a large user group, a profitable market and contributes positively to the environment. Optical devices are almost a necessity for bird observation since they provide a magnified view with vivid details at a far distance. Leica, a premium product manufacturer in the camera and sport optics industry, has a current user base of professional and elderly customers in bird observation. As the number of novice observers that start bird watching in urban environments keeps on increasing, the needs from this user group are becoming less neglectable. Therefore, designing for novice bird watchers could potentially help Leica open a new market and create more business value.The design is defined under an urban context, which is a starter-friendly environment since birds are more active in cities. One of the biggest difficulties for novice bird watchers is ‘finding birds’, including catching sight of birds in the environment, and finding them again later in a magnified optical view. This can be a process that is both tricky and time-consuming for beginners. Some extra digital assistance “just like a slight nudge” is appreciated during the process.To improve the experience for this process, multiple design ideas were generated and different adaptable technologies were mapped out in a morphological chart. The selected concept is an innovative bird watching optical device with a built-in 3D sound localisation system that is able to generate 3D directional vectors of the detected birdsong source, convert it into 2D information, then project a directional hint of birds’ position on the optical view. To test the feasibility of the selected technology, a functional mockup was built, which is composed with a digital camera, a microphone array, a computer processing power and a camera view finder display. At the end of the project, the mockup is able to perform sound source localisation of multiple sound sources within a distance range of 0-8m.The mockup build in the project could serve as a starting point for Leica’s future exploration under the sound-related innovation area. Though currently the relevant technology is not mature and cost-efficient enough to bring much value to the viability aspect, a technology roadmap was proposed to the company suggesting a step-by-step further development process. With technical improvements from experts and engineers, an optimized setup with a better performance and a lower cost can be achieved within a more compact package. a sporce opcsIntegrated Product Desig


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    [[abstract]]本文之作,凡分七章,首章緒論,末章結論,乃略言唐子學說之淵源及價值;第二、 三章為思想論,闡述唐子之心性與事功思想,於斯可以窺見其說非特直承陽明,亦且 進而宏陽明學者也.第四章為修養論.宋明儒者莫不言涵養工夫,顧持說各異耳.唐 子則別闢靜悅論,強調復性工夫,以為實踐、入道之門.第五、六章,為其實用論, 分就政治與民生兩端論之.夫唐子以為心性之學,須落實在事功方面,故暢言政治、 經濟,舉凡所論多切時弊,由斯亦可見其經世致用思想,實能傳承陽明學之真諦也. 末附年譜一章,乃取明末清初諸有關文獻,整輯排比而得,冀得據本譜,而能掌握其 思想之脈絡與發展也.凡所論者,皆沈思冥想所得,雖隻言片語,亦靡不謹慎處之, 未感清忽.本文之作,自乎辛酉仲夏,迄於甲子重五日,辛勤四載,終三易其稿而後 定,唯才質愚魯,思慮容或不周,博雅君子,尚祈有以教之.

    A review on recovery of extracellular biopolymers from flocculent and granular activated sludges: Cognition, key influencing factors, applications, and challenges

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    A reasonable recovery of excess sludge may shift the waste into wealth. Recently an increasing attention has been paid to the recycling of extracellular biopolymers from conventional and advanced biological wastewater treatment systems such as flocculent activated sludge (AS), bacterial aerobic granular sludge (AGS), and algal-bacterial AGS processes. This review provides the first overview of current research developments and future directions in the recovery and utilization of high value-added biopolymers from the three types of sludge. It details the discussion on the recent evolvement of cognition or updated knowledge on functional extracellular biopolymers, as well as a comprehensive summary of the operating conditions and wastewater parameters influencing the yield, quality, and functionality of alginate-like exopolymer (ALE). In addition, recent attempts for potential practical applications of extracellular biopolymers are discussed, suggesting research priorities for overcoming identification challenges and future prospects.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    Highly efficient carbon assimilation and nitrogen/phosphorus removal facilitated by photosynthetic O<sub>2</sub> from algal-bacterial aerobic granular sludge under controlled DO/pH operation

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    Reducing CO2 emission and energy consumption is crucial for the sustainable management of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). In this study, an algal-bacterial aerobic granular sludge (AGS) system was developed for efficient carbon (C) assimilation and nitrogen (N)/phosphorus (P) removal without the need for mechanical aeration. The photosynthetic O2 production by phototrophic organisms maintained the dissolved oxygen (DO) level at 3-4 mg/L in the bulk liquid, and an LED light control system reduced 10–30% of light energy consumption. Results showed that the biomass assimilated 52% of input dissolved total carbon (DTC), and the produced O2 simultaneously facilitated aerobic nitrification and P uptake with the coexisting phototrophs serving as a C fixer and O2 supplier. This resulted in a stably high total N removal of 81 ± 7% and an N assimilation rate of 7.55 mg/(g-MLVSS∙d) with enhanced microbial assimilation and simultaneous nitrification/denitrification. Good P removal of 92–98% was maintained during the test period at a molar ∆P/∆C ratio of 0.36 ± 0.03 and high P release and uptake rates of 10.84 ± 0.41 and 7.18 ± 0.24 mg/(g- MLVSS∙h), respectively. Photosynthetic O2 was more advantageous for N and P removal than mechanical aeration. This proposed system can contribute to a better design and sustainable operation of WWTPs using algal-bacterial AGS.Environmental Fluid MechanicsBT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    Dependence of Thermal Shock Crack on Specimen Width for Ceramic Materials

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    Knowledge of size effect of thermal shock properties of ceramics is a prerequisite in engineering applications. In the present study, the size effect of the cracking in the ceramic materials subjected to water quenching has been experimentally conducted. Based on the Rizk model, the equivalent specimen width of the elastic strip with cracks is introduced and modified to describe the effect of cracks on the deformation of the elastic strip underwater quenching. It is found that the simulation obtained from the proposed modified model is in good agreement with the experimental results. And the reasons for the size effect of crack depth and crack growth into the compressive region are well analyzed by theoretical results. The proposed model is expected to provide a powerful tool to characterize and predict the size effect on thermal shock crack of ceramic materials

    A comparative analysis of reticular crack on ceramic plate driven by thermal shock

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    Reticular crack is generally found on the surface of ceramic material that has been subjected to a thermal-shock condition. In the present study, a quantitative effect of thermal shock and quench temperature has been studied and investigated. Experimental tests were carried out to characterize the reticular crack that has been found in the Ge Kiln, which is a famous art of the ancient Chinese culture. After comparative analysis between thermal-shock cracks and the glaze crack patterns of the Ge Kiln porcelain, it is found that this study is expected to provide a powerful tool for recurrence of the long-lost firing and cooling process of the Ge Kiln porcelain

    Tetrahymena Functional Genomics Database (TetraFGD): an integrated resource for Tetrahymena functional genomics

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    The ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila is a useful unicellular model organism for studies of eukaryotic cellular and molecular biology. Researches on T. thermophila have contributed to a series of remarkable basic biological principles. After the macronuclear genome was sequenced, substantial progress has been made in functional genomics research on T. thermophila, including genome-wide microarray analysis of the T. thermophila life cycle, a T. thermophila gene network analysis based on the microarray data and transcriptome analysis by deep RNA sequencing. To meet the growing demands for the Tetrahymena research community, we integrated these data to provide a public access database: Tetrahymena functional genomics database (TetraFGD). TetraFGD contains three major resources, including the RNA-Seq transcriptome, microarray and gene networks. The RNA-Seq data define gene structures and transcriptome, with special emphasis on exon-intron boundaries; the microarray data describe gene expression of 20 time points during three major stages of the T. thermophila life cycle; the gene network data identify potential gene-gene interactions of 15 049 genes. The TetraFGD provides user-friendly search functions that assist researchers in accessing gene models, transcripts, gene expression data and gene-gene relationships. In conclusion, the TetraFGD is an important functional genomic resource for researchers who focus on the Tetrahymena or other ciliates.The ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila is a useful unicellular model organism for studies of eukaryotic cellular and molecular biology. Researches on T. thermophila have contributed to a series of remarkable basic biological principles. After the macronuclear genome was sequenced, substantial progress has been made in functional genomics research on T. thermophila, including genome-wide microarray analysis of the T. thermophila life cycle, a T. thermophila gene network analysis based on the microarray data and transcriptome analysis by deep RNA sequencing. To meet the growing demands for the Tetrahymena research community, we integrated these data to provide a public access database: Tetrahymena functional genomics database (TetraFGD). TetraFGD contains three major resources, including the RNA-Seq transcriptome, microarray and gene networks. The RNA-Seq data define gene structures and transcriptome, with special emphasis on exon-intron boundaries; the microarray data describe gene expression of 20 time points during three major stages of the T. thermophila life cycle; the gene network data identify potential gene-gene interactions of 15 049 genes. The TetraFGD provides user-friendly search functions that assist researchers in accessing gene models, transcripts, gene expression data and gene-gene relationships. In conclusion, the TetraFGD is an important functional genomic resource for researchers who focus on the Tetrahymena or other ciliates

    RpoN (sigma(54)) Is Required for Floc Formation but Not for Extracellular Polysaccharide Biosynthesis in a Floc-Forming Aquincola tertiaricarbonis Strain

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    Some bacteria are capable of forming flocs, in which bacterial cells become self-flocculated by secreted extracellular polysaccharides and other biopolymers. The floc-forming bacteria play a central role in activated sludge, which has been widely utilized for the treatment of municipal sewage and industrial waste-water. Here, we use a floc-forming bacterium, Aquincola tertiaricarbonis RN12, as a model to explore the biosynthesis of extracellular polysaccharides and the regulation of floc formation. A large gene cluster for exopolysaccharide biosynthesis and a gene encoding the alternative sigma factor RpoN1, one of the four paralogues, have been identified in floc formation-deficient mutants generated by transposon mutagenesis, and the gene functions have been further confirmed by genetic complementation analyses. Interestingly, the biosynthesis of exopolysaccharides remained in the rpoN1-disrupted flocculation-defective mutants, but most of the exopolysaccharides were secreted and released rather than bound to the cells. Furthermore, the expression of exopolysaccharide biosynthesis genes seemed not to be regulated by RpoN1. Taken together, our results indicate that RpoN1 may play a role in regulating the expression of a certain gene(s) involved in the self-flocculation of bacterial cells but not in the biosynthesis and secretion of exopolysaccharides required for floc formation. IMPORTANCE Floc formation confers bacterial resistance to predation of protozoa and plays a central role in the widely used activated sludge process. In this study, we not only identified a large gene cluster for biosynthesis of extracellular polysaccharides but also identified four rpoN paralogues, one of which (rpoN1) is required for floc formation in A. tertiaricarbonis RN12. In addition, this RpoN sigma factor regulates the transcription of genes involved in biofilm formation and swarming motility, as previously shown in other bacteria. However, this RpoN paralogue is not required for the biosynthesis of exopolysaccharides, which are released and dissolved into culture broth by the rpoN1 mutant rather than remaining tightly bound to cells, as observed during the flocculation of the wild-type strain. These results indicate that floc formation is a regulated complex process, and other yet-to-be identified RpoN1-dependent factors are involved in self-flocculation of bacterial cells via exopolysaccharides and/or other biopolymers