104 research outputs found

    Apprenticeship Standard : Non-Destructive Testing Engineer

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    High-efficiency video compression technology is of primary importance to the storage and transmission of digital medical video in modern medical communication systems. To further improve the compression performance of medical ultrasound video, two innovative technologies based on diagnostic region-of-interest (ROI) extraction using the high efficiency video coding (H.265/HEVC) standard are presented in this paper. First, an effective ROI extraction algorithm based on image textural features is proposed to strengthen the applicability of ROI detection results in the H.265/HEVC quad-tree coding structure. Second, a hierarchical coding method based on transform coefficient adjustment and a quantization parameter (QP) selection process is designed to implement the otherness encoding for ROIs and non-ROIs. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed optimization strategy significantly improves the coding performance by achieving a BD-BR reduction of 13.52% and a BD-PSNR gain of 1.16 dB on average compared to H.265/HEVC (HM15.0). The proposed medical video coding algorithm is expected to satisfy low bit-rate compression requirements for modern medical communication systems

    LIO-GVM: an Accurate, Tightly-Coupled Lidar-Inertial Odometry with Gaussian Voxel Map

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    This letter presents an accurate and robust Lidar Inertial Odometry framework. We fuse LiDAR scans with IMU data using a tightly-coupled iterative error state Kalman filter for robust and fast localization. To achieve robust correspondence matching, we represent the points as a set of Gaussian distributions and evaluate the divergence in variance for outlier rejection. Based on the fitted distributions, a new residual metric is proposed for the filter-based Lidar inertial odometry, which demonstrates an improvement from merely quantifying distance to incorporating variance disparity, further enriching the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the residual metric. Due to the strategic design of the residual metric, we propose a simple yet effective voxel-solely mapping scheme, which only necessities the maintenance of one centroid and one covariance matrix for each voxel. Experiments on different datasets demonstrate the robustness and accuracy of our framework for various data inputs and environments. To the benefit of the robotics society, we open source the code at https://github.com/Ji1Xingyu/lio_gvm

    An Adaptive Motion Estimation Scheme for Video Coding

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    The unsymmetrical-cross multihexagon-grid search (UMHexagonS) is one of the best fast Motion Estimation (ME) algorithms in video encoding software. It achieves an excellent coding performance by using hybrid block matching search pattern and multiple initial search point predictors at the cost of the computational complexity of ME increased. Reducing time consuming of ME is one of the key factors to improve video coding efficiency. In this paper, we propose an adaptive motion estimation scheme to further reduce the calculation redundancy of UMHexagonS. Firstly, new motion estimation search patterns have been designed according to the statistical results of motion vector (MV) distribution information. Then, design a MV distribution prediction method, including prediction of the size of MV and the direction of MV. At last, according to the MV distribution prediction results, achieve self-adaptive subregional searching by the new estimation search patterns. Experimental results show that more than 50% of total search points are dramatically reduced compared to the UMHexagonS algorithm in JM 18.4 of H.264/AVC. As a result, the proposed algorithm scheme can save the ME time up to 20.86% while the rate-distortion performance is not compromised

    Outram: One-shot Global Localization via Triangulated Scene Graph and Global Outlier Pruning

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    One-shot LiDAR localization refers to the ability to estimate the robot pose from one single point cloud, which yields significant advantages in initialization and relocalization processes. In the point cloud domain, the topic has been extensively studied as a global descriptor retrieval (i.e., loop closure detection) and pose refinement (i.e., point cloud registration) problem both in isolation or combined. However, few have explicitly considered the relationship between candidate retrieval and correspondence generation in pose estimation, leaving them brittle to substructure ambiguities. To this end, we propose a hierarchical one-shot localization algorithm called Outram that leverages substructures of 3D scene graphs for locally consistent correspondence searching and global substructure-wise outlier pruning. Such a hierarchical process couples the feature retrieval and the correspondence extraction to resolve the substructure ambiguities by conducting a local-to-global consistency refinement. We demonstrate the capability of Outram in a variety of scenarios in multiple large-scale outdoor datasets. Our implementation is open-sourced: https://github.com/Pamphlett/Outram.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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