29 research outputs found

    Микробициды для топической иммунопрофилактики ВИЧ-инфекции

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    Microbicides are antiseptic topical drugs that help directly or indirectly inhibit the penetration of an infectious agent into the human body, thereby preventing the sexual transmission of HIV-infection and other sexually transmitted diseases. Microbicides have an antiviral mechanism of action in the sexual transmission of HIV and affect the components of mucosal immunity in the vagina. In this article, the pharmaceutical and biomedical aspects of microbicide application are examined and diverse classifications of microbicides are presented. For each group of chemicals, the most important representatives and their mechanisms of action are described. This article also presents the structure and function of mucosal immunity, and shows the importance of the mucosal immune response in the sexual transmission of HIV. This work also exhibits the experimental models for testing of candidate microbicides. For each compound described, a review of preclinical research and clinical trials is provided, covering its development as a microbicide. This paper gives an overview of microbicides, a new class of chemically diverse immunobiological medications reducing the risk of sexual transmission of HIV. The use of microbicides is believed to curb the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the nearest future.Микробициды являются антисептическими топическими лекарственными средствами, способствующими напрямую или опосредованно сдерживать проникновение инфекционного агента в организм человека, тем самым предотвращая половую передачу вируса иммунодефицита человека (ВИЧ) и других заболеваний, передающихся половым путем. Они обладают не только прямым местным противовирусным механизмом действия при половой передаче ВИЧ, но и влияют на компоненты мукозального иммунитета во влагалище.В данной статье авторами рассмотрены фармацевтические и биомедицинские аспекты применения кандидатных микробицидов, представлены разнообразные классификации этих препаратов, описаны наиболее значимые представители каждой химической группы, указаны механизмы их действия. Помимо этого даны представления о структуре и функции мукозального иммунитета и показана значимость мукозального иммунного ответа на вирус при половой передаче ВИЧ-инфекции. Отдельно рассматриваются экспериментальные модели, которые применяются для тестирования кандидатных микробицидов. Для каждого описанного в статье химического соединения представлен краткий обзор доклинических и клинических исследований по разработке на его основе микробицида. Даны общие представления о таком новом разнообразном классе медицинских иммунобиологических препаратов, как микробициды, которые должны в ближайшем будущем уменьшить риск половой передачи ВИЧ и сдержать эпидемию ВИЧ-инфекции и синдрома приобретенного иммунодефицита (СПИД)

    Ultralow Thermal Conductivity of Isotope-Doped Silicon Nanowires

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    The thermal conductivity of silicon nanowires (SiNWs) is investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. It is found that the thermal conductivity of SiNWs can be reduced exponentially by isotopic defects at room temperature. The thermal conductivity reaches the minimum, which is about 27% of that of pure 28Si NW, when doped with fifty percent isotope atoms. The thermal conductivity of isotopic-superlattice structured SiNWs depends clearly on the period of superlattice. At a critical period of 1.09 nm, the thermal conductivity is only 25% of the value of pure Si NW. An anomalous enhancement of thermal conductivity is observed when the superlattice period is smaller than this critical length. The ultra-low thermal conductivity of superlattice structured SiNWs is explained with phonon spectrum theory.Comment: Nano Lett., ASAP Article 10.1021/nl0725998 S1530-6984(07)02599-4 Web Release Date: December 21, 200

    Microbicides for topical immunoprevention of HIV infection

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    Microbicides are antiseptic topical drugs that help directly or indirectly inhibit the penetration of an infectious agent into the human body, thereby preventing the sexual transmission of HIV-infection and other sexually transmitted diseases. Microbicides have an antiviral mechanism of action in the sexual transmission of HIV and affect the components of mucosal immunity in the vagina. In this article, the pharmaceutical and biomedical aspects of microbicide application are examined and diverse classifications of microbicides are presented. For each group of chemicals, the most important representatives and their mechanisms of action are described. This article also presents the structure and function of mucosal immunity, and shows the importance of the mucosal immune response in the sexual transmission of HIV. This work also exhibits the experimental models for testing of candidate microbicides. For each compound described, a review of preclinical research and clinical trials is provided, covering its development as a microbicide. This paper gives an overview of microbicides, a new class of chemically diverse immunobiological medications reducing the risk of sexual transmission of HIV. The use of microbicides is believed to curb the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the nearest future

    Health protection in Peoples' friendship university of Russia

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    The management of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia developed the Health program for 2009-2012 for the purpose of health protection of students and employees. Relevance is caused by the priority direction of demographic policy - improvement of health of the population that is reflected in “The concept of demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period till 2025”. Having analyzed results of its performance, importance, need and prospects of this program for the University, started implementation of the program of perspective development “Health” - “PFUR - the healthy lifestyle territory” for 2013-2018. It will allow to take necessary measures for preservation of health of students and employees and to estimate their efficiency