169 research outputs found

    The Analysis of Prevalence the Clinical and Morphological Manifestations of Dysplastic Disorders in Children 4−7 Years.

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    Проведено аналіз розповсюдженості клініко-морфологічних ознак диспластичних змін у дітей 4−7 років. Установлено, що до полісистемних порушень сполучної тканини переважно мають схильність діти шести та семи років, порівняно з чотирічними та п’ятирічними. Серед головних ознак змін сполучної тканини в дітей найчастіше трапляються гіпермобільність суглобів (75 %) та зміни опорно-рухового апарату (56,78 %). Analyzed of prevalence the clinical and morphological features of dysplastic disorders in children 4−7 years. The established that changes in connective tissue polysystem more inherent to children of six and seven years compared with children four and five years of age. In children, most common major dysplastic signs such as hypermobility of joints (75 %) and changes in the musculoskeletal system (56,78 %)

    Finite element method in computer simulation for improved patient care in dentistry: A systematic review

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    Background. The fi nite element method is gaining acknowledgment in Russia and other developed countries in a range of areas, including medicine. In stomatology, the method is applicable in research and implication of novel treatment and relevant material design.Objective. The review highlights usage of the fi nite element method in computer simulation to improve quality of patient dental care.Methods. The review analyses the state-of-the-art in current scientific literature. Records were mined in the PubMed and e-Library databases at a depth of 10 years, with selective inclusion of earlier articles. The query keywords were: finite element method [метод конечных элементов], computer simulation [компьютерная симуляция], quality of life improvement [повышение качества жизни], oral diseases [заболевания полости рта], oral diseases [заболевания полости рта, dental treatment [стоматологическое лечение].Results. The review systematically surveys 56 scientific papers in the focus area for current state-of-the-art in the finite element analysis-empowered simulation in dentistry. The method’s rising employment is conditioned by its flexibility, 3D-object modelling simplicity and the rapid acquisition of reliable high-quality output. Its undoubted paramount advantage in dentistry is an explicit software visualisation of reliable results through co-modelling of multiple oral parameters.Conclusion. The growing acquaintance, mastering and use of this technique among researchers around the globe will give impetus to novel diagnosis and treatment, as well as relevant management algorithms in particular patient categories to enable personalisation of even mass dental check-up. This will reduce the number of visits, peri- and posttreatment error and complication rates for the improved patient’s quality of life and social rehabilitation

    Effiectiveness of Etiotropic Therapy in Patients with Chronic Recurrent Oral Candidiasis: a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

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    Background. Effective treatment of oral candidiasis is especially relevant due to the increase in patients with recurrent fungal lesions of the oral cavity caused by the growing number of Candidaspp. strains refractory to antimycotic drugs. The paper presents the results of the study on the clinical efficacy of etiotropic therapy in patients with chronic recurrent course of oral candidiasis.Objective. To assess the effectiveness of etiotropic therapy in patients with chronic recurrent oral candidiasis.Methods. A randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted in 56 patients with chronic recurrent oral candidiasis aged 45 to 74 years. Examination and treatment of patients was performed at the Department of Dentistry of Volgograd State Medical University and at Volgograd Regional Clinical Dental Polyclinic (Volgograd, Russia). Study timeline: September 2020 — November 2022. Patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the antimycotic drug used: in the main group, patients took voriconazole, in the control group — fluconazole. In addition to etiotropic therapy, patients of both groups were prescribed complex treatment aimed at stimulating the immune protection of the body, restoring vitamin and mineral deficiency, and correcting the imbalance of the oral ecosystem. The patients underwent local symptomatic therapy: antiseptic treatment with 0.06% chlorhexidine bigluconate solution, anesthesia with 15% lidocaine gel, and 3.44% retinol oil solution to stimulate epithelization. Oral sanitation and professional hygiene were recommended for patients to prevent oral candidiasis. In order to restore chewing function, patients were referred to prosthodontic treatment. The main reference point of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the therapy, both by clinical criteria and by evaluating the results of bacterial culture test in order to record the quantitative, species and susceptibility profile of Candidaspp. strains in 3 weeks, 6 and 12 months after the end of treatment. Analysis and statistical processing of the obtained data were performed using Excel program to MS Windows 10 (Microsoft Corp., USA).Results. The most common pathogenic agent of chronic recurrent forms of oral candidiasis is C. albicans (69.6%), followed by C. non-albicans species — C. krusei (10.7%), C. tropicalis (10.7%) and C. glabrata (8.9%). Analysis of the quantitative characteristics of Candidaspp. using bacterial culture test revealed a high and moderate number of Candidaspp. CFU in most clinical isolates before treatment, and no such cases in patients of the main group after treatment. The susceptibility test of yeast fungi to fluconazole and itraconazole showed the presence of isolates with dose-dependent susceptibility, and the resistance of individual samples C. krusei to fluconazole and C. glabrata (16.7% and 60%, respectively) and to itraconazole (33.3% and 100%, respectively). All Candidaspp. isolates were found to be highly susceptible to voriconazole. The efficacy of the combined treatment of an episode with voriconazole is 95.4%. Continued suppressive therapy with voriconazole resulted in relapse prevention in 98.3% of patients. Etiotropic therapy with voriconazole provided a stable clinical effect (92.7%) after a year of follow-up.Conclusion. The results of the study confirm the effectiveness of etiotropic therapy with voriconazole for chronic oral candidiasis complicated by a recurrent course, especially in case of detected C. non-albicans or fluconazole- and itraconazole-resistant C. albicans, or if it is impossible to identify the pathogenic agent

    Gender analysis of management style

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    The paper deals with gender features of leaders. Pluses and minuses of men and women management are examined.В статье рассматриваются гендерные особенности лидеров. Рассматриваются плюсы и минусы мужского и женского управления