6 research outputs found

    A strategic approach to reducing inter-regional economic differentiation: China’s experience

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    This article examines the transition process from a strategy of unbalanced regional development to a strategy of coordinated regional development in China. A number of national strategies and strategic plans for regional development aimed at reducing inter-regional differentiation have been analysed. The paper aims to provide a comprehensive case study of China’s experience in implementing strategic planning to reduce inter-regional economic differentiation. Using the methodology of systems and strategic analysis, the authors analysed the main directions of national strategic regional planning to reduce inter-regional economic differentiation in China. The advantages and disadvantages of approaches to reducing inter-regional economic differentiation have been identified and recommendations for their improvement have been developed. National strategic planning for regional development is an important tool of regional policy to reduce inter-regional economic differentiation. It is necessary to concentrate efforts on ensuring consistency between the central government and local authorities, coordinating different areas of planning and their consistency, and developing a market mechanism

    Features of development of organizations in the context of digital transformation

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    The article characterizes the main trends in the development of organizations in modern economic conditions: the spread of coronavirus infection, a new industrial revolution, a shift in political courses, an increase in economic nationalism, a desire to maintain sustainability, digital transformation. To achieve the goal - to identify the features of the development of organizations in the context of digital transformation - the authors investigated the status of digital transformation in the Russian Federation by industry, the priorities of the digital transformation directions of Russian companies, the success factors of digital transformation. The paper analyses the use and implementation of modern technological solutions in the activities of enterprises in the context of digital transformation. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the role of the head of an organization that implements digital technologies to achieve strategic goals in the context of the transformation of the economic space

    Modeling of Regional Development Using a Structural Approach: Principles, Tools and Experience of Their Application

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    To solve the priority task of the Russian Federation to ensure the effective socio-economic and sustainable development of the regions, it is necessary to carry out an adequate structural policy, the main purpose of which is to form a rational and balanced structure of the economy that can ensure the effective development of the region’s economy. In this regard, the relevance of modeling regional development using a structural approach is beyond doubt. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the need for a close study of the specifics of the regional structure and the features of its modeling, taking into account General and specific principles, tools and practical experience of their application. Scientific novelty is the study of not only the basic laws, features, principles, tools for modeling the structure of the region, but also the experience of their application in determining the proportions and trends in the development of the region in order to conduct an adequate structural policy. The study used theoretical and empirical methods, in particular: literature review, logical and system analysis, methods of empirical data collection, description, modeling, forecasting and processing of research results. As a result of the study, the authors obtained the following results: a comparative analysis of approaches to the definition of the concept of “region”, “structure of the region”; justified that the structure gives the necessary integrity and defines the main characteristics of the region, allowing to consider it as a complete socio-economic system; classification of types of regional structures; justified that the main quality property of the territory is polystructural. As a conclusion, the authors note that in this regard, there can be no single approach to the description of the structure for modeling regional development. Approbation of the author’s approaches to the structuring of the regional economy is made on the materials of the Kursk region. It showed the adequacy of the developed theoretical provisions and allowed to determine the directions of their further development for the improvement of regional structural policy


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    The cluster policy is one of popular instruments of state regulation of regional development. Its main advantage – possibility of creation (on the ba-sis of clusters) the “growth poles” in region economy. Feature of process of a clustering of economy both in Russia, and in other countries of the world, is the active role of the state in identification of clusters, maintenance of cluster initiatives, stimulation of their development and carrying out monitoring of efficiency of the clustering processes. As a result of the analysis of cluster policy in the certain countries, two main models of implementation of cluster policy are revealed: dirigisme and liberal. They differ in extent of the state intervention. The cluster policy has to be implemented taking into account specifics of spatial structure of economy of the countries and regions. Studying of experience of various countries allowed to allocate two main directions of modern cluster policy: ascending and descending. The ascending approach concentrates on ensuring effective functioning of the market and elimination of market deficiency. At the descending approach the government establishes regional and national priorities, formulates the stimulat-ing vision for the future. The structure of economy of Russia differs from economies of other countries therefore direct loan of institutes of cluster pol-icy is impossible. It is necessary to select the foreign experience with the use of benchmarking

    The role and Meaning of Managerial Decision in Different Management Schools

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    The unity of conceptual apparatus in all management schools is an essential element for a progressive development of the science. The paper describes the aspect of dividing most resonant theorists of management into schools and the searching for a managerial decision idea in each of those schools. The aim of the work is to develop a generally accepted holistic view of the managerial decision through the analysis of the heritage of the classic theory of management. The research is of a theoretical and general nature, the authors use general scientific methods, including the historical method, analysis and synthesis, methods of analogy and generalization. Here you can find the approach based on the identification of a paradigm including the historical method, analysis and synthesis, methods of analogy and generalization. For the first time, schools of management have been compared from the point of view of their understanding of the essence of management decisions. The paper pays equal attention to the representatives of both world and domestic management theory. The conclusion is about the lack of a common understanding of management decisions shared by all schools. It also revealed the need to formulate its universal idea. As a study result, the sixth school has been added to the five schools identified in management theory. There has been formulated a paradigm for each one including a comparison of schools with respect to their views on a managerial decision. Also, there was compiled a table reflecting ideas about managerial essence and significance in management schools. The results of this research can be useful and relevant both for scientists, involved in management decision-making, and management practitioners who want to reasonably approach the problems and goals facing the organization. The perspective of further research lies in development of a definition that allows to get the most holistic picture of the managerial decision. The complexity of proposing that new definition lies in the need to consider all the achievements of all predecessors and it’s associated with the risk of initial rejection of the innovation by the scientific community