25 research outputs found

    Ближайшие результаты рентгенохирургического лечения миом матки — эмболизации маточных артерий, выполненного в ОКБ ХМАО — Югры

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    An efficient modern method for treatment of uterine fibroids is embolization of uterine arteries (EUA). It can be applied at single and multiple uterine fibroids. In most patients, myomatous nodes regress or resolve, bad symptoms reduce or disappear. EUA can also be made in women of reproductive age as an organ-preserving surgery allowing child-bearing in the future.Эффективным современнымметодом лечения миомы матки является эмболизация маточных артерий (ЭМА). Она может быть выполнена при единичной и множественной миоме матки. У большинства пациенток регрессируют или рассасываются миоматозные узлы, уменьшается или исчезает тревожащая симптоматика. ЭМА также можно провести у женщин репродуктивного возраста как органосохраняющую операцию, позволяющую в дальнейшем деторождение

    Mechanisms of Hybrid Oligomer Formation in the Pathogenesis of Combined Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases

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    Background: Misfolding and pathological aggregation of neuronal proteins has been proposed to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) are frequent neurodegenerative diseases of the aging population. While progressive accumulation of amyloid b protein (Ab) oligomers has been identified as one of the central toxic events in AD, accumulation of a-synuclein (a-syn) resulting in the formation of oligomers and protofibrils has been linked to PD and Lewy body Disease (LBD). We have recently shown that Ab promotes a-syn aggregation and toxic conversion in vivo, suggesting that abnormal interactions between misfolded proteins might contribute to disease pathogenesis. However the molecular characteristics and consequences of these interactions are not completely clear. Methodology/Principal Findings: In order to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in potential Ab/a-syn interactions, immunoblot, molecular modeling, and in vitro studies with a-syn and Ab were performed. We showed in vivo in the brains of patients with AD/PD and in transgenic mice, Ab and a-synuclein co-immunoprecipitate and form complexes. Molecular modeling and simulations showed that Ab binds a-syn monomers, homodimers, and trimers, forming hybrid ringlike pentamers. Interactions occurred between the N-terminus of Ab and the N-terminus and C-terminus of a-syn. Interacting a-syn and Ab dimers that dock on the membrane incorporated additional a-syn molecules, leading to th


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    Among all diseases in children, respiratory diseases often determine the level of child morbidity and mortality. This means high social importance of preventive and rehabilitation measures in children. Wellness programs using the stimulation of lymphatic drainage and atraumatic detoxification for school children are effective in preventing the development and progression of respiratory pathology.Среди всех заболеваний у детей болезни органов дыхания наиболее часто определяют уровень детской заболеваемости и смертности. Это означает высокую социальную значимость проведения у детей профилактических и лечебно-восстановительных мероприятий. Программы оздоровления с использованием стимуляции лимфатического дренажа и атравматической дезинтоксикации для детей школьного возраста эффективны в качестве профилактики развития и прогрессирования у них бронхолегочной патологии

    Extrusion cooking of wet mixtures of wheat flour with carrot bagasse in technology of ready-to-eat products

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    The actual challenge for the food industry is the utilization of by-products of fruit and vegetable processing and their use in the production of enriched food products. It allows to use raw materials with a high content of biological active substances more efficiently and rationally. The possibility of using carrot bagasse as an ingredient in the preparation of extruded ready-to-eat product was studied. The wheat meal was used as core ingredient. The influence of the bagasse dosage on the extrusion conditions and the properties of the extrudates samples was studied. It was shown that an increase of the bagasse content more than 20% influenced the quality of the product negatively.The expansion index decreased more than 2 times and the bulk density increased by 40%. The method of additional steam venting from the middle part of the extruder chamber was investigated during the extrusion cooking of mixtures with the bagasse content more than 20% and moisture content 26.5, 28.9 and 34.5%.The indicator of the steam venting was the reduction of pressure in the degassing installation. As a result, the moisture content of the material in the die zone of the extruder chamber decreased. It was shown that additional steam venting during extrusion of high-moisture mixtures led to more severe extrusion conditions. The temperature, die pressure and torgue increased significantly. It imroved the quality of extrudates. Steam venting during extrusion of blends with 26.5 and 28.9% moisture increased expansion index more than 2 times and decreased the bulk density by 21-25%.Extrusion process of a mixture with a moisture content of 34.5% without and with steam venting was unstable and did not allowed to obtain samples of extrudates with acceptable quality. The proposed method for extrusion of high-moisture blend of wheat flour with carrot bagasse can be basis for developing technologies for the production of ready-to-eat extruded products using moist food by-products of fruits and vegetables processing

    Short-term results of X-ray treatment of uterine fibroids — embolization of uterine arteries in Yugra Regional Clinical Hospital

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    An efficient modern method for treatment of uterine fibroids is embolization of uterine arteries (EUA). It can be applied at single and multiple uterine fibroids. In most patients, myomatous nodes regress or resolve, bad symptoms reduce or disappear. EUA can also be made in women of reproductive age as an organ-preserving surgery allowing child-bearing in the future