5 research outputs found

    Labour Potential of the Arctic Regions of the European Russia

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    The work considered the possibilities and directions of evolution of demographic development of the Arctic region, analyzed some characteristics of the labor potential of the population living in the Arctic regions of the European part of Russia.The purpose of the study is to substantiate the possibility of attracting the local population and the need to employment specialists from other regions of Russia for the development of the Arctic.To achieve the goal of the study, general scientifi methods were used — the collection and analysis of data from state statistics and sample surveys. The use of a systematic approach made it possible to comprehensively assess the situation on the territory under study and substantiate the possibilities for its development.Analysis of the quantitative characteristics of the labor potential of the studied regions showed a stable negative dynamics throughout the post-Soviet period. A number of reasons have been identifi  that contribute to the outfl   of population from the Arctic regions, the most important of which are the low standard of living compared to the Russian average, as well as the ineff     functioning of the mechanisms of northern guarantees and compensation. At the same time, the qualitative characteristics of labor potential, in particular, the level of education of the population can be increased due to the existing educational potential of neighboring regions.Conclusions about the need to attract people from the regions of the middle zone of Russia for the Arctic are made

    New Industrialization in the Segment of Software Production Centers: India, Israel, and Russia

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    Данная работа состоит из трех смысловых блоков. Первый блок включает анализ понятийного ряда: реиндустриализация, модернизация и новая индустриализация в контексте мировой научной повестки, анализируется российский опыт реиндустриализации и новой индустриализации. Здесь же обосновывается выбор конкретного объекта исследования в контексте поставленных задач. Во втором блоке обобщается история формирования софтверной индустрии Индии, а в третьем – Израиля как успешных примеров создания новой индустрии цифровой экономики. По каждому из рассмотренных кейсов сделана попытка систематизации опыта реализации экономической политики поддержки современных отраслей экономики (новой индустриализации) в Индии и Израиле как центров производства программных продуктов, включенных в цепочки добавленной стоимости по всему миру и интерпретации этого опыта в приложении к российским реалиям. Выделены возможные стратегии новой индустриализации в сегменте цифровой экономики на примере софтверной индустрии. Актуальность работы обоснована особенностями развития индустрии разработки программного обеспечения в России. В качестве исследовательской проблемы поставлен вопрос, почему объективно благоприятные условия для развития софтверной индустрии в России не нашли своего адекватного отражения в реальных результатах. Приведены примеры реализации относительно успешных политик поддержки отечественного производителя, которые опираются на сильные стороны национальных экономик в Индии и Израиле. Дан анализ тенденций развития реиндустриализации, модернизации и стратегий технологического обновления. Рассмотрены типичные бизнес-модели инновационного предпринимательства, дана оценка их успешности на кейсах Индии и Израиля. На примере динамики развития софтверной индустрии Индии показано, что не всегда успешное развитие индустрии дает соответствующий эффект для национальной экономики. На примере развития софтверной индустрии Израиля выделены реальные механизмы конвертации опыта финансирования военно-промышленного комплекса, стимулирующие гражданские отрасли национальной экономики. Кроме того, отмечено, что израильские компании по разработке программного обеспечения в реальности часто продолжают развиваться уже как чисто американские компании. Для России был сделан вывод, что успешное развитие новой индустриализации возможно только при условии адекватной оценки потенциала страны, рисков и угроз, формирования институциональной среды поддержки для создания новых отраслей индустрии.This article consists of three semantic blocks. The first block includes the analysis of a number of concepts: reindustrialization, modernization, and new industrialization – and analyzes the Russian experience of reindustrialization new industrialization in the context of the world scientific agenda. In addition, the authors explain the choice of this specific object of research according to the set tasks in this section. The second and third blocks summarize the history of the software industry in India and Israel, respectively, as successful examples of a new digital economy industry. For each of the cases considered, the authors systematize their experience of implementing economic policy to support modern sectors of the economy (new industrialization) as the centers for the global software production. Then, the authors interpret this experience in accordance with the Russian realities, highlighting possible strategies of new industrialization in digital economy, in particular – the software industry. The relevance of this work lies in the peculiarities of the software development industry in Russia. The authors ask the research question: why the real results have not adequately reflected the objectively favorable conditions for the development of the Russian software industry. This article provides examples of implementing relatively successful policies to support Russian producers, which rely on India’s and Israel’s successes. The authors trace common trends in the development of reindustrialization, modernization, and technological renewal strategies; study typical business models of innovative entrepreneurship; and assess their success in India and Israel. The former case shows that an industry’s successful development does not always result in such effect for the national economy. The example of Israel highlights real mechanisms for converting the experience of financing the militaryindustrial complex, stimulating the civil sectors of the national economy. In addition, the Israeli software development companies in reality often continue to develop as a purely American company. The authors conclude that for Russia, the successful development of new industrialization is possible only with an adequate assessment of the country’s potential, risks, and threats, as well as the formation of an institutional support environment for creating new industries

    Molecular Cytogenetics of Eurasian Species of the Genus Hedysarum L. (Fabaceae)

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    The systematic knowledge on the genus Hedysarum L. (Fabaceae: Hedysareae) is still incomplete. The species from the section Hedysarum are valuable forage and medicinal resources. For eight Hedysarum species, we constructed the integrated schematic map of their distribution within Eurasia based on currently available scattered data. For the first time, we performed cytogenomic characterization of twenty accessions covering eight species for evaluating genomic diversity and relationships within the section Hedysarum. Based on the intra- and interspecific variability of chromosomes bearing 45S and 5S rDNA clusters, four main karyotype groups were detected in the studied accessions: (1) H.arcticum, H. austrosibiricum, H. flavescens, H. hedysaroides, and H. theinum (one chromosome pair with 45S rDNA and one pair bearing 5S rDNA); (2) H. alpinum and one accession of H. hedysaroides (one chromosome pair with 45S rDNA and two pairs bearing 5S rDNA); (3) H. caucasicum (one chromosome pair with 45S rDNA and one chromosome pair bearing 5S rDNA and 45S rDNA); (4) H. neglectum (two pairs with 45S rDNA and one pair bearing 5S rDNA). The species-specific chromosomal markers detected in karyotypes of H. alpinum, H. caucasicum, and H. neglectum can be useful in taxonomic studies of this section

    The Epidemiological and Microbiological Characteristics of the Postoperative Period in Older Patients in Cardiac Surgery

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    High-tech methods of surgical treatment of cardiac patients older than 65 years are the only means the ineffectiveness of drug treatments prolong their life and improve its quality. The analysis of the postoperative period of 5 years (2009 - 2013) cardiac patients older than 65 years compared with patients up to 65 years. The study used epidemiological and microbiological methods. The frequency of postoperative infectious complications was higher in patients older than 65 years In the structure of pathogens isolated from blood dominated negative bacteria: Acinetobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa. There was a trend to a decrease in mortality in older patients in the dynamics over the years