9 research outputs found

    Economic and Legal Ensuring the Development of Inland Water Transport of the Eurasian Region

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    The present article analyzes the development of the inland water transport of the Eurasian region in the context of the adopted programs for the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the integration of the EAEU and the Chinese project ”Silk Road Economic Belt“. The subject of research consists of political decisions and legal documents on the development of inland water transport of the Eurasian region. The article discusses the guidelines for the development of the Caspian transport system, including the development of ports on the Caspian Sea. The harmonization of the activity of the CIS inland water transport was analyzed using the study of the Model Code of Inland Water Transport for the CIS member states

    Review of the monograph “The Idea of Good in F. М. Dostoevsky’s Work and Its Influence on the Development of the Philosophy of Law (To the 200th anniversary of F. М. Dostoevsky)”

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    The collective monograph “Тhе Idea of Good in F. М. Dostoevsky’s Work and Its Influence on тhе Development of the Philosophy of Law (To the 200th anniversary of F. М. Dostoevsky)” has become a significant event in the world of world science that studies issues of international law.Within the framework of this book, great attention is paid to the opposition of the multivector forces of “Good — Evil” in relation to the Russian Federation through the work of F. M. Dostoevsky. Now, on the western borders of the Russian Federation, the actions of a number of western unfriendly states that are members of the NATO military bloc have intensified, which, from the point of view of F. M. Dostoevsky abandoned God and bring evil, vices and death to the whole world. At the same time, the Russian Federation faced an ideological vacuum after the fall of the USSR and the rejection of socialist ideals. The authors show that Russia can offer the world a new civilizational ideology of Good within which there will be a spiritual transformation and liberation of mankind from temptations, strengthening of faith in God, the establishment of Christian love and virtue. The development of the ideology of Good is becoming the historical mission of Russia in the 21st century

    International Legal Features of the Constitutional Rights Implementation of the EAEU Member States Citizens in the Field of Pensions

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    This article considers the pension provision of workers of the Eurasian Economic Union member states based on an analysis of the EAEU legislation and a comparative analysis of the domestic pension legislation of the EAEU member states in order to identify the features of their citizens’ social protection in the event of disability. The article discusses the procedure for organizing pensions provision with the application of an Agreement on Pension Provisions for Workers of the EAEU member states of 20 December 2019

    Features of International Legal Regulation of Foreign Trade Contracts

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    The article conducts a study to determine the mechanism of effective legal regulation of the content of foreign trade contracts when establishing mutually beneficial relations between participants in a foreign economic transaction who are subjects of law of different states by type of economic activity in accordance with and in accordance with the terms agreed by the parties on the basis of the applicable norms of national and international law and the legislation of the countries regulating these legal relations in foreign economic activity.Aim. To propose the most optimal directions for improving the legal regulation of the content of foreign trade contracts in the system of international integration.Tasks. To determine the legal basis for regulating foreign trade contracts in modern integration processes; to investigate the legal aspects, specifics and procedure for concluding foreign trade contracts, as well as to identify legal problems that hinder the development of these legal relations.Methods. In this research we used methods of comparative law, methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as methods of deduction and induction.Results. In the course of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that there are some problematic aspects of both national and international regulation in the field of foreign trade contracts. These problems are expressed in the absence of a single legal regulation for the conclusion and execution of foreign trade contracts, the presence of specific requirements for the content of the contract in different countries, and as a result, the appearance of conflicts at the stage of agreement of the text of the contract by partners from different countries, as well as in the absence of a single legal mechanism ensuring fair resolution of disputes between the parties to the contract.Conclusion. As a result of the analysis of the actual problems associated with the lack of the necessary comprehensive legal regulation of the content of foreign trade contracts, the authors propose optimal ways to solve them by harmonizing legislation at the international level in order to humanely and fairly bring together the legislations of states and establish comparable regulatory legal regulation in relation to the legal regulation of the content, conclusion and execution of a foreign trade contract

    Pension Provision of Citizens in the EAEU and the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus

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    The present article provides an international legal analysis of pension provision for citizens of subregional integration associations of CIS (the EAEU and the Union State of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus), well as the prospects for legal regulation. The article concerns the legal basis in part of the pension provision regulation of the integration associations’ citizens of the EAEU, the Union State of Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, the procedure for implementing pension rights of integration associations’ citizens

    International Legal Regulation in the Sphere of Pension Provision for Cis Citizens

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    The present article analyzes the pension provision for citizens of the CIS integration associations and legal regulation prospects.In the article the fundamental documents on the pension provision regulation for CIS citizens are discussed, including international bilateral treaties of theRussian Federation

    International Legal and Economic Aspects of Dispute Resolution within the WTO in the Context of International Integration

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    The article discusses issues related to the settlement of disputes within the framework of the World Trade Organization, as well as assesses the advantages and disadvantages of this system. The specific problems of the dispute settlement system functioning today are considered, and options for optimizing the dispute resolution mechanism and various ways to improve the effectiveness of legal remedies in cases of non-compliance with decisions are proposed. Special attention is paid to the latest topical disputes involving the Russian Federation, the European Union, Ukraine, China and USA resolved within the framework of the World Tr ade Organization, as well as to the crisis faced by the organization due to the absence of a permanent appeals body

    Uncertainty of Regulation in the Fight against Extremism in International and National Law

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    The article analyzes the concept of “extremism” in national and international law, examines the problem of criminalization of extremism in the legislation of the Russian Federation, foreign states and international legal acts, identifes lacunas and contradictions in the legal regulation of relations aimed at countering extremism, it is argued that legal certainty is one of the factors of the effectiveness of international cooperation in the fght against extremism and terrorism

    Public, International Legal and Economic Aspects of Creating a System for Studying Corruption in the EAEU Member States

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    The article considers new approaches to the creation of a corruption research system. The authors point out that modern economic and legal methods for calculating corruption indices either do not take into account all manifestations of corruption or are highly influenced by political factors. The authors substantiate the need to apply a unified methodology for studying the level of corruption within the framework of the EAEU.Aim. Propose at the EAEU level the use of a comprehensive economic and legal methodology for studying the level of corruption, which, along with traditional methods, involves the active use of an artificial intelligence system — storage, transmission and processing of big data to detect corruption manifestations.Tasks. Determine the legal and economic foundations for studying the level of corruption in the Russian Federation and in the EAEU countries, as well as identify legal problems that impede the creation of uniform standards for studying corruption in the EAEU countries.Methods. In this study, methods of comparative law, methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as methods of deduction and induction were used.Results. In the course of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that there are a number of problematic economic and legal aspects both at the national level and at the international level in the field of corruption research. These problems are expressed in the absence of unified national and international standards that allow an impartial assessment of the level of corruption in the EAEU countries.Conclusion. As a result of the analysis of the identified problems, the authors propose ways to solve them through the creation of unified information economic and legal systems in the field of corruption research within the framework of the EAEU