33 research outputs found

    Development of high sensitive real-time PCR to detect mustard and other allergens of the family Brassicaceae in food samples

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    Mustard is a commonly used condiment including in production of other food products. As mustard is an allergen, it is necessary to control its presence. The development of PCR test-systems for its detection is complicated by the fact that this condiment can be made from seeds of various plant species (Brassica juncea, Brassica nigra, Sinapis alba) of the family Brassicaceae that are not closely related. This family includes other plant species such as white cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and rapeseed (Brassica napus), which can cause the allergic reaction, although seldom. In this connection, many authors use primers specific to many species of this family, including to allergens, to detect mustard. In this work, we used the similar strategy. To increase sensitivity, primers for the mitochondrial COX gene were selected. To increase PCR stability in analysis of deeply processed products, primers were selected for a region with a length of 61 base pair. In the work, the specificity and sensitivity of the developed PCR method was confirmed. Analyses of different products, including those that underwent deep technological processing, were carried out with these primers. Also, primers were selected to detect white mustard (S. alba). When analyzing products on the presence of white mustard, charac‑ teristic regional preferences were demonstrated: this species is used in manufacturing products mainly in the UK and USA


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    The project focuses on the study by neutron diffraction of a geometrically frustrated lay-ered oxide from a single trigonal magnetic superstructure in the layer, which leads to the formation of complex noncollinear spiral three-dimensional spin structures.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке гранта РНФ № 18-12-00375

    Temperature Evolution of Sodium Nitrite Structure in a Restricted Geometry

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    The NaNO2_{2} nanocomposite ferroelectric material in porous glass was studied by neutron diffraction. For the first time the details of the crystal structure including positions and anisotropic thermal parameters were determined for the solid material, embedded in a porous matrix, in ferro- and paraelectric phases. It is demonstrated that in the ferroelectric phase the structure is consistent with bulk data but above transition temperature the giant growth of amplitudes of thermal vibrations is observed, resulting in the formation of a "premelted state". Such a conclusion is in a good agreement with the results of dielectric measurements published earlier.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure


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    The historical reference of Asparagus officinalis (Asparagus officinalis L.), its species composition and practical use is given. Biological and agrotechnical features of culture, the most common diseases and pests are presented. Grades and methods of selection work. Sexual type of asparagus, perennial varieties and the ability of plants to vegetative propagation are important factors in asparagus breeding. The following methods are used in asparagus selection: hybridization; formation of male varieties via self-pollination of bisexual flowers found on male plants; utilization of the heterosis effect the formation of homozygous inbred-lines; production of tetraploid forms by exposure of colchicine to asparagus seedlings. Selection can be done either on individual plants or using multiple approach. Improvement of selection may be achieved using several parameters: plant yield, the mass of seedlings; plant height of the most developed shoot; the number of shoots. This allows to discard undesirable forms at early stages. Laboratory of green vegetables, spicy-flavoring and flower crops of the Federal Scientific Vegetable Center possesses the collection nursery of 7 samples of Asparagus officinalis: K-25, K-28, K-41, K-46, Mary Washington Bruswick, Paradise. The latter are used for Asparagus selection with the aim to retain economically valuable traits.В статье дана историческая справка возделывания спаржи обыкновенной (Asparagus officinalis L.), её видовой состав и практическое использование. Представлены биологические и агротехнические особенности культуры, наиболее часто встречаемые болезни и вредители. Указаны сорта и приёмы селекционной работы. При селекционной работе со спаржей необходимо учитывать половой тип растения, многолетие культуры спаржи, а также способность к вегетативному размножению. Применяют следующие методы: гибридизация; создание чисто мужских сортов путём самоопыления обоеполых цветков, встречающихся на мужских растениях; использование эффекта гетерозиса – создание гомозиготных инцухт-линий; получение тетраплоидных форм воздействием колхицина на проростки спаржи. Отбор можно вести двумя способами: массовый и индивидуальный. Для ускорения процесса селекции важное значение имеет ранняя диагностика растений по урожайности: масса проростков; высота растения по наиболее развитому побегу; число побегов, что позволяет на ранних этапах выбраковать нежелательные формы. В лаборатории зеленных, пряно-вкусовых и цветочных культур ФГБНУ ФНЦО в коллекционном питомнике вегетативно поддерживаются 7 образцов спаржи обыкновенной: К-25, К-28, К-41, К-46, Mary Washington, Bruswick, Paradise, из которых отбираются лучшие растения и проводится селекционная работа по сохранению хозяйственно ценных признаков в потомстве

    Development of high sensitive real-time PCR to detect mustard and other allergens of the family Brassicaceae in food samples

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    Mustard is a commonly used condiment including in production of other food products. As mustard is an allergen, it is necessary to control its presence. The development of PCR test-systems for its detection is complicated by the fact that this condiment can be made from seeds of various plant species (Brassica juncea, Brassica nigra, Sinapis alba) of the family Brassicaceae that are not closely related. This family includes other plant species such as white cabbage (Brassica oleracea) and rapeseed (Brassica napus), which can cause the allergic reaction, although seldom. In this connection, many authors use primers specific to many species of this family, including to allergens, to detect mustard. In this work, we used the similar strategy. To increase sensitivity, primers for the mitochondrial COX gene were selected. To increase PCR stability in analysis of deeply processed products, primers were selected for a region with a length of 61 base pair. In the work, the specificity and sensitivity of the developed PCR method was confirmed. Analyses of different products, including those that underwent deep technological processing, were carried out with these primers. Also, primers were selected to detect white mustard (S. alba). When analyzing products on the presence of white mustard, charac‑ teristic regional preferences were demonstrated: this species is used in manufacturing products mainly in the UK and USA

    Detection of soybean by real-time PCR in the samples subjected to deep technological processing

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    During deep technological processing, DNA of food product components (specifically, in canned foods) is subjected to strong degradation, which makes the PCR-based food components identification more difficult. In this work, a primer-probe system is proposed, which was selected for the multi-copy region of long terminal repeat (LTR) of soybean (Glycine max). We confirmed its high sensitivity and specificity for soybean detection by real-time PCR. Using the selected system, we successfully analyzed the samples of meat-and-plant canned foods and other food products subjected to deep technological processing — tofu, preserved tofu, soy sauces, confectionary products containing soy lecithin. To compare with these samples, real-time PCR was carried out using the primer-probe system selected for the single-copy le1 gene. In terms of sensitivity, the use of the primer-probe system specific to the single-copy region was significantly inferior to the primer-probe system specific to the LTR region. The difference in the rate of degradation of these genomic DNA regions of Glycine max was found


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    The historical reference of Asparagus officinalis (Asparagus officinalis L.), its species composition and practical use is given. Biological and agrotechnical features of culture, the most common diseases and pests are presented. Grades and methods of selection work. Sexual type of asparagus, perennial varieties and the ability of plants to vegetative propagation are important factors in asparagus breeding. The following methods are used in asparagus selection: hybridization; formation of male varieties via self-pollination of bisexual flowers found on male plants; utilization of the heterosis effect the formation of homozygous inbred-lines; production of tetraploid forms by exposure of colchicine to asparagus seedlings. Selection can be done either on individual plants or using multiple approach. Improvement of selection may be achieved using several parameters: plant yield, the mass of seedlings; plant height of the most developed shoot; the number of shoots. This allows to discard undesirable forms at early stages. Laboratory of green vegetables, spicy-flavoring and flower crops of the Federal Scientific Vegetable Center possesses the collection nursery of 7 samples of Asparagus officinalis: K-25, K-28, K-41, K-46, Mary Washington Bruswick, Paradise. The latter are used for Asparagus selection with the aim to retain economically valuable traits

    Long-range magnetic ordering in Li2MnGeO4 and precursor short-range spin correlations

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    Long-range magnetic ordering and short-range spin correlations in layered noncentrosymmetric orthogermanate Li2MnGeO4 were studied by means of polarized and unpolarized neutron scattering. The combined Rietveld refinement of synchrotron and neutron powder diffraction data at room temperature within the Pmn2(1) space group allowed us to specify the details of the crystal structure. According to the additional Bragg peaks in low-temperature neutron diffraction patterns a long-range antiferromagnetic ordering with the propagation vector k = (1/2 1/2 1/2) has been found below T-N approximate to 8 K. Symmetry analysis revealed the model of the ground state spin structure within the C(a)c (no. 9.41) magnetic space group. It is represented by the noncollinear ordering of manganese atoms with a refined magnetic moment of 4.9 mu(B)/Mn2+ at 1.7 K, which corresponds to the saturated value for the high-spin configuration S = 5/2. Diffuse magnetic scattering was detected on the neutron diffraction patterns at temperatures just above T-N. Its temperature evolution was investigated in detail by polarized neutron scattering with the following XYZ-polarization analysis. Reverse Monte Carlo simulation of diffuse scattering data showed the development of short-range ordering in Li2MnGeO4, which is symmetry consistent on a small scale with the long-range magnetic state below T-N. The reconstructed radial spin-pair correlation function S(0)S(r) displayed the predominant role of antiferromagnetic correlations. It was found that spin correlations are significant only for the nearest magnetic neighbors and almost disappear at r approximate to 12 angstrom at 10 K. Temperature dependence of the diffuse scattering implies short-range ordering long before the magnetic phase transition. Besides, the spin arrangement was found to be similar in both cases above and below T-N. As a result, an exhaustive picture of the gradual formation of magnetic ordering in Li2MnGeO4 is presented