30 research outputs found

    Exponential bounds for the probability deviations of sums of random fields

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    Non-asymptotic exponential upper bounds for the deviation probability for a sum of independent random fields are obtained under Bernstein's condition and assumptions formulated in terms of Kolmogorov's metric entropy. These estimations are constructive in the sense that all the constants involved are given explicitly. In the case of moderately large deviations, the upper bounds have optimal log-asymptotices. The exponential estimations are extended to the local and global continuity modulus for sums of independent samples of a random field

    New classifications of female genital malignancies (FIGO and TNM)

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    Despite great efforts to publish the 7th edition of the clinical TNM classification, the major aim of the International Union Against Cancer continues to create unified statistical information on the prevalence of disease in each specific case. This information can, in the general context, help specialists evaluate a tumor process, avoid disagreements in the planning of treatment and in the assessment of its results, and make a prognosis, thereby favoring further investigations of malignancies

    Модернізація промислових роботів

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    Модернізація промислових роботів = Modernization of industrial robots / Д. Ю. Шарейко, І. С. Білюк, О. С. Садовий, О. В. Савченко, А. М. Фоменко, А. В. Козаченко // Вісн. ПДТУ. Сер. Технічні науки. – Маріуполь : ДВНЗ «ПДТУ», 2020. – Вип. 41. – С. 99–108.Наведено спосіб модернізації промислових роботів за рахунок використання синхронних сервоелектродвигунів з цифровою системою керування. Цифрова система керування може бути побудована або на основі контролера, або з використанням ЕОМ. Отримана методика розрахунку параметрів цифрового регулятора на задані показники якості керування.The method of modernization of industrial robots due to the use of synchronous servo electric motors with a digital control system has been given. The digital control system can be arranged either on the basis of the controller, or with the use of a computer. The method of calculation of the digital regulator parameters to get the set indicators of control quality has been received. The use of digital controllers makes it possible not only to improve the control quality, but also to increase the margin of stability. Modern frequency converters that are part of complete electric drives already contain speed and current regulators. These regulators are arranged on different control principles: PI, PD, PID. The parameters of these controls are set in software and cannot be changed in any other way. An alternative is to use a programmable logic controller (PLC). It is connected through the digital inputs of the frequency converter and can also receive information through the digital outputs of that very frequency converter. However, unlike the fixed controllers, which are part of the frequency converter and are set up according to the specifications of the electric drive in accordance with the known methods of linear systems, the setting-up of the PLC software digital controller requires programming in a special programming language for this controller. In addition, the controller can change the settings of the regulators and the regulation law itself, turning the control system into an adaptive one. Therefore, the solution to the problem of setting-up digital controllers is entirely relevant, especially when connecting an electric drive to a computer. This improves the user’s dialogue, making it possible to reset up the parameters of the regulators and the control law. In modern robotic manipulators with stringent requirements for positioning accuracy, synchronous servo electric drives are widely used, which are replacing stepper drives. The exception is electric drives with piezoceramic actuators. But they are used in low-power robots. The paper provides an example of calculating the parameters of a digital controller using the method of logarithmic frequency characteristics

    On an expansion of random processes in series

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    Metric characterization of random variables and random processes

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    The topic covered in this book is the study of metric and other close characteristics of different spaces and classes of random variables and the application of the entropy method to the investigation of properties of stochastic processes whose values, or increments, belong to given spaces. The following processes appear in detail: pre-Gaussian processes, shot noise processes representable as integrals over processes with independent increments, quadratically Gaussian processes, and, in particular, correlogram-type estimates of the correlation function of a stationary Gaussian process, jointly strictly sub-Gaussian processes, etc. The book consists of eight chapters divided into four parts: The first part deals with classes of random variables and their metric characteristics. The second part presents properties of stochastic processes "imbedded" into a space of random variables discussed in the first part. The third part considers applications of the general theory. The fourth part outlines the necessary auxiliary material. Problems and solutions presented show the intrinsic relation existing between probability methods, analytic methods, and functional methods in the theory of stochastic processes. The concluding sections, "Comments" and "References", gives references to the literature used by the authors in writing the book