104 research outputs found

    Radiation-induced hydrogen transfer in metals

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    The paper presents processes of hydrogen (deuterium) diffusion and release from hydrogen-saturated condensed matters in atomic, molecular and ionized states under the influence of the electron beam and X-ray radiation in the pre-threshold region. The dependence is described between the hydrogen isotope release intensity and the current density and the electron beam energy affecting sample, hydrogen concentration in the material volume and time of radiation exposure to the sample. The energy distribution of the emitted positive ions of hydrogen isotopes is investigated herein. Mechanisms of radiation-induced hydrogen transfer in condensed matters are suggested

    Полостные формы торакального саркоидоза (обзор литературы, клинико-рентгенологические наблюдения)

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    Cavity forms of sarcoidosis, which require differential diagnosis with other diseases, manifested by X-ray cavity patterns, polysegmental nodular formations, hilus and mediastinal lymphadenopathy, are extremely rare. The data of the world literature (1973 - 2018) on the studied problem are analyzed, the results of our own clinical and radiological observations of patients (n = 490) with various forms of sarcoidosis are presented. Cavity forms of sarcoidosis were detected in 31 (6.3%) cases — fibrocystic variants in stage IV sarcoidosis (n = 8); sarcoidosis on the background of cystic hypoplasia (n = 7); combined forms of primary cavity sarcoidosis and necrotic sarcoid granulomatosis in 6 (1.2%) patients; a combination of sarcoidosis and fibro-cavernous tuberculosis (n = 5); sarcoidosis with the pattern “reverse halo sign” (n = 5). Examples of our own clinical and radiological observations are presented. The modern methods of multispiral computed tomography have been optimized, the capabilities of the basic post-processing image processing programs have been demonstrated, the use of which significantly increases the sensitivity and specificity of tomographic research.Полостные формы саркоидоза, при которых требуется дифференциальная диагностика с другими заболеваниями, проявляющимися рентгенологическими паттернами полости, полисегментарными узелковыми образованиями, гилюсной и медиастинальной лимфаденопатией, встречаются крайне редко. Проанализированы данные мировой литературы (1973-2018) по изучаемой проблеме, представлены результаты собственных клинико-рентгенологических наблюдений пациентов (n = 490) с различными формами саркоидоза. Полостные формы саркоидоза выявлены в 31 (6,3 %) случае - фиброзно-кистозные варианты при саркоидозе IV стадии (n = 8); саркоидоз на фоне кистозной гипоплазии (n = 7); объединенные формы первично-полостного саркоидоза и некротического саркоидного гранулематоза - у 6 (1,2 %) больных; сочетание саркоидоза и фиброзно-кавернозного туберкулеза (n = 5); саркоидоз с паттерном «обратный знак гало» (n = 5). Представлены примеры собственных клинико-рентгенологических наблюдений. Оптимизированы современные методы мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии, продемонстрированы возможности базовых программ постпроцессинговой обработки изображений, при использовании которых существенно повышаются чувствительность и специфичность томографического исследования

    Electron production in proton collisions: total cross sections

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    Universal smoking installation of rotary type

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    According to the research carried out by the authors the most technological installations for producing meat and fish products are oriented only on one type of raw material (meat or fish), as well as the kind of smoking (cold or hot). Limitations are related to the maximum temperature of the drying agent that affects the product; presence of the system for maintaining the relative humidity of the air mixture; presence of the smoke cooling system coming from the smoke generator and a number of other factors. Enterprises expanding the range of products are forced to purchase new equipment. With a limited production area especially for small businesses this is not convenient. In the paper, a universal smoking installation of the rotor type (USIRT) is considered for the production of both meat and fish products using cold or hot smoking. The installation is oriented to a wide range of products. The presence of the smoke cooling system will allow the production of cold smoking products, the presence of the dehumidification and humidification system for the smoke-air mixture will ensure the maintenance of the required technological regime for producing fish and meat products. Based on the example of cold smoking studies have shown that the duration of the process should be reduced while maintaining the quality of the product. For this purpose, ultrasonic (US) vibrations have been applied to the smoke-air mixture in USIRT. The studies have been carried out to identify the best type of ultrasound radiators capable of transmitting vibrations of the installation metal surface and from it to pass into the smoke-air mixture in order to intensify the process of cold smoking. The necessary power of ultrasonic generators has been determined. Comparative results of technological processes with the application of ultrasound in the production of fish products have been presented

    Effect of surface tension and viscosity on the collapse of a cavitation bubble

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    The effectiveness of metformin in patients with metabolic syndrome and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

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    The mechanism of action of metformin is realized through activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, leading to a decrease hepatic glucose production as well as to decrease the synthesis of triglycerides and an increase in fat oxidation. Several studies have demonstrated the positive effect of the drug in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, manifested in reducing the activity of enzymes, reducing the size of the liver and insulin resistance. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of metformin in patients with metabolic syndrome and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. The study found that the use Siofor 850 mg 2 times a day in conjunction with a reduced-calorie nutrition in patients with metabolic syndrome and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease leads to a significant reduction in insulin resistance associated with decreased activity of transaminases, improvement of metabolic parameters. The therapy Siofor majority of patients (60%) with metabolic syndrome and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease achieved a clinically significant weight loss and improved body composition. Application Siofor improves lifestyle changes in obese patients with non-alcoholic liver disease dirovoy and metabolic disorders