50 research outputs found

    Use of a neural network in creating a digital assistant for blind and visually impaired people

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    The experience of ongoing research in image processing clearly demonstrates the huge scope for the development of new neural networks that can help people in a wide range of tasks. The authors chose the direction of work related to helping people who have vision problems. The article considers a convolutional neural network of the Mask R-CNN model for segmenting objects in an image. During the research the authors study a large number of algorithms that can quickly and accurately process images, such as Faster R-CNN, which was the most efficient in 2020. During the analysis, it was revealed that the use of Mask R-N technology can significantly increase the efficiency of performing tasks, since this algorithm is the latest version of the machine learning model. As a result of the study, a neural network was developed that is capable of identifying and distinguishing a large number of objects in an image. The next step is to refine the algorithm and use additional means of interaction with the hardware of the systems to increase the speed of the neural network. In the future, the resulting neural network will be integrated into the Digital Assistant for the Blind and Visually Impaired Persons application. This application is guaranteed to improve the daily life of people with disabilities who experience certain inconveniences due to their features, and can become the basis for other, larger projects related, for example, to unmanned devices, as well as services whose work is directly based on image processing

    Medical diagnostics and orthogonal basis of syllogistic

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    В работе рассматривается одно из возможных приложений новой логической модели рассуждений на базе невырожденной булевой алгебры множеств. Предлагаемые методы поиска логических выводов из заданной системы посылок изначально ориентированы на применение компьютерной технологии решения и наглядное отображение логических соотношений между терминами задачи диагностики. In this paper we consider one of the possible application of a new logical model of reasoning based on a non – degenerative Boolean algebra of sets. Suggested methods for finding logical conclusions from the given system of premises initially focused on the use of computer technology solutions and visual display of logical relationships between the terms of the problem of medical diagnostics

    Constructive propositional logic with implication unparadoxical

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    В статье рассматривается неклассическая пропозициональная логика, включающая традиционную силлогистику. Показана тесная связь продукционных систем и онтологии, являющейся областью интерпретации правильных формул данной логики. Приведены примеры, имеющие прикладное значение. The article explains the reasons to replace the multisemantic basis of Aristotle in classical logic and traditional syllogistic. In return it is suggested looking at mono-semantic basis, isomorphic to relationship "equivalent", "entailing", "independent", which happen between random events in probability theory

    A review of cloud computing

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