694 research outputs found

    Non-language factors and language evolution

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    This paper is devoted to the description of the functioning and development of the language system seen in correlation with the influence of non-language factor

    The finding and researching algorithm for potentially oscillating enzymatic systems

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    Many processes in living organisms are subject to periodic oscillations at different hierarchical levels of their organization: from molecular-genetic to population and ecological. Oscillatory processes are responsible for cell cycles in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, for circadian rhythms, for synchronous coupling of respiration with cardiac contractions, etc. Fluctuations in the numbers of organisms in natural populations can be caused by the populations’ own properties, their age structure, and ecological relationships with other species. Along with experimental approaches, mathematical and computer modeling is widely used to study oscillating biological systems. This paper presents classical mathematical models that describe oscillatory behavior in biological systems. Methods for the search for oscillatory molecular-genetic systems are presented by the example of their special case – oscillatory enzymatic systems. Factors influencing the cyclic dynamics in living systems, typical not only of the molecular-genetic level, but of higher levels of organization as well, are considered. Application of different ways to describe gene networks for modeling oscillatory molecular-genetic systems is considered, where the most important factor for the emergence of cyclic behavior is the presence of feedback. Techniques for finding potentially oscillatory enzymatic systems are presented. Using the method described in the article, we present and analyze, in a step-by-step manner, first the structural models (graphs) of gene networks and then the reconstruction of the mathematical models and computational experiments with them. Structural models are ideally suited for the tasks of an automatic search for potential oscillating contours (linked subgraphs), whose structure can correspond to the mathematical model of the molecular-genetic system that demonstrates oscillatory behavior in dynamics. At the same time, it is the numerical study of mathematical models for the selected contours that makes it possible to confirm the presence of stable limit cycles in them. As an example of application of the technology, a network of 300 metabolic reactions of the bacterium Escherichia coli was analyzed using mathematical and computer modeling tools. In particular, oscillatory behavior was shown for a loop whose reactions are part of the tryptophan biosynthesis pathway

    Thrombosis in unvaccinated and Gam-COVID-Vac-vaccinated patients with COVID-19

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    Aim. To analyze the incidence of thrombotic events in unvaccinated and GamCOVID-Vac-vaccinated patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).Material and methods. This prospective study included 316 patients (group 1) vaccinated with two doses of Sputnik V (Gam-COVID-Vac) hospitalized between November 20, 2020 and June 1, 2021 for COVID-19. Group 2 included 754 unvaccinated patients with a positive polymerase chain reaction test for SARSCoV-2.Results. During inhospital period, deaths were recorded only in unvaccinated patients (group 1 — 0%; group 2 — 10,7% (n=87); p<0,0001). Among unvaccinated patients, the following thrombotic events were more common: upper- extremity deep vein thrombosis (group 1 — 0,63% (n=2); group 2 — 5,4% (n=41); p=0,0003), lower-extremity deep vein thrombosis (group 1 — 2,21% (n=7); group 2 — 11,4% (n=86); p<0,0001), pulmonary embolism (PE) (group 1 — 0%; group 2 — 3,4% (n=26); p=0,0008), lower limb arterial thrombosis followed by thrombectomy (group 1 — 0,31% (n=1); group 2 — 12% (n=91); p <0,0001), lower limb arterial retrombosis after retrombectomy (group 1 — 0,31% (n=1); group 2 — 8,7% (n=66); p<0,0001), lower limb amputation (group 1 — 0%; group 2 — 8,7% (n=66); p<0,0001), composite endpoint (group 1 — 3,8% (n=12); group 2 — 55,2% (n=416); p<0,0001). In the long-term follow-up period (125,5±26,5 days), recurrent COVID-19 developed significantly more often in unvaccinated patients (group 1 — 0,63% (n=2); group 2 — 3,6% (n=24); p=0,007). All arterial and venous thromboses, limb amputations were diagnosed only among unvaccinated patients.Conclusion. Vaccination with Sputnik V (Gam-COVID-Vak) prevents the severe COVID-19 with the development of deaths, pulmonary embolism, venous and arterial thrombosis

    Thomson Scattering of Coherent Diffraction Radiation by an Electron Bunch

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    The paper considers the process of Thomson scattering of coherent diffraction radiation (CDR) produced by the preceding bunch of the accelerator on one of the following bunches. It is shown that the yield of scattered hard photons is proportional to Ne3_e^3, where Ne_e is the number of electrons per bunch. A geometry is chosen for the CDR generation and an expression is obtained for the scattered photon spectrum with regard to the geometry used, that depends in an explicit form on the bunch size. A technique is proposed for measuring the bunch length using scattered radiation characteristics.Comment: 14 pages, LATEX, 6 ps.gz figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Highly Luminescent Solution-Grown Thiophene-Phenylene Co-Oligomer Single Crystals

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    Thiophene-phenylene co-oligomers (TPCOs) are among the most promising materials for organic light emitting devices. Here we report on record high among TPCO single crystals photoluminescence quantum yield reaching 60%. The solution-grown crystals are stronger luminescent than the vapor-grown ones, in contrast to a common believe that the vapor-processed organic electronic materials show the highest performance. We also demonstrate that the solution grown TPCO single crystals perform in organic field effect transistors as good as the vapor-grown ones. Altogether, the solution-grown TPCO crystals are demonstrated to hold great potential for organic electronics.</p

    Реваскуляризация при поражении артерий аортоподвздошного сегмента. Обзор литературы и клинические примеры

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    This article reports the main issues concerning the tactics of choosing the treatment of patients with occlusive-stenotic lesions of the aortoiliac segment. The key issues of the current Russian, European and American recommendations for revascularization of the peripheral vessels are demonstrated. Attention is paid to the latest studies comparing the results of open surgery and endovascular correction methods. Clinical cases are presented that demonstrate the optimal results of the use of endovascular technologies in conditions of extensive hemodynamically significant lesions and occlusion of the iliac arteries. The conclusion was made about the high efficiency and safety of interventional management in the treatment of patients with atherosclerotic lesions of the aortoiliac segment. В настоящей статье рассмотрены основные вопросы, касающиеся выбора тактики лечения больных с окклюзионно-стенотическими поражениями аорто-подвздошного сегмента. Продемонстрированы ключевые положения действующих российских, европейских и американских рекомендаций по реваскуляризации периферического русла. Уделено внимание последним исследованиям, сравнивающим результаты открытой хирургии и эндоваскулярных методов коррекции. Приведены клинические случаи, демонстрирующие оптимальные результаты применения интервенционных технологий в условиях протяженного гемодинамически значимого поражения и окклюзии подвздошных артерий. Сделано заключение о высокой эффективности и безопасности эндоваскулярной коррекции в лечении больных с атеросклеротическим поражением аорто-подвздошного сегмента.

    Endovascular recanalization of chronic infrarenal aortic occlusion in a patient with two-vessel coronary artery disease: a case report

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    A case report on endovascular treatment of occlusion of the infrarenal aorta and iliac arteries in a patient with hemodynamically significant two-vessel coronary artery disease is presented. After a thorough examination and assessment of surgical risks, a multidisciplinary team meeting chose a staged revascularization strategy: stage 1 — percutaneous coronary intervention in the left anterior descending artery and right coronary artery; stage 2 — endovascular recanalization of aorto-iliac segment occlusion using the kissing stents technique. There were no perioperative complications and the patient was discharged on the 4th day after surgery in a satisfactory condition. The choice in favor of these types of reconstruction and staged revascularization strategy was substantiated. A conclusion was made about the effectiveness and safety of implemented measures

    Feasibility Study on Hemotransfusion Transmission of West Nile Fever Virus in the Territory of the Saratov Region

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    In order to identify the risk of hemotransfusion transmission of West Nile virus in the territory of the Saratov Region, carried out has been analysis of 1760 blood sera and 270 blood samples from donors residing in the Region, intended to detect markers, indicating recent infection with the virus. Consequently, identified have been IgM and/or low-avid IgG suggestive of a late contact with the agent. The data obtained demonstrate the feasibility of realization of hemotransfusion mechanism for West Nile virus transmission in the territory of the Saratov Region in a particular season. It is planned to continue investigations, applying 2 analytical methods: ELISA and PCR, with individual testing of biological material from each donor

    Три наиболее обсуждаемых вопроса каротидной хирургии. Обзор российских и зарубежных исследований последнего пятилетия

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    This literature review analyzes Russian and foreign publications over the past five years on the three most discussed issues related to carotid artery surgery: 1.Which is more effective: eversion carotid endarterectomy or conventional carotid endarterectomy with patch closure? 2. Which is better: carotid endarterectomy (CEE) or carotid angioplasty and stenting (CAS)? 3. How soon after the development of ischemic stroke should cerebral revascularization be performed?  The authors of the article came to the following conclusions: 1. According to the majority of large studies and meta-analyses, conventional CEE with patch closure is associated with a higher risk of internal carotid artery restenosis compared to eversion carotid endarterectomy. Single-center trials with small samples of patients do not find statistical differences between the outcomes of applying both surgical techniques. 2. Large multicenter randomized trials are required to address the effectiveness of CEA and CAS in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. To date, there has been no consensus on this matter. 3. CEE and CAS can be equally effective and safe in the most acute and acute periods of ischemic stroke when performed in the presence of a mild neurological deficit and the ischemic brain lesion not exceeding 2.5 cm in diameter. Nevertheless, the choice of treatment strategy should be made strictly personalized by a multidisciplinary council based on the experience of the institution and current recommendations. В настоящем обзоре литературы проведен анализ российских и зарубежных публикаций за последние 5 лет по трем самым обсуждаемым вопросам, связанным с каротидной хирургией: 1. Что более эффективно: эверсионная или классическая техника операции с пластикой зоны реконструкции заплатой? 2. Что оптимальнее: каротидная эндартерэктомия (КЭЭ) или каротидная ангиопластика со стентированием (КАС)? 3. В какие сроки после развития ишемического инсульта следует выполнять реваскуляризацию головного мозга?Авторы статьи пришли к следующим заключениям: 1. По данным большинства крупных исследований и метаанализов классическая КЭЭ с пластикой зоны реконструкции заплатой сочетается с высоким риском развития рестеноза внутренней сонной артерии относительно эверсионной техники операции. Одноцентровые исследования с небольшими выборками больных статистических различий между результатами применения обоих методов операции не находят. 2. Требуется проведение крупных многоцентровых рандомизированных исследований для решения вопросов эффективности КЭЭ и КАС у симптомных и бессимптомных больных. На сегодняшний день единого мнения по этому поводу не выработано. 3. КЭЭ и КАС могут быть одинаково эффективны и безопасны в острейшем и остром периодах ишемического инсульта при реализации в условиях наличия легкого неврологического дефицита и ишемического очага в головном мозге, не превышающего 2,5 см в диаметре. Тем не менее, выбор стратегии лечения должен осуществляться строго персонифицированно мультидисциплинарным консилиумом на основе опыта учреждения и действующих рекомендаций