267 research outputs found

    Concatenating dynamical decoupling with decoherence-free subspaces for quantum computation

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    A scheme to implement a quantum computer subjected to decoherence and governed by an untunable qubit-qubit interaction is presented. By concatenating dynamical decoupling through bang-bang (BB) pulse with decoherence-free subspaces (DFSs) encoding, we protect the quantum computer from environment-induced decoherence that results in quantum information dissipating into the environment. For the inherent qubit-qubit interaction that is untunable in the quantum system, BB control plus DFSs encoding will eliminate its undesired effect which spoils quantum information in qubits. We show how this quantum system can be used to implement universal quantum computation.Comment: 6 pages,2 figures, 1 tabl

    Error Avoiding Quantum Codes and Dynamical Stabilization of Grover's Algorithm

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    An error avoiding quantum code is presented which is capable of stabilizing Grover's quantum search algorithm against a particular class of coherent errors. This error avoiding code consists of states only which are factorizable in the computational basis. Furthermore, its redundancy is smaller than the one which is achievable with a general error correcting quantum code saturating the quantum Hamming bound. The fact that this code consists of factorizable states only may offer advantages for the implementation of quantum gates in the error free subspace

    Preparation of GHZ states via Grover's quantum searching algorithm

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    In this paper we propose an approach to prepare GHZ states of an arbitrary multi-particle system in terms of Grover's fast quantum searching algorithm. This approach can be regarded as an extension of the Grover's algorithm to find one or more items in an unsorted database.Comment: 9 pages, Email address: [email protected]

    Information Erasure and Recover in Quantum Memory

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    We show that information in quantum memory can be erased and recovered perfectly if it is necessary. That the final states of environment are completely determined by the initial states of the system allows that an easure operation can be realized by a swap operation between system and an ancilla. Therefore, the erased information can be recoverd. When there is an irreversible process, e.g. an irreversible operation or a decoherence process, in the erasure process, the information would be erased perpetually. We present that quantum erasure will also give heat dissipation in environment. And a classical limit of quantum erasure is given which coincides with Landauer's erasure principle.Comment: PACS: 0365.Bz. 03.67.Hk;3page

    A proposal for implementing an n-qubit controlled-rotation gate with three-level superconducting qubit systems in cavity QED

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    We present a way for implementing an n-qubit controlled-rotation gate with three-level superconducting qubit systems in cavity QED. The two logical states of a qubit are represented by the two lowest levels of each system while a higher-energy level is used for the gate implementation. The method operates essentially by preparing a WW state conditioned on the states of the control qubits, creating a single photon in the cavity mode, and then performing an arbitrary rotation on the states of the target qubit with assistance of the cavity photon. It is interesting to note that the basic operational steps for implementing the proposed gate do not increase with the number nn of qubits, and the gate operation time decreases as the number of qubits increases. This proposal is quite general, which can be applied to various types of superconducting devices in a cavity or coupled to a resonator.Comment: Six figures, accepted by Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Quantum Measurements and Gates by Code Deformation

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    The usual scenario in fault tolerant quantum computation involves certain amount of qubits encoded in each code block, transversal operations between them and destructive measurements of ancillary code blocks. We introduce a new approach in which a single code layer is used for the entire computation, in particular a surface code. Qubits can be created, manipulated and non-destructively measured by code deformations that amount to `cut and paste' operations in the surface. All the interactions between qubits remain purely local in a two-dimensional setting.Comment: Revtex4, 6 figure

    Internal Consistency of Fault-Tolerant Quantum Error Correction in Light of Rigorous Derivations of the Quantum Markovian Limit

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    We critically examine the internal consistency of a set of minimal assumptions entering the theory of fault-tolerant quantum error correction for Markovian noise. These assumptions are: fast gates, a constant supply of fresh and cold ancillas, and a Markovian bath. We point out that these assumptions may not be mutually consistent in light of rigorous formulations of the Markovian approximation. Namely, Markovian dynamics requires either the singular coupling limit (high temperature), or the weak coupling limit (weak system-bath interaction). The former is incompatible with the assumption of a constant and fresh supply of cold ancillas, while the latter is inconsistent with fast gates. We discuss ways to resolve these inconsistencies. As part of our discussion we derive, in the weak coupling limit, a new master equation for a system subject to periodic driving.Comment: 19 pages. v2: Significantly expanded version. New title. Includes a debate section in response to comments on the previous version, many of which appeared here http://dabacon.org/pontiff/?p=959 and here http://dabacon.org/pontiff/?p=1028. Contains a new derivation of the Markovian master equation with periodic drivin

    A quantum search for zeros of polynomials

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    A quantum mechanical search procedure to determine the real zeros of a polynomial is introduced. It is based on the construction of a spin observable whose eigenvalues coincide with the zeros of the polynomial. Subsequent quantum mechanical measurements of the observable output directly the numerical values of the zeros. Performing the measurements is the only computational resource involved

    Remote information concentration by GHZ state and by bound entangled state

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    We compare remote information concentration by a maximally entangled GHZ state with by an unlockable bound entangled state. We find that the bound entangled state is as useful as the GHZ state, even do better than the GHZ state in the context of communication security.Comment: 4 pages,1 figur

    A Quantum to Classical Phase Transition in Noisy Quantum Computers

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    The fundamental problem of the transition from quantum to classical physics is usually explained by decoherence, and viewed as a gradual process. The study of entanglement, or quantum correlations, in noisy quantum computers implies that in some cases the transition from quantum to classical is actually a phase transition. We define the notion of entanglement length in dd-dimensional noisy quantum computers, and show that a phase transition in entanglement occurs at a critical noise rate, where the entanglement length transforms from infinite to finite. Above the critical noise rate, macroscopic classical behavior is expected, whereas below the critical noise rate, subsystems which are macroscopically distant one from another can be entangled. The macroscopic classical behavior in the super-critical phase is shown to hold not only for quantum computers, but for any quantum system composed of macroscopically many finite state particles, with local interactions and local decoherence, subjected to some additional conditions. This phenomenon provides a possible explanation to the emergence of classical behavior in such systems. A simple formula for an upper bound on the entanglement length of any such system in the super-critical phase is given, which can be tested experimentally.Comment: 15 pages. Latex2e plus one figure in eps fil
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