66 research outputs found
Geopolitical Security of Russia: Remarks on the Problem Statement
This paper summarizes the results of the seminar "Geopolitical Security of Russia: Remarks on the Problem Statement", held on August 26, 2022, at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad. During the seminar, the Institute of Geopolitical and Regional Studies of the university announced an initiative to devise a system of monitoring the geopolitical (regional) security of Russia. The debate centred around the development of a conceptual framework and a geopolitical security model as a prerequisite for the system. The discussion also covered other relevant issues, including the definition of geopolitical security and geopolitical space as well as the types of geopolitical threats and vulnerabilities. Another topic on the agenda was the analysis of theoretical approaches applicable to monitoring the geopolitical security in Russia. A constructivist approach based on discursive practices was viewed as the most promising for tracking changes in geopolitical threats. In this work, the emphasis should be placed on regional issues, i. e. the situation in particular regions. Other promising avenues for further research are the operationalization of relevant concepts and the development of a set of indicators of geopolitical threats and vulnerabilities, which Russia has already faced and may face in the future
A technique for the quantitative elemental analysis of iron pentacarbonyl by high-resolution mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma has been developed. Samples of Fe(CO)5 were transferred to a nitrate solution for the analysis. To account for the matrix noise and the drift of the sensitivity of the mass spectrometer during the analysis, three internal standards (9Be, 59Co, 181Ta) for the various mass ranges were used. The normalization of the measured intensities of analyte signals to the intensities of the corresponding internal standards made it possible to significantly improve the accuracy of determining the concentrations of impurities using the external calibration according to the pure standards. Using the developed technique, the concentrations of 28 elements’ impurities were determined. The behavior of impurities of elements forming their own carbonyl compounds in the process of fractional distillation of iron pentacarbonyl was studied. The analysis of iron pentacarbonyl fractions showed that the impurities of B, Ni and Ti were concentrated in the light fractions, and the impurities of Cr, Co, Cd, Mo and W in the heavy ones. The detection limits of iron in pentacarbonyl for widespread impurities such as Mg, Al, P, Cr, Ni were 10–6–10–5 wt. %, and for less common impurities of Bi, Cd, Co, Pt, Re, Tl, W, U - 10-8 ÷ 10-7 wt. % respectively.Keywords: iron pentacarbonyl, impurities determination, high resolution ICP-MS(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2019.23.1.014M.O. Steshin1, 2, A.M. Potapov1, A.D. Bulanov1, 2, Yu.S. Belozerov1, A.I. Suchkov11G.G. Devyatykh Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IChHPS RAS), 49 Tropinina St., Nizhny Novgorod, 603951, Russian Federation2National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, pr. Gagarina 23, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950, Russian FederationРазработана методика количественного элементного анализа пентакарбонила железа методом масс-спектрометрии высокого разрешения с индуктивно связанной плазмой. Пробы Fe(CO)5 предварительно переводили в азотнокислый раствор. Для учета матричных помех и дрейфа чувствительности масс-спектрометра в процессе анализа в различных диапазонах масс применяли три внутренних стандарта (9Be, 59Co, 181Ta). Нормировка измеренных интенсивностей сигналов аналитов на интенсивности соответствующих внутренних стандартов позволила значительно повысить точность определения концентраций примесей при использовании внешней градуировки по чистым стандартам. С применением разработанной методики определено содержание примесей 29 элементов. Изучено поведение примесей элементов, образующих собственные карбонилы в процессе фракционной разгонки пентакарбонила железа. Анализ фракций пентакарбонила железа, показал, что примеси B, Ni и Ti концентрируются в легких фракциях, а примеси Cr, Co, Cd, Mo и W ‒ в тяжелых. Пределы обнаружения в пентакарбониле железа для распространенных примесей Mg, Al, P, Cr, Ni составили 10-6 ÷ 10-5 % мас., для нераспространенных примесей Bi, Cd, Co, Pt, Re, Tl, W, U ‒ 10-8 ÷ 10-7 % мас.Ключевые слова: пентакарбонил железа, элементный анализ, масс-спектрометрия с индуктивно связанной плазмой высокого разрешенияDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2019.23.1.01
Легочная гемодинамика и диастолическая функция правого желудочка при изометрических нагрузках у детей с хронической бронхолегочной патологией
We studied pulmonary hemodynamics and right ventricular diastolic function in 300 healthy children and 392 children with chronic bronchopulmonary pathology in an isometric exercise. Using echocardiography were determined systolic, diastolic, mean, pulmonary artery pressure, total pulmonary resistance, diastolic function of the right ventricle. Defined normal values of reactivity of pulmonary hemodynamics and diastolic function of the right ventricle in an isometric load. In patients with chronic bronchopulmonary pathology set higher increase of systolic, diastolic, mean, pulmonary artery pressure, decrease diastolic reserve the right ventricle compared to the control. The worst violations of pulmonary hemodynamics and diastolic function of the right ventricle during isometric load observed in patients with chronic Infectious-inflammatory and interstitial lung disease.Изучалась легочная гемодинамика и диастолическая функция правого желудочка у 300 здоровых детей и 392 детей с хронической бронхолегочной патологией при изометрической физической нагрузке. С помощью доплерэхокардиографии определялось систолическое, диастолическое, среднее давление в легочной артерии, общее легочное сопротивление, показатели диастолической функции правого желудочка.Определены нормальные показатели реактивности легочной гемодинамики и диастолической функции правого желудочка при изометрической нагрузке. У пациентов с хронической бронхолегочной патологией установлены больший прирост по сравнению с контролем систолического, диастолического и среднего давления в легочной артерии, снижение диастолического резерва правого желудочка. В наибольшей степени нарушения легочной гемодинамики и диастолической функции правого желудочка при изометрической нагрузке наблюдаются у пациентов с хроническими инфекционно-воспалительными и интерстициальными заболеваниями легких
Синдромы гематофагоцитоза у пациентов педиатрических отделений реанимации и интенсивной терапии (обзор литературы)
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (hemophagocytic syndrome, HLH, HPS) is the group of severe life-threatening and hardly diagnosing conditions caused by the immune dysregulation because of systemic inflammatory response with non-controlled proliferation and activation of T-cells, monocytes and macrophages with accumulation in target organs and the development of multiple organ failure. HLH are includes primary (monogenic) and secondary forms associated with various conditions, such as infections, immunopathological, oncohematological diseases. The severity of the condition, association with infections makes these diseases potentially lethal and requiring intensive care. In many critically ill patients in the intensive care unit, the presence of hemophagocytic syndrome remains unrecognized and is often interpreted as generalized infection, sepsis, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, multiple organ failure. Such patients require special attention, timely diagnosis and treatment. Nowadays, we have got a big group of drugs, which can pointwise block one or another pathogenesis pathway, but for a quick and correct choice, we need clear algorithms for deciding on the use of this group of targeted therapy. The article presents the history of the study of the issue and modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of these conditions in critically ill patients.Гемофагоцитарный лимфогистиоцитоз (гемофагоцитарный синдром, ГЛГ, ГФС) – группа тяжелых жизнеугрожающих и труднодиагностируемых состояний, вызванных нарушением регуляции иммунной системы вследствие системного воспалительного ответа с неконтролируемой пролиферацией и активацией Т-лимфоцитов, моноцитов и макрофагов с аккумуляцией в органах-мишенях и развитием полиорганной недостаточности. Выделяют первичные (моногенные) и вторичные формы, ассоциированные с различными состояниями, такими как инфекции, иммунопатологические, онкогематологические заболевания. Тяжесть состояния, ассоциация с инфекциями делают данные заболевания потенциально летальными и требующими интенсивной терапии. У многих критически больных пациентов, находящихся в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии, наличие гемофагоцитарного синдрома остается нераспознанным и зачастую трактуется как генерализованная инфекция, сепсис, синдром системного воспалительного ответа, полиорганная недостаточность. Такие пациенты требуют особо пристального внимания, своевременной диагностики и лечения. В настоящее время существует большой пласт препаратов, способных точечно блокировать тот или иной путь патогенеза, но для быстрого и правильного выбора необходимы четкие алгоритмы решения об использовании данной группы таргетной терапии. В статье приводится история изучения вопроса и современные подходы к диагностике и лечению данных состояний у критически больных пациентов
Prevalence of congenital heart diseases in children at the present stage
An extensive meta-analysis of the world literature showed that congenital heart diseases were registered at a rate of 6 per 1,000 live births in 1930—1934 with its increase up to 9,1 per 1,000 after 1995. According to various estimates, the rate of congenital heart diseases was 4 to 10 per 1,000 births after 2000. However, the true prevalence of the above defects may be much higher. Most authors are in agreement that the rate of congenital heart disease varies between 19 to 75 per 1,000 live births; serious anomalies being registered at a rate of 19,1—23,9 per 1,000 births. Many cardiologists do not consider mild defects to be diseases; however, this statement calls for further investigation. Fetal echocardiography and genetic studies are of great importance in estimating the prevalence of congenital heart disease. Tables of chromosomal and monogenic syndromes associated with cardiac malformations are given
Heart damage in mucopolysaccharidosis
The paper gives the data available in the literature on the current classification, genealogy, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mucopolysaccharidosis, one of the most common nosological entities of lysosomal storage diseases. Particular emphasis is laid on cardiovascular pathology in this group of diseases. Heart damage is ascertained to be one of the cardinal signs of mucopolysaccharides frequently leading to rather early fatal outcomes. Cardiac pathology is notified in all types of muco-polysaccharidoses; however, it is most important for patients with three clinical variants of Hurler syndrome, Hunter syndrome, and Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome. According to the data available in the literature, the characteristic signs of cardiovascular system damage in mucopolysaccharides should be considered to be: thickening of the valves with the development of their dysfunction (the severity of left-sided valve lesion being more pronounced), myocardial hypertrophy, conduction disturbance, coronary artery lesion, and arterial hypertension. Many investigators emphasize difficulties in clinically and functionally examining the cardiovascular system in patients with mucopolysaccharides, which is due to physical and intellectual limitations in the patients and to a gradual progression of symptoms. Medical and surgical methods were used to treat cardiovascular disease in mucopolysaccharides. Enzyme replacement therapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation have become much more topical in the past years. These methods may stop disease progression and favor regression of ventricular hypertrophy and stabilization of left ventricular function
Coronary artery fistulas
Coronary artery fistulas are classified as abnormalities of termination and referred to as major congenital anomalies. Most coronary artery fistulas are small, unaccompanied by clinical symptoms, and diagnosed by echocardiography or coronarography performed for an unrelated cause. Such fistulas usually do not cause any complications and can spontaneously resolve. However, larger fistulas are usually >3 tones the size of a normal caliber of a coronary artery and may give rise to clinical symptoms in these cases. The clinical symptoms of coronary artery fistulas may mimic those of various heart diseases depending on which chamber a fistula drains into. Most fistulas are congenital. Congenital coronary artery fistulas may occur as an isolated malformation or be concurrent with other cardiac anomalies, more frequently with critical pulmonary stenosis or atresia with an intact interventricular septum and pulmonary stenoses, Fallot's tetralogy, aortic coarctation, and left heart hypoplasia. When choosing a treatment modality, one should take into account the number of fistula communications, the feeding vessel, localization of drainage, degree of myocardial damage, and hemodynamic relevance of the shunt caused by the presence of a fistula. The goal of treatment is to obliterate a fistula by preserving normal coronary blood flow. The risk for persisting fistula should be balanced with the potential risk of complications related to a procedure of coronarography and fistula occlusion. Percutaneous transcatheter coil occlusion of coronary artery fistulas is the modality of choice in children with the suitable anatomy of fistula communications and without concomitant congenital heart diseases
Barth syndrome
Barth syndrome is an X-linked recessive disease characterized by cardiomyopathy, skeletal myopathy, growth retardation, neutro-penia, and 3-methylglutaconic aciduria. The Barth syndrome was first described as a mitochondrial disease leading to neutropenia and skeletal and cardiac myopathy. A deeper insight into the pathogenesis of the disease is associated with the development of its main genetic mechanisms. Mutations in the TAZ gene (Xq28) give rise to a loss of its function and to abnormalities in the cardiolipin structure and are responsible for the phenotype of Barth syndrome. Patients are susceptible to life-threatening bacterial infection and sepsis due to neutropenia; evolving heart failure is caused by cardiomyopathy, non-compact myocardium syndrome. Patient management tactics have recently undergone changes, resulting in longer survival
Pulmonary hemodynamics and diastolic function of right ventricle at isometric exercises in children with chronic bronchopulmonary pathology
We studied pulmonary hemodynamics and right ventricular diastolic function in 300 healthy children and 392 children with chronic bronchopulmonary pathology in an isometric exercise. Using echocardiography were determined systolic, diastolic, mean, pulmonary artery pressure, total pulmonary resistance, diastolic function of the right ventricle. Defined normal values of reactivity of pulmonary hemodynamics and diastolic function of the right ventricle in an isometric load. In patients with chronic bronchopulmonary pathology set higher increase of systolic, diastolic, mean, pulmonary artery pressure, decrease diastolic reserve the right ventricle compared to the control. The worst violations of pulmonary hemodynamics and diastolic function of the right ventricle during isometric load observed in patients with chronic Infectious-inflammatory and interstitial lung disease
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