183 research outputs found

    Epidemiological pattern of community-acquired respiratory tract infections of the conscripts in the North Fleet during a vaccine-challenged period

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    The formation of the new military units in the North fleet is accompanied by vaccination using Exhausted diphtheria tetanus vaccine, modified. The accination coincides with periods of a rising number of army conscripts being taken ill with community-acquired infection of respiratory tracts: acute tonsillitis, acute bronchitis and community-acquired pneumonia. We need to study is to ascertain whether there is the correlation between the periods of the increase in the number of ervicemen fallen ill with community-acquired infection of respiratory tracts and the diphtheria and tetanus vaccination. The study was carried out on the North fleet conscripts who were drawn blood samples from the ulnar vein before and after the vaccination using Exhausted diphtheria tetanus vaccine, modified. The blood was examined for the presence of antibodies to diphtheria and tetanus using direct hemagglutination test. The health status of the vaccinated conscripts was under observation for 4 months, during which acute illnesses (acute tonsillitis, acute bronchitis and community-acquired pneumonia) were registered. Serologic testing demonstrated a high rate of immunological protection against diphtheria and tetanus before vaccination. After the diphtheria and tetanus vaccination, the number of conscripts, who were taken ill in the first month, was significantly higher compared to the following months. The conscripts, who fell ill, had high antibody titers against diphtheria and tetanus in the vaccine-challenged period. Vaccination of the servicemen using Exhausted diphtheria tetanus vaccine, modified, is serologically unfounded; it leads to complications such as acute tonsillitis, acute bronchitis and community-acquired pneumonia during the vaccinechallenged period especially during the first month and less considerably during the following months

    Ключевые аспекты проблемы врожденных инфекций

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    The key questions to solve the problem of congenital infection in the Russian Federation are: using in national practice over world accepted terminology adapted to the recommendations of the World Health Organization; representation of the modern concepts of an infectious process in the classification of congenital infections; scientific development and introducing in clinical practice the «standard case definitions», applied to different congenital infections; optimization of protocols and clinical guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of congenital infections; improvement a knowledge in the infectious disease for all  pecialists involved in the risk assessment of congenital infections, manage pregnancy and children. Based on our experience and analysis of publications, the authors suggest possible solutions.Ключевыми вопросами решения проблемы врожденных инфекций в РФ являются: использование в отечественной клинической практике общепринятой терминологии, адаптированной к рекомендациям Всемирной организации здравоохранения; отражение в классификации врожденных инфекций современных представлений об инфекционном процессе; научная разработка и внедрение в практическую деятельность врачей «стандартных определений случаев заболеваний» применительно к различным врожденным инфекциям; оптимизация протоколов и клинических рекомендаций по диагностике, лечению и профилактике врожденных инфекций; повышение качества знаний по инфекционной патологии специалистов, занимающихся оценкой риска врожденных инфекций, ведением беременных и детей. Основываясь на собственном опыте и анализе публикаций, авторы предлагают возможные пути решения

    Assessment of reduction of rotavirus infection burden in case of vaccination with a pentavalent vaccine in Russian Federation

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    Rotavirus is the major cause of severe acute gastroenteritis in children under 5 years. Vaccination with a pentavalent rotavirus vaccine significantly reduces incidence of rotavirus infection.Goal: assessment of reduction of rotavirus infection burden in case of vaccination with a pentavalent vaccine in Russian Federation.Methods. Modeling based on results of clinical studies of rotavirus immunization and epidemiological data from Russia has been established. Analysis has been done from the position of the healthcare system (only direct medical costs) and from the social perspective (analysis of direct medical and indirect costs) with 10 years horizon. The analysis carried out for selective and routine vaccination. In case of routine vaccination herd effect has been taken into consideration. Direct medical costs were estimated based on 2013 Obligatory State Insurance tariffs in St. Petersburg.Results and discussion. Routine vaccination can prevent 1394 cases of rotavirus infection in ambulatory settings and 686 cases of rotavirus-associated inpatient admissions per 100 000 vaccinated infants. As a whole across the Russian Federation in 10 years 2,22 million cases of rotavirus infection treated in ambulatory settings and 1.09 million of rotavirus-associated inpatients admission will be prevented. Vaccination save 1,26K rubles per child for the healthcare system of Russian Federation and 2,85K rubles per child if indirect costs are included. Annual vaccination of 95% of newborns against an rotavirus infection will allow to lower the disease burden within the first 10 years after the beginning of routine vaccination on 45,31 billion rubles, from them 18,98 billion rubles – costs of outpatient cases, and 26,33 billion rubles – costs of inpatient cases. The prevented expenses of healthcare system will make 20,04 billion rubles, the prevented indirect costs – 25,27 billion rubles.Conclusion. Vaccination by a 5-valent vaccine against rotavirus infection not only will reduce its incidence in the Russian Federation, but also will significantly reduce costs in ambulatory and inpatient settings. Routine vaccination is economically more preferable in comparison to selected groups’ vaccination due to development of herd effect, despite need of increase in healthcare budget

    Клинические маски инфекционного эндокардита

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    Currently diagnosis of infective endocarditis remains a challenge for physicians. The disease is diagnosed within 1 month after primary visit to a doctor only in 26% of cases, from 1 to 3 month – 40% of patients, and 34% – from 4 months to 1 year. In 10% of cases infective endocarditis was diagnosed at autopsy. Late diagnosis of infective endocarditis is associated with a polymorphism of a clinical picture, due to the development of systemic infection with embolic, thrombohemorrhagic, immune mechanism of damage to organs and tissues. The authors provide information about clinical «masks» of the disease, the most common of which are the mask of pneumonic, rheumatological, renal, cardiac, neurological and hematological diseases. The purpose of work – to acquaint specialists with the clinical picture of infectious endocarditis. The multidisciplinary nature of the problem of infective endocarditis requires orientation in her clinical picture primary care physicians and specialists in different fields. В настоящее время диагностика инфекционного эндокардита остаётся трудной задачей для врачей. Заболевание в течение 1 месяца после обращения диагностируется только в 26% случаев, от 1 до 3 месяцев – у 40% пациентов, от 4 месяцев до 1 года – у 34%. Причем в 10% случаев диагноз поставлен при аутопсии. Поздняя диагностика инфекционного эндокардита связана с полиморфизмом клинической картины, обусловленным развитием системного инфекционного процесса с эмболическим, тромбогеморрагическим, иммунокомплексным механизмом повреждения органов и тканей. Авторами представлена информация о клинических масках заболевания, наиболее частыми из которых являются маски пневмонического, ревматологического, почечного, кардиологического, неврологического и гематологического заболевания. Цель работы – ознакомить отечественных специалистов с клинической картиной инфекционного эндокардита. Мультидисциплинарный характер проблемы ИЭ требует ориентации в ней врачей первичного звена и специалистов разного профиля.


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    The history of the department of infectious diseases at North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov since its foundation to the present day is presented in this article. Key issues of educational-methodical, scientific and medical work of the department in different historical periods are highlighted.В статье представлена история кафедры инфекционных болезней Северо-Западного государственного медицинского университета имени И.И. Мечникова с момента основания до наших дней. Освещены основные вопросы учебно-методической, научной и лечебной работы кафедры в разные исторические периоды


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    On the basis of the studying of clinical and laboratory sings of 150 cases of bacterial meningitis (BM) with the use of various statistical methods, including multivariate logistical regression analysis, the early prognostic criteria of the maximum risk and the relation of chances of the maximum risk of an acyclic (severe, complicated, including lethal) variant of a diseases were estimated. These criteria are: age of the patient ≥ 55 years, late hospitalisation (≥3 days of disease), the expressed disturbances of consciousness (coma), episodes of generalized cramps in acute period, presence of “focal” neurologic sings, also the CSF protein level ≥2,7 g/l, and also factor size «a glucose of CSF/glucose of serum» <0,2 at primary (diagnostic) Lp. Using of an offered logistical regression models allows to prognosticate an aciclic variant of BM with efficiency of 92 %, at specificity of 90,6 % and sensitivity of 93 % in some hours after getting to the hospital.На основании комплексного исследования клинико-лабораторных проявлений заболеваний у 150 больных бактериальными гнойными менингитами и менингоэнцефалитами (БМ) с использованием методов математико-статистической обработки, в том числе логистического регрессионного анализа, определены ранние прогностические критерии максимального риска и отношение шансов максимального риска осложненного (ациклического) течения заболевания, позволяющие в максимально ранние сроки (первые часы – сутки после госпитализации больного) прогнозировать характер течения БМ и его исход. К критериям раннего прогноза ациклического течения БМ отнесены: возраст больного ≥ 55 лет, поздняя госпитализация (≥3 суток заболевания), выраженные нарушения сознания (кома), наличие эпизодов генерализованных судорог в остром периоде БМ, наличие «очаговой» неврологической симптоматики, а при первичном (диагностическом) исследовании ликвора – содержание белка ≥2,7 г/л, а также величина коэффициента «глюкоза ликвора/глюкоза сыворотки крови» <0,2. Использование предложенной математической логистической регрессионной модели оценки вероятности ациклического течения заболевания, в том числе с летальным исходом, позволяет осуществлятьпрогноз с эффективностью 92%, при специфичности 90,6% и чувствительности 93% в течение первых часов – суток от госпитализации

    Сost-effectiveness of the second wave of protease inhibitors in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (genotype 1) in patients not previously treated with antiviral drugs, and for relapsed disease

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    The protease inhibitors (PI) actively using for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (CHC).The aim of this analysis was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of narlaprevir and simeprevir in the CHC (genotype 1) therapy in treatment-naïve patients and relapses.Material and methods. Analysis of the cost-effectiveness of simeprevir and narlaprevir was conducted from the perspective of the health care system and base on QUEST-1, QUEST-2, ASPIRE and PIONEER clinical trials. The relative risk of achieving SVR 24 compared to the peg-INF + RBV therapy was used in the model. Treatment discontinuation in patients receiving narlaprevir assumed in the absence of a SVR after 12 weeks and in patients receiving simeprevir in the SVR absence after 4 weeks. The cost of narlaprevir was calculate based on estimated registration price in case of EDL (essential pharmaceutical list approved by MOH) inclusion, including VAT (10%) and 10% as trade margin. Costs of other antiviral products were in line with the results of 2015 average auctions prices.Results. In the base case costs on antiviral products with narlaprevir as first-line therapy are lower compared with simeprevir by 12,2% (950,6 and 1083,0 thousand RUR, respectively), and the cost per patient with SVR 24 by 7,8%. In patients group after relapse costs on antiviral products with narlaprevir as first-line therapy will decrease compared with simeprevir by 4,3% (971,3 and 1014,7 thousand RUR, respectively), and the cost per patient with SVR 24 by 25,0%. The sensitivity analysis demonstrated a high reliability of obtained results. Thus, assuming equal clinical effectiveness of narlaprevir and simeprevir, costs of treatment naive patients will be 10.6% lower for narlaprevir group compared to simeprevir group (953,0 and 1066,0 thousand rur, respectively), and by 12,9% for the treatment of relapses (957,9 and 1100,0 thousand RUR, respectively).Conclusions. With comparable clinical efficacy and tolerability of narlaprevir and simeprevir both in treatmentnaïve patients and patients with relapse after therapy, which included PEGylated interferon and ribavirin, narlaprevir reduces the burden on the budget. Due to substantial variability of PI prices, it is advisable to take into account local pricing at regional programs implementation

    Медицинская реабилитация детей, перенесших COVID-19

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    The review presents current literature data on the medical rehabilitation of children undergoing COVID-19. The clinical features and leading syndromes of COVID-19 in children, as well as primary lesions of organs and systems requiring the use of medical rehabilitation methods, are considered. Rehabilitation technologies are proposed depending on the leading clinical syndrome. Information on the main rehabilitation technologies used in children with the consequences of COVID-19 is necessary for the implementation of comprehensive medical rehabilitation at all stages of treatment and recovery.В обзоре представлены современные данные литературы о медицинской реабилитации детей, перенесших COVID-19. Рассмотрены клинические особенности и ведущие синдромы COVID-19 у детей, а также преимущественные поражения органов и систем, требующие применения методов медицинской реабилитации. Предложены технологии реабилитации в зависимости от ведущего клинического синдрома. Информация об основных реабилитационных технологиях, применяемых у детей с последствиями COVID-19, необходима для осуществления комплексной медицинской реабилитации на всех этапах лечения и восстановления


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    The article presents the basic aspects of the activity of the institution established for the benefit of children from the moment of its foundation in 1927. There are noted landmarks in history and the priority scientific research works carried out in different periods of the institution development. Some results of the current history, improvement of its material resources are presented. There are described scientific achievements and the institution discoveries and their social value.В статье представлены основные аспекты деятельности учреждения на благо детей с момента его основания в1927 г. Отражены исторические вехи и приоритетные научные исследования, проводимые в различные периоды развития учреждения. Представлены некоторые итоги новейшей истории, совершенствования материальной базы. Описаны научные достижения и открытия, приоритет которых принадлежит учреждению, а также их социальное значение.


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    In the paper are analyzed the results of author’s own long term experience in clinico-pathological correlations and some literary data. It is shown that morphological investigations play an important role in diagnostics of many infections, optimization of therapy, control of efficacy of the treatment and prognosis of the disease course. The results of the autopsy help not only to analyze the course of the illness in the concrete case, but also help in study of pathogenesis. Very informative are also the results of morphological investigations in animal models of infections.В статье проводится анализ результатов собственных многолетних клинико-морфологических сопоставлений и некоторых данных литературы. Показано, что морфологические исследования играют важнейшую роль для диагностики многих инфекций, оптимизации терапии, контроля за эффективностью лечения, прогнозирования течения заболеваний. Результаты патолого-анатомических вскрытий помогают не только проанализировать течение заболевания в конкретном наблюдении, но и помогают в разработке вопросов патогенеза. Весьма информативными являются и морфологические методы исследования экспериментальных материалов