8,173 research outputs found

    On quantum model of supergravity compensator

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    A new N=1N=1 superfield model in D=4D=4 flat superspace is suggested. This model describes dynamics of chiral compensator and can be treated as a low-energy limit of D=4D=4, N=1N=1 quantum superfield supergravity. Renormalization structure of this model is studied and one-loop counterterms are calculated. It is shown that the theory is infrared free. An effective action for the model under consideration is investigated in infrared domain. The lower contributions to the one-loop effective action are computed in explicit form.Comment: LaTeX, 9 page

    Decays of Pentaquarks in Hadrocharmonium and Molecular Pictures

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    We consider decays of the hidden charm LHCb pentaquarks in the hadrocharmonium and molecular scenarios. In both pictures the LHCb pentaquarks are essentially nonrelativistic bound states. We develop a semirelativistic framework for calculation of the partial decay widths that allows the final particles to be relativistic. Using this approach we calculate the decay widths in the hadrocharmonium and molecular pictures. Molecular hidden charm pentaquarks are constructed as loosely bound states of charmed and anticharmed hadrons. Calculations show that molecular pentaquarks decay predominantly into states with open charm. Strong suppression of the molecular pentaquark decays into states with hidden charm is qualitatively explained by a relatively large size of the molecular pentaquark. The decay pattern of hadrocharmonium pentaquarks that are interpreted as loosely bound states of excited charmonium ψ′\psi' and nucleons is quite different. This time dominate decays into states with hidden charm, but suppression of the decays with charm exchange is weaker than in the respective molecular case. The weaker suppression is explained by a larger binding energy and respectively smaller size of the hadrocharmonium pentaquarks. These results combined with the experimental data on partial decay widths could allow to figure out which of the two theoretical scenarios for pentaquarks (if either) is chosen by nature.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figures; v2: minor editorial changes, version published in Phys. Rev.

    New LHCb pentaquarks as hadrocharmonium states

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    New LHCb Collaboration results on pentaquarks with hidden charm [1] are discussed. These results fit nicely in the hadrocharmonium pentaquark scenario [2,3]. In the new data the old LHCb pentaquark Pc(4450)P_c(4450) splits into two states Pc(4440)P_c(4440) and Pc(4457)P_c(4457). We interpret these two almost degenerate hadrocharmonium states with JP=1/2−J^P=1/2^- and JP=3/2−J^P=3/2^- as a result of hyperfine splitting between hadrocharmonium states predicted in [2]. It arises due to QCD multipole interaction between color-singlet hadrocharmonium constituents. We improve the theoretical estimate of hyperfine splitting [2,3] that is compatible with the experimental data. The new Pc(4312)P_c(4312) state finds a natural explanation as a bound state of χc0\chi_{c0} and a nucleon, with I=1/2I=1/2, JP=1/2+J^P=1/2^+ and binding energy 42 MeV. As a bound state of a spin-zero meson and a nucleon, hadrocharmonium pentaquark Pc(4312)P_c(4312) does not experience hyperfine splitting. We find a series of hadrocharmonium states in the vicinity of the wide Pc(4380)P_c(4380) pentaquark that can explain its apparently large decay width. We compare the hadrocharmonium and molecular pentaquark scenarios and discuss their relative advantages and drawbacks.Comment: 10 page

    Pentaquarks with hidden charm as hadroquarkonia

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    We consider hidden charm pentaquarks as hadroquarkonium states in a QCD inspired approach. Pentaquarks arise naturally as bound states of quarkonia excitations and ordinary baryons. The LHCb Pc(4450)P_c(4450) pentaquark is interpreted as a ψ′\psi'-nucleon bound state with spin-parity JP=3/2−J^P=3/2^-. The partial decay width Γ(Pc(4450)→J/ψ+N)≈11\Gamma(P_c(4450)\to J/\psi+N)\approx 11 MeV is calculated and turned out to be in agreement with the experimental data for Pc(4450)P_c(4450). The Pc(4450)P_c(4450) pentaquark is predicted to be a member of one of the two almost degenerate hidden-charm baryon octets with spin-parities JP=1/2−,3/2−J^{P}=1/2^-,3/2^-. The masses and decay widths of the octet pentaquarks are calculated. The widths are small and comparable with the width of the Pc(4450)P_c(4450) pentaquark, and the masses of the octet pentaquarks satisfy the Gell-Mann-Okubo relation. Interpretation of pentaquarks as loosely bound ΣcDˉ∗\Sigma_c\bar D^* and Σc∗Dˉ∗\Sigma_c^*\bar D^* deuteronlike states is also considered. We determine quantum numbers of these bound states and calculate their masses in the one-pion exchange scenario. The hadroquarkonium and molecular approaches to exotic hadrons are compared and the relative advantages and drawbacks of each approach are discussed.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures, 3, tables; Minor changes, 2 references added; Version published in Eur. Phys. J.
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