80 research outputs found

    Zero-bias anomalies of point contact resistance due to adiabatic electron renormalization of dynamical defects

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    We study effect of the adiabatic electron renormalization on the parameters of the dynamical defects in the ballistic metallic point contact. The upper energy states of the ``dressed'' defect are shown to give a smaller contribution to a resistance of the contact than the lower energy ones. This holds both for the "classical" renormalization related to defect coupling with average local electron density and for the "mesoscopic" renormalization caused by the mesoscopic fluctuations of electronic density the dynamical defects are coupled with. In the case of mesoscopic renormalization one may treat the dynamical defect as coupled with Friedel oscillations originated by the other defects, both static and mobile. Such coupling lifts the energy degeneracy of the states of the dynamical defects giving different mesoscopic contribution to resistance, and provides a new model for the fluctuator as for the object originated by the electronic mesoscopic disorder rather than by the structural one. The correlation between the defect energy and the defect contribution to the resistance leads to zero-temperature and zero-bias anomalies of the point contact resistance. A comparison of these anomalies with those predicted by the Two Channel Kondo Model (TCKM) is made. It is shown, that although the proposed model is based on a completely different from TCKM physical background, it leads to a zero-bias anomalies of the point contact resistance, which are qualitatively similar to TCKM predictions.Comment: 6 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Point contact spectroscopy of hopping transport: effects of a magnetic field

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    The conductance of a point contact between two hopping insulators is expected to be dominated by the individual localized states in its vicinity. Here we study the additional effects due to an external magnetic field. Combined with the measured conductance, the measured magnetoresistance provides detailed information on these states (e.g. their localization length, the energy difference and the hopping distance between them). We also calculate the statistics of this magnetoresistance, which can be collected by changing the gate voltage in a single device. Since the conductance is dominated by the quantum interference of particular mesoscopic structures near the point contact, it is predicted to exhibit Aharonov-Bohm oscillations, which yield information on the geometry of these structures. These oscillations also depend on local spin accumulation and correlations, which can be modified by the external field. Finally, we also estimate the mesoscopic Hall voltage due to these structures.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figur

    Slow relaxation of conductance of amorphous hopping insulators

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    We discuss memory effects in the conductance of hopping insulators due to slow rearrangements of structural defects leading to formation of polarons close to the electron hopping states. An abrupt change in the gate voltage and corresponding shift of the chemical potential change populations of the hopping sites, which then slowly relax due to rearrangements of structural defects. As a result, the density of hopping states becomes time dependent on a scale relevant to rearrangement of the structural defects leading to the excess time dependent conductivity.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Resistivity and 1/f Noise in Non-Metallic Phase Separated Manganites

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    A simple model is proposed to calculate resistivity, magnetoresistance, and noise spectrum in non-metallic phase-separated manganites containing small metallic droplets (magnetic polarons). The system is taken to be far from the percolation transition into a metallic state. It is assumed that the charge transfer occurs due to electron tunneling from one droplet to another through the insulating medium. As a result of this tunneling, the droplets acquire or lose extra electrons forming metastable two-electron and empty states. In the framework of this model, explicit expressions for dc conductivity and noise power of the system are derived. It is shown that the noise spectrum has 1/f form in the low-frequency range.Comment: 6 pages, 1 fugure include

    Transport properties and point contact spectra of Ni_xNb_{1-x} metallic glasses

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    Bulk resistivity and point contact spectra of Ni_xNb_{1-x} metallic glasses have been investigated as functions of temperature (0.3-300K) and magnetic field (0-12T). Metallic glasses in this family undergo a superconducting phase transition determined by the Nb concentration. When superconductivity was suppressed by a strong magnetic field, both the bulk sample R(T) and the point contact differential resistance curves of Ni_xNb_{1-x} showed logarithmic behavior at low energies, which is explained by a strong electron - "two level system" coupling. We studied the temperature, magnetic field and contact resistance dependence of Ni_{44}Nb_{56} point-contact spectra in the superconducting state and found telegraph-like fluctuations superimposed on superconducting characteristics. These R(V) characteristics are extremely sensitive detectors for slow relaxing "two level system" motion.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Kondo Temperature for the Two-Channel Kondo Models of Tunneling Centers

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    The possibility for a two-channel Kondo (2CK2CK) non Fermi liquid state to appear in a metal as a result of the interaction between electrons and movable structural defects is revisited. As usual, the defect is modeled by a heavy particle moving in an almost symmetric double-well potential (DWP). Taking into account only the two lowest states in DWP is known to lead to a Kondo-like Hamiltonian with rather low Kondo temperature, TKT_K. We prove that, in contrast to previous believes, the contribution of higher excited states in DWP does not enhance TKT_K. On the contrary, TKT_K is reduced by three orders of magnitude as compared with the two-level model: the prefactor in TKT_K is determined by the spacing between the second and the third levels in DWP rather than by the electron Fermi energy. Moreover, TKT_K, turns out to be parametrically smaller than the splitting between the two lowest levels. Therefore, there is no microscopic model of movable defects which may justify non-Fermi liquid 2CK2CK phenomenology.Comment: 5 pages, 4 .eps figure

    Giant Oscillations of Acoustoelectric Current in a Quantum Channel

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    A theory of d.c. electric current induced in a quantum channel by a propagating surface acoustic wave (acoustoelectric current) is worked out. The first observation of the acoustoelectric current in such a situation was reported by J. M. Shilton et al., Journ. Phys. C (to be published). The authors observed a very specific behavior of the acoustoelectric current in a quasi-one-dimensional channel defined in a GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructure by a split-gate depletion -- giant oscillations as a function of the gate voltage. Such a behavior was qualitatively explained by an interplay between the energy-momentum conservation law for the electrons in the upper transverse mode with a finite temperature splitting of the Fermi level. In the present paper, a more detailed theory is developed, and important limiting cases are considered.Comment: 7 pages, 2 Postscript figures, RevTeX 3.

    Non-equilibrium electronic transport and interaction in short metallic nanobridges

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    We have observed interaction effects in the differential conductance GG of short, disordered metal bridges in a well-controlled non-equilibrium situation, where the distribution function has a double Fermi step. A logarithmic scaling law is found both for the temperature and for the voltage dependence of GG in all samples. The absence of magnetic field dependence and the low dimensionality of our samples allow us to distinguish between several possible interaction effects, proposed recently in nanoscopic samples. The universal scaling curve is explained quantitatively by the theory of electron-electron interaction in diffusive metals, adapted to the present case, where the sample size is smaller than the thermal diffusion length.Comment: Published version, 6 Pages, 6 postscript figures, 1 tabl
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