7 research outputs found

    Эффективность хиругического и лазерного лечения влажной формы возрастной макулярной дегенерации

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    The results of comparative analysis of the efficiency between different sorts of the age-related macular degeneration treatment wet form has been presented in the article. There was demonstrated that choosing the treatment tactics in such pathology patients used to consider the clinical form and the stage of the disease. The wet form needs pneumoretinopexy with following of retina laser coagulation. The subretinal fibrovascular membrane is indications for transcilliary vitrectomy with removal of proliferate tissue. The traditional medical treatment of wet form of age-related macular degeneration does not ensure stable clinical and functional results.Представлены результаты сравнительного анализа эффективности различных видов лечения влажной формы возрастной макулярной дегенерации. Показано, что при выборе тактики лечения больных данной патологией необходимо учитывать клиническую форму и стадию течения заболевания. При влажной форме возрастной макулярной дегенерации показано проведение пневморетинопексии с последующей лазеркоагуляцией сетчатки. Наличие субретинальной фиброваскулярной мембраны является показанием для проведения трансцилиарной витрэктомии с удалением пролиферативной ткани. Традиционное консервативное лечение влажной формы возрастной макулярной дегенерации не обеспечивает стабильных клинико-функциональных результатов


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    The results of clinical trial of various approaches in treatment the exudative forms of macular degenerations, including age-related, against chronic slow intensity inflammatory process on the extreme retinal periphery of an eye are described in represented material. There were 91 patients (105 eyes) in the research with different types of an exudative macular degeneration. The general criteria of inclusion were: age of 18–80 years old, complaints to discomfort in eyes, a spot before an eye, distortions and decrease in the central sight, ophthalmoscopic symptoms of hypostasis in the central and peripheral areas of a retina. It is analyzed the general criteria of diagnostics and treatment of the disease in the article. Considering defeat of the chorioretinal structures located near the ora serrata at persons of young and advanced age. Practical recommendations to a choice of methods of diagnostics and treatment of various clinical and morphological forms of the disease are made. Screening methods of identification of patients with the peripheral uveitis are offered. The scheme of risk calculation of development the macular pathology at persons with changes on the extreme periphery of a retina, that can be used as a method of prevention of development predictively adverse of “wet" forms of an age-related macular degeneration, by means of timely sparing treatment at patients with chronic inflammatory diseases of eyes is given.Представлены результаты клинического исследования различных подходов в лечению экссудативных форм макулодистрофий, в том числе связанных с возрастом, на фоне хронического вялотекущего воспалительного процесса на крайней периферии сетчатки глаза. В исследовании принял участие 91 пациент (105 глаз) с различными видами экссудативной макулярной дегенерации. Критерии включения в исследование: возраст от 18 до 80 лет, жалобы на дискомфорт в глазах, пятно перед глазом, искажения и снижение центрального зрения, офтальмоскопические признаки отека в центральных и периферических отделах сетчатки. В статье анализируются общие критерии диагностики и лечения заболевания с учетом поражения хориоретинальных структур вдоль зубчатой линии у лиц молодого и пожилого возраста. Даются практические рекомендации к выбору методов диагностики и лечения различных вариантов течения «влажной» формы возрастной макулярной дегенерации (ВМД). Предложены скрининговые методы выявления пациентов с периферическим увеитом. Дана схема расчета риска развития макулярной патологии у лиц с изменениями на крайней периферии сетчатки, что может использоваться как метод профилактики развития прогностически неблагоприятных «влажных» форм ВМД, посредством своевременного щадящего лечения у пациентов с хроническими воспалительными заболеваниями глаз

    The efficiency of surgical and laser treatment of the age-related macular degeneration wet form

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    The results of comparative analysis of the efficiency between different sorts of the age-related macular degeneration treatment wet form has been presented in the article. There was demonstrated that choosing the treatment tactics in such pathology patients used to consider the clinical form and the stage of the disease. The wet form needs pneumoretinopexy with following of retina laser coagulation. The subretinal fibrovascular membrane is indications for transcilliary vitrectomy with removal of proliferate tissue. The traditional medical treatment of wet form of age-related macular degeneration does not ensure stable clinical and functional results

    Clinical and functional results of the retinal detachment treatment by combined pneumoretinopexy

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    The article contain the results of retinal detachment surgical treatment with help of the new method, lie on pneumoretinopexy with epiretinal introduction of the collalisinum and the transscleral removal of subretinal liquid into retrobulbar space. There is shown that, the introduced method in comparison with traditional extrasclearal operations, is defined less traumatic, makes for stable clinical and functional results in the postoperational period and permits to reduce the number of complications, including the retinal detachment relapse

    Results of external quality control study in flow cytometric acute lymphoblastic leukemia diagnostics

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    Comparison of interpretation of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) flow cytometric diagnostics data was the aim of the study. Immunophenotyping data obtained from 10 patients with ALL were analysed separately in 26 laboratories from Russian Federation and Kazahstan. Results comparison showed four main type of discordance: B-lineage ALL diagnostics during heavy bone marrow regeneration, great variability of T-ALL interpretation, complexity of ambiguous lineage acute leukemia and, finally, very different report types, unique for each laboratory. All these problems are the serious obstacles for standardization of flow cytometric ALL diagnostics in multicenter setting. Continuation of similar QC rounds following by consecutive discussions with further development of consensus diagnostic algorithm could be the first step for standardization of ALL immunophenotyping in Russian Federation and CIS countries