2,284 research outputs found

    Representation Theory of Chern Simons Observables

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    Recently we suggested a new quantum algebra, the moduli algebra, which was conjectured to be a quantum algebra of observables of the Hamiltonian Chern Simons theory. This algebra provides the quantization of the algebra of functions on the moduli space of flat connections on a 2-dimensional surface. In this paper we classify unitary representations of this new algebra and identify the corresponding representation spaces with the spaces of conformal blocks of the WZW model. The mapping class group of the surface is proved to act on the moduli algebra by inner automorphisms. The generators of these automorphisms are unitary elements of the moduli algebra. They are constructed explicitly and proved to satisfy the relations of the (unique) central extension of the mapping class group.Comment: 63 pages, late

    D-branes in the WZW model

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    It is stated in the literature that D-branes in the WZW-model associated with the gluing condition J = - \bar{J} along the boundary correspond to branes filling out the whole group volume. We show instead that the end-points of open strings are rather bound to stay on `integer' conjugacy classes. In the case of SU(2) level k WZW model we obtain k-1 two dimensional Euclidean D-branes and two D particles sitting at the points e and -e.Comment: 2 pages, LaTe

    Non-commutative World-volume Geometries: Branes on SU(2) and Fuzzy Spheres

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    The geometry of D-branes can be probed by open string scattering. If the background carries a non-vanishing B-field, the world-volume becomes non-commutative. Here we explore the quantization of world-volume geometries in a curved background with non-zero Neveu-Schwarz 3-form field strength H = dB. Using exact and generally applicable methods from boundary conformal field theory, we study the example of open strings in the SU(2) Wess-Zumino-Witten model, and establish a relation with fuzzy spheres or certain (non-associative) deformations thereof. These findings could be of direct relevance for D-branes in the presence of Neveu-Schwarz 5-branes; more importantly, they provide insight into a completely new class of world-volume geometries.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure; some explanations improved, references adde

    Brane Dynamics in Background Fluxes and Non-commutative Geometry

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    Branes in non-trivial backgrounds are expected to exhibit interesting dynamical properties. We use the boundary conformal field theory approach to study branes in a curved background with non-vanishing Neveu-Schwarz 3-form field strength. For branes on an S3S^3, the low-energy effective action is computed to leading order in the string tension. It turns out to be a field theory on a non-commutative `fuzzy 2-sphere' which consists of a Yang-Mills and a Chern-Simons term. We find a certain set of classical solutions that have no analogue for flat branes in Euclidean space. These solutions show, in particular, how a spherical brane can arise as bound state from a stack of D0-branes.Comment: 25 page
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