17 research outputs found

    Insufficiency of timeliness and efficiency of diagnosis of malignant tumors of visual localization in the female reproductive system

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    Reproductive system cancer is the most common female malignancy, accounting for 36.1 to 37.6 % of all gynecological cancers. The incidence rate of female reproductive system cancer continues to increase. Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2018 by interviewing 391 patients with breast cancer, 273 patients with cervical cancer, 30 patients with cancer of the vulva and 11 patients with vaginal cancer were interviewed. Results. The time period for making diagnosis lasted no longer than a week in 2.0 % of respondents with breast cancer, 5.9 % with vaginal tumor and 11.3 % with cervical cancer. A long period of cancer detection was the cause of advanced cancer (56.5 and 47.0 % of cases of breast and cervical cancer, 40.0 % of vulva and 11.6 % of vaginal cancer). Discussion. The majority of district oncologists and other allied healthcare professionals are not able to identify abnormalities caused by cancer. Physicians of municipal health care facilities are either completely unaware of the procedure for routing patients with suspected malignant neoplasm or simply cannot explain it to patients. Conclusions. Oncologists working in outpatient health care facilities and other allied healthcare professionals need a special methodical literature on cancer screening. It is necessary to optimize the routing scheme of patients with suspected malignant tumors with mandatory training of oncologists and other allied healthcare professionals on the routing of such patients

    Dynamics and social and epidemiological features spread HIV - infection in the Chelyabinsk region

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    The results of the study the prevalence and dynamics of infections caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), in the Chelyabinsk region. Analysis of the epidemic situation showed that the incidence and prevalence rates of the population of the Chelyabinsk region of HIV-infection is significantly higher than the average for the Russian Federation, and is not likely territories observed a generalization of the epidemic. In recent years, there was a trend to an increase in registered cases of HIV - infection in the age group older than 30 years, growth in the number of HIV - infected patients with asymptomatic and latent stage of the disease and those who have HIV - the infection is detected for the first time on the stage of secondary diseases.Представлены результаты исследования распространенности и динамики инфекции, вызванной вирусом иммунодефицита человека (ВИЧ), в Челябинской области. Анализ эпидситуации показал, что уровни заболеваемости и пораженности населения Челябинской области ВИЧ - инфекцией значительно выше, чем в среднем по Российской Федерации, а вряде территорий наблюдается генерализация эпидемии. В последние годы отмечена тенденция к увеличению регистрации случаев ВИЧ - инфицирования в возрастной группе старше 30 лет, рост числа ВИЧ - инфицированных с бессимптомной и латентной стадией заболевания и лиц, у которых ВИЧ - инфекция впервые выявляется на стадиях вторичных заболеваний

    Participation of the medical commission in ensuring the internal quality control of medical activities

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    The objective of the study is to determine the role and place of the MC in the management of quality and safety of medical activity in the regional segment of healthcare based on the analysis of the reported data.Цель работы – на основании анализа отчетных данных определить роль и место ВК в управлении качеством и безопасностью медицинской деятельности в региональном сегменте здравоохранения

    Social hygienic characteristics and sexual behaviour persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus

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    The results of the study In HIV-infected patients in outpatient and inpatient treatment. The proportion of people in older age groups was 58.1 %. Dominated by women, and, most, their share was at the age of 19-29 years. More than half of women surveyed the main culprit of HIV - infection was considered her husband. Sex, age and marital status are the most significant risk factors for infection with HIV - infection. More than half of HIV - positive respondents work or study, that is, have a certain occupation and socially adapted. HIV - infection is spread mostly among working specialties. The first sexual debut in the majority of patients surveyed noted before the age of 16 years. Every third respondent had more than one sexual partner. After information about the infection of more than 10.0% of respondents noted a sense of aggression. Probably, this fact may be associated willful violations of medical treatment and infection of new partners during sexual intercourse.Представлены результаты исследования ВИЧ инфицированных пациентов, находящихся на амбулаторном и стационарном лечении. Доля лиц старших возрастных групп составила 58,1%. Преобладали женщины, причем, наибольший удельный вес их был в возрасте 19-29 лет. Более половины опрошенных женщин основным виновником заражения ВИЧ - инфекцией считали мужа. Пол, возраст и семейное положение являются наиболее значимыми факторами риска заражения ВИЧ - инфекцией. Более половины ВИЧ - инфицированных респондентов работают или учатся, то есть имеют определенное занятие и социально адаптированы. ВИЧ - инфекция распространена в большей степени среди лиц рабочих специальностей. Первый сексуальный дебют у большинства опрошенных пациентов отмечен в возрасте до 16 лет. Каждый третий респондент имел несколько половых партнеров. После информации о заражении более 10,0% опрошенных отметили, чувство агрессии. Вероятно, с этим может быть связан факт умышленного нарушения лечебного режима и заражения новых партнеров при половых контактах

    Main directions of detection of malignant neoplasms of leading localizations in rural municipal districts

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    Study objective was the identification of the main reasons of the high level of neglect of cancer of the leading localizations among residents of rural municipalities of the Chelyabinsk region.Цель работы — установить основные причины высокого уровня запущенности ЗНО ведущих локализаций у жителей сельских муниципальных образований Челябинской област

    Studies of the Response of the Prototype CMS Hadron Calorimeter, Including Magnetic Field Effects, to Pion, Electron, and Muon Beams

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    We report on the response of a prototype CMS hadron calorimeter module to charged particle beams of pions, muons, and electrons with momenta up to 375 GeV/c. The data were taken at the H2 and H4 beamlines at CERN in 1995 and 1996. The prototype sampling calorimeter used copper absorber plates and scintillator tiles with wavelength shifting fibers for readout. The effects of a magnetic field of up to 3 Tesla on the response of the calorimeter to muons, electrons, and pions are presented, and the effects of an upstream lead tungstate crystal electromagnetic calorimeter on the linearity and energy resolution of the combined calorimetric system to hadrons are evaluated. The results are compared with Monte Carlo simulations and are used to optimize the choice of total absorber depth, sampling frequency, and longitudinal readout segmentation.Comment: 89 pages, 41 figures, to be published in NIM, corresponding author: P de Barbaro, [email protected]

    A high-resolution detector based on liquid-core scintillating fibres with readout via an electron-bombarded charge-coupled device

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    This paper is a presentation of results from tests in a 5 GeV/c hadron beam of detectors based on liquid-core scintillating fibres, each fibre consisting of a glass capillary filled with organic liquid scintillator. Fibre readout was performed via an Electron-Bombarded Charge-Coupled Device (EBCCD) image tube, a novel instrument that combines the functions of a high-gain, gated image intensifier and a Charge-Coupled Device. Using 1-methylnaphthalene doped with 3 g/l of R45 as liquid scintillator, the attenuation lengths obtained for light propagation over distances greater than 16 cm were 1.5 m in fibres of 20 mu m core and 1.0 m in fibres of 16 mu m core. For particles that crossed the fibres of 20 mu m core at distances of similar to 1.8 cm and similar to 95 cm from the fibres' readout ends, the recorded hit densities were 5.3 mm(-1) and 2.5 mm(-1) respectively. Using 1-methylnaphthalene doped with 3.6 g/l of R39 as liquid scintillator and fibres of 75 mu m core, the hit density obtained for particles that crossed the fibres at a distance of similar to 1.8 cm from their readout ends was 8.5 mm(-1). With a specially designed bundle of tapered fibres, having core diameters that smoothly increase from 16 mu m to 75 mu m, a spatial precision of 6 mu m was measured