136 research outputs found

    Collapse and Bose-Einstein condensation in a trapped Bose-gas with negative scattering length

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    We find that the key features of the evolution and collapse of a trapped Bose condensate with negative scattering length are predetermined by the particle flux from the above-condensate cloud to the condensate and by 3-body recombination of Bose-condensed atoms. The collapse, starting once the number of Bose-condensed atoms reaches the critical value, ceases and turns to expansion when the density of the collapsing cloud becomes so high that the recombination losses dominate over attractive interparticle interaction. As a result, we obtain a sequence of collapses, each of them followed by dynamic oscillations of the condensate. In every collapse the 3-body recombination burns only a part of the condensate, and the number of Bose-condensed atoms always remains finite. However, it can comparatively slowly decrease after the collapse, due to the transfer of the condensate particles to the above-condensate cloud in the course of damping of the condensate oscillations.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Three-body recombination of ultra-cold atoms to a weakly bound ss level

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    We discuss three-body recombination of ultra-cold atoms to a weakly bound ss level. In this case, characterized by large and positive scattering length aa for pair interaction, we find a repulsive effective potential for three-body collisions, which strongly reduces the recombination probability and makes simple Jastrow-like approaches absolutely inadequate. In the zero temperature limit we obtain a universal relation, independent of the detailed shape of the interaction potential, for the (event) rate constant of three-body recombination: αrec=3.9a4/m\alpha_{\rm rec}=3.9\hbar a^4/m, where mm is the atom mass.Comment: 10 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    Antiproton-Hydrogen annihilation at sub-kelvin temperatures

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    The main properties of the interaction of ultra low-energy antiprotons (E106% E\le10^{-6} a.u.) with atomic hydrogen are established. They include the elastic and inelastic cross sections and Protonium (Pn) formation spectrum. The inverse Auger process (Pn+eH+pˉPn+e \to H+\bar{p}) is taken into account in the framework of an unitary coupled-channels model. The annihilation cross-section is found to be several times smaller than the predictions made by the black sphere absorption models. A family of pˉH\bar{p}H nearthreshold metastable states is predicited. The dependence of Protonium formation probability on the position of such nearthreshold S-matrix singularities is analysed. An estimation for the HHˉH\bar{H} annihilation cross section is obtained.Comment: latex.tar.gz file, 22 pages, 9 figure

    Evolution and global collapse of trapped Bose condensates under variations of the scattering length

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    We develop the idea of selectively manipulating the condensate in a trapped Bose-condensed gas, without perturbing the thermal cloud. The idea is based on the possibility to modify the mean field interaction between atoms (scattering length) by nearly resonant incident light or by spatially uniform change of the trapping magnetic field. For the gas in the Thomas-Fermi regime we find analytical scaling solutions for the condensate wavefunction evolving under arbitrary variations of the scattering length aa. The change of aa from positive to negative induces a global collapse of the condensate, and the final stages of the collapse will be governed by intrinsic decay processes.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, other comments are at http://WWW.amolf.nl/departments/quantumgassen/TITLE.HTM

    On the stability of standing matter waves in a trap

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    We discuss excited Bose-condensed states and find the criterion of dynamical stability of a kink-wise state, i.e., a standing matter wave with one nodal plane perpendicular to the axis of a cylindrical trap. The dynamical stability requires a strong radial confinement corresponding to the radial frequency larger than the mean-field interparticle interaction. We address the question of thermodynamic instability related to the presence of excitations with negative energy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Bose-Einstein condensation in trapped dipolar gases

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    We discuss Bose-Einstein condensation in a trapped gas of bosonic particles interacting dominantly via dipole-dipole forces. We find that in this case the mean-field interparticle interaction and, hence, the stability diagram are governed by the trapping geometry. Possible physical realisations include ultracold heteronuclear molecules, or atoms with laser induced electric dipole moments.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Collapse dynamics of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We analyze the implosion and subsequent explosion of a trapped condensate after the scattering length is switched to a negative value. Our results compare very well qualitatively and fairly well quantitatively with the results of recent experiments at JILA.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Influence of nearly resonant light on the scattering length in low-temperature atomic gases

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    We develop the idea of manipulating the scattering length aa in low-temperature atomic gases by using nearly resonant light. As found, if the incident light is close to resonance with one of the bound pp levels of electronically excited molecule, then virtual radiative transitions of a pair of interacting atoms to this level can significantly change the value and even reverse the sign of aa. The decay of the gas due to photon recoil, resulting from the scattering of light by single atoms, and due to photoassociation can be minimized by selecting the frequency detuning and the Rabi frequency. Our calculations show the feasibility of optical manipulations of trapped Bose condensates through a light-induced change in the mean field interaction between atoms, which is illustrated for 7^7Li.Comment: 12 pages, 1 Postscript figur