10,506 research outputs found

    Interplay among critical temperature, hole content, and pressure in the cuprate superconductors

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    Within a BCS-type mean-field approach to the extended Hubbard model, a nontrivial dependence of T_c on the hole content per unit CuO_2 is recovered, in good agreement with the celebrated non-monotonic universal behaviour at normal pressure. Evaluation of T_c at higher pressures is then made possible by the introduction of an explicit dependence of the tight-binding band and of the carrier concentration on pressure P. Comparison with the known experimental data for underdoped Bi2212 allows to single out an `intrinsic' contribution to d T_c / d P from that due to the carrier concentration, and provides a remarkable estimate of the dependence of the inter-site coupling strength on the lattice scale.Comment: REVTeX 8 pages, including 5 embedded PostScript figures; other required macros included; to be published in Phys. Rev. B (vol. 54

    Properties of Quasar-Galaxy Associations and Gravitational Mesolensing by Halo Objects

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    A new catalog of 8382 close quasar-galaxy pairs is presented. The catalog was composed using published catalogs of quasars and active galactic nuclei containing 11358 objects, as well as the LEDA catalog of galaxies, which contains on the order of 100 thousand objects. The search for pairs was carried out in such a way that the linear distance between the galaxy and projected quasar does not exceed 150kpc. Based on these new data, the dependence of the number of pairs on a=z_G/z_Q is analysed, where z_G and z_Q are the redshifts of the galaxy and quasar, respectively, revealing an excess of pairs with a<0.1 and a>0.9. This means that the galaxies in pairs are preferably located close to either the observer or the quasar and avoid intermediate distances along the line of sight to the quasar. Computer simulations demonstrate that it is not possible to explain this number of pairs with the observed distribution in a as the result of chance positional coincidences with a uniform spatial distribution of galaxies. Data on globular clusters show that the excess of pairs with a0.9 is consistent with the hypothesis that we are observing distant compact objects that are strongly gravitationally lensed by transparent lenses with a King mass distribution located in the halos of nearby galaxies. The Hubble diagram for galaxies and quasars is presented. Observational tests of the mesolensing hypothesis are formulated.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Evolution and stability of a magnetic vortex in small cylindrical ferromagnetic particle under applied field

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    The energy of a displaced magnetic vortex in a cylindrical particle made of isotropic ferromagnetic material (magnetic dot) is calculated taking into account the magnetic dipolar and the exchange interactions. Under the simplifying assumption of small dot thickness the closed-form expressions for the dot energy is written in a non-perturbative way as a function of the coordinate of the vortex center. Then, the process of losing the stability of the vortex under the influence of the externally applied magnetic field is considered. The field destabilizing the vortex as well as the field when the vortex energy is equal to the energy of a uniformly magnetized state are calculated and presented as a function of dot geometry. The results (containing no adjustable parameters) are compared to the recent experiment and are in good agreement.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTe

    Entanglement generation outside a Schwarzschild black hole and the Hawking effect

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    We examine the Hawking effect by studying the asymptotic entanglement of two mutually independent two-level atoms placed at a fixed radial distance outside a Schwarzschild black hole in the framework of open quantum systems. We treat the two-atom system as an open quantum system in a bath of fluctuating quantized massless scalar fields in vacuum and calculate the concurrence, a measurement of entanglement, of the equilibrium state of the system at large times, for the Unruh, Hartle-Hawking and Boulware vacua respectively. We find, for all three vacuum cases, that the atoms turn out to be entangled even if they are initially in a separable state as long as the system is not placed right at the even horizon. Remarkably, only in the Unruh vacuum, will the asymptotic entanglement be affected by the backscattering of the thermal radiation off the space-time curvature. The effect of the back scatterings on the asymptotic entanglement cancels in the Hartle-Hawking vacuum case.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, Revte

    Linear Relaxation Processes Governed by Fractional Symmetric Kinetic Equations

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    We get fractional symmetric Fokker - Planck and Einstein - Smoluchowski kinetic equations, which describe evolution of the systems influenced by stochastic forces distributed with stable probability laws. These equations generalize known kinetic equations of the Brownian motion theory and contain symmetric fractional derivatives over velocity and space, respectively. With the help of these equations we study analytically the processes of linear relaxation in a force - free case and for linear oscillator. For a weakly damped oscillator we also get kinetic equation for the distribution in slow variables. Linear relaxation processes are also studied numerically by solving corresponding Langevin equations with the source which is a discrete - time approximation to a white Levy noise. Numerical and analytical results agree quantitatively.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, 13 figures PostScrip

    p-Adic Mathematical Physics

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    A brief review of some selected topics in p-adic mathematical physics is presented.Comment: 36 page

    Optical and thermodynamic properties of the high-temperature superconductor HgBa_2CuO_4+delta

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    In- and out-of-plane optical spectra and specific heat measurements for the single layer cuprate superconductor Hg-1201 at optimal doping (Tc = 97 K) are presented. Both the in-plane and out-of-plane superfluid density agree well with a recently proposed scaling relation rho_{s}=sigma_{dc}T_{c}. It is shown that there is a superconductivity induced increase of the in-plane low frequency spectral weight which follows the trend found in underdoped and optimally doped Bi-2212 and optimally doped Bi-2223. We observe an increase of optical spectral weight which corresponds to a change in kinetic energy of approximately 0.5 meV/Cu which is more than enough to explain the condensation energy. The specific heat anomaly is 10 times smaller than in YBCO and 3 times smaller than in Bi-2212. The shape of the anomaly is similar to the one observed in YBCO showing that the superconducting transition is governed by thermal fluctuations.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Exact and explicit probability densities for one-sided Levy stable distributions

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    We study functions g_{\alpha}(x) which are one-sided, heavy-tailed Levy stable probability distributions of index \alpha, 0< \alpha <1, of fundamental importance in random systems, for anomalous diffusion and fractional kinetics. We furnish exact and explicit expression for g_{\alpha}(x), 0 \leq x < \infty, satisfying \int_{0}^{\infty} exp(-p x) g_{\alpha}(x) dx = exp(-p^{\alpha}), p>0, for all \alpha = l/k < 1, with k and l positive integers. We reproduce all the known results given by k\leq 4 and present many new exact solutions for k > 4, all expressed in terms of known functions. This will allow a 'fine-tuning' of \alpha in order to adapt g_{\alpha}(x) to a given experimental situation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures and 1 tabl
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