29 research outputs found

    Modeling of Socio-Economic Development of the Country on the Basis of Pulse Processes Моделирование социально-экономического развития регионов страны на основе импульсных процессов

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    The article deals with the nature and characteristics of simulation for analyzing and forecasting the socio-economic development of the country. It is shown that the basis of such simulations are diagrams causality - cognitive map and study the problem on the basis of a cognitive map is through the distribution of the pulsed process. It was reviewed and analyzed a number of modern simulation (cognitive) models of regional development proposed in the scientific literature that demonstrate the use of this tool as the modeling of the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators and indicators of local economic and social development of the region. The basic advantages and disadvantages of the use of cognitive models in the modeling of macroeconomic and regional dynamics were defined.В статье рассматриваются сущность и особенности применения имитационного моделирования при анализе и прогнозировании социально-экономического развития регионов страны. Показано, что в основе такого моделирования лежат диаграммы причинно-следственных связей – когнитивные карты, и исследование проблемы на основе когнитивной карты происходит путем распространения импульсного процесса. Рассмотрен и проанализирован ряд современных имитационных (когнитивных) моделей регионального развития, предложенных в научной литературе, которые демонстрируют использование данного инструментария как при моделировании показателей макроэкономической динамики, так и локальных показателей социально-экономического развития региона. Выделены основные достоинства и недостатки применения когнитивных моделей в моделировании макроэкономического развития и региональной динамики

    Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.20 ppm

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    We present a new measurement of the positive muon magnetic anomaly, a_{μ}≡(g_{μ}-2)/2, from the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment using data collected in 2019 and 2020. We have analyzed more than 4 times the number of positrons from muon decay than in our previous result from 2018 data. The systematic error is reduced by more than a factor of 2 due to better running conditions, a more stable beam, and improved knowledge of the magnetic field weighted by the muon distribution, ω[over ˜]_{p}^{'}, and of the anomalous precession frequency corrected for beam dynamics effects, ω_{a}. From the ratio ω_{a}/ω[over ˜]_{p}^{'}, together with precisely determined external parameters, we determine a_{μ}=116 592 057(25)×10^{-11} (0.21 ppm). Combining this result with our previous result from the 2018 data, we obtain a_{μ}(FNAL)=116 592 055(24)×10^{-11} (0.20 ppm). The new experimental world average is a_{μ}(exp)=116 592 059(22)×10^{-11} (0.19 ppm), which represents a factor of 2 improvement in precision

    Диагностическая эффективность перфузионной компьютерной томографии миокарда с чреспищеводной электрокардиостимуляцией у больных с исходным диагнозом «острый коронарный синдром»

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    Introduction. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) is widely used to detect atherosclerotic changes in coronary arteries (CA). However, the method is limited by the impossibility to perform functional assessment of detected stenoses. Perfusion computed tomography of the myocardium (PCT) can be used for this purpose.Aim of the study. To assess diagnostic accuracy of PCT of the myocardium with transesophageal electrocardiostimulation (TEES) and stress-echocardiography (stress-echoCG) with veloergometry (VEM) in detection of transient ischemia in patients with initial diagnosis of “acute coronary syndrome” (ACS) with borderline stenoses (50–75%) in CA in relation to measurements of fractional flow reserve (FFR).Materials and Methods. The study included 30 patients with the initial diagnosis of ACS with borderline (50–75%) stenoses in CA according to CTA or coronary angiography (CAG). Subsequently, they underwent myocardial PCT with 320-row detector with TEES, as well as stress-echoCG with VEM. Invasive FFR measurement was used as a reference method. FFR value < 0.8 indicated hemodynamic significance of stenosis. Myocardial perfusion was assessed visually. Regional myocardial contractility of the left ventricle was assessed by stress-echoCG.Results. All patients were examined according to the stated protocol. PCT with TEES revealed FFR-significant stenoses with sensitivity, specificity, prognostic value of positive result and prognostic value of negative result 56, 93, 90, 65% respectively, stress-echoCG with VEM 62, 93, 91, 68% respectively.Conclusion. Myocardial PCT with TEES enables to detect perfusion defects associated with transient ischemia, and the diagnostic accuracy of the method in comparison with FFR is comparable with the already well-proven stress-echoCG. The use of PCT with TEES in combination with CTA can be considered as a promising diagnostic tool in patients without known coronary anatomy and with suspected ACS.Введение. Компьютерная томографическая ангиография (КТА) широко используется для выявления атеросклеротических изменений в коронарных артериях (КА). Однако метод ограничен невозможностью проведения функциональной оценки выявленных стенозов. С этой целью может использоваться перфузионная компьютерная томография миокарда (ПКТ).Цель исследования. Оценить диагностическую точность методов ПКТ миокарда с чреспищеводной электрокардиостимуляцией (ЧПЭС) и стресс-эхокардиографии (стресс-ЭхоКГ) с велоэргометрией (ВЭМ) в выявлении преходящей ишемии у больных с исходным диагнозом «острый коронарный синдром» (ОКС) с пограничными стенозами (50–75%) в КА по отношению к измерениям фракционного резерва кровотока (ФРК).Материалы и методы. В исследование были включены 30 больных с исходным диагнозом ОКС с пограничными (50–75%) стенозами в КА по данным КТА или коронарной ангиографии (КАГ). Впоследствии им были выполнены ПКТ миокарда на томографе с 320-рядным детектором с ЧПЭС, а также стресс-ЭхоКГ с ВЭМ. В качестве референтного метода использовалось инвазивное измерение ФРК. Значение показателя ФРК < 0,8 указывало на гемодинамическую значимость стеноза. Перфузия миокарда оценивалась визуально. При проведении стресс-ЭхоКГ оценивалась региональная сократимость миокарда левого желудочка.Результаты. Все больные обследованы согласно заявленному протоколу. ПКТ с ЧПЭС выявила ФРК-значимые стенозы с чувствительностью, специфичностью, прогностической ценностью положительного результата и прогностической ценностью отрицательного результата 56, 93, 90, 65% соответственно, стресс-ЭхоКГ с ВЭМ 62, 93, 91, 68% соответственно.Выводы. ПКТ миокарда с ЧПЭС позволяет выявить дефекты перфузии, ассоциированные с преходящей ишемией, а диагностическая точность метода при сравнении с ФРК сопоставима с уже хорошо зарекомендовавшей себя стресс-ЭхоКГ. Использование ПКТ с ЧПЭС в комбинации с КТА можно рассматривать как перспективный диагностический инструмент у больных без известной коронарной анатомии и с подозрением на ОКС

    Electric dipole moments and the search for new physics

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    Static electric dipole moments of nondegenerate systems probe mass scales for physics beyond the Standard Model well beyond those reached directly at high energy colliders. Discrimination between different physics models, however, requires complementary searches in atomic-molecular-and-optical, nuclear and particle physics. In this report, we discuss the current status and prospects in the near future for a compelling suite of such experiments, along with developments needed in the encompassing theoretical framework.Comment: Contribution to Snowmass 2021; updated with community edits and endorsement

    Antiviral Silencing and Suppression of Gene Silencing in Plants

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    RNA silencing is an evolutionary conserved sequence-specific gene inactivation mechanism that contributes to the control of development, maintains heterochromatin, acts in stress responses, DNA repair and defends against invading nucleic acids like transposons and viruses. In plants RNA silencing functions as one of the main immune systems. RNA silencing process involves the small RNAs and trans factor components like Dicers, Argonautes and RNA-dependent RNA poly- merases. To deal with host antiviral silencing responses viruses evolved mecha- nisms to avoid or counteract this, most notably through expression of viral suppressors of RNA silencing. Due to the overlap between endogenous and antiviral silencing pathways while blocking antiviral pathways viruses also impact endogenous silencing processes. Here we provide an overview of antiviral silencing pathway, host factors implicated in it and the crosstalk between antiviral and endogenous branches of silencing. We summarize the current status of knowledge about the viral counter-defense strategies acting at various steps during virus infection in plants with the focus on representative, well studied silencing suppres- sor proteins. Finally we discuss future challenges of the antiviral silencing and counter-defense research field

    Studying and mapping the landscapes of the Sareptsky peninsula in Lower Volga, Russia

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    Aim. Islands and peninsulas in the Volga are of great environmental and recreational importance for the Volgograd agglomeration. Identifying the current state of geocomplexes in the Sareptsky peninsula allow us to assess the developmental trends of the floodplain ecosystems in the Lower Volga, which are under intense economic pressures.Material and Methods. The mapping was done by decoding Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and drawing landscape contours using the QGIS program. Field work was carried out in June 2019. Seven test plots were laid out. Inventory of forest plantations was undertaken with distribution of trees according to condition and a geobotanical description of the grass stand was done.Results. The Sareptsky peninsula was revealed to be an island by origin that was artificially attached to the native coast. The landscape structure of the peninsula includes 6 natural-anthropogenic complexes, of which the largest area (62.9%) is occupied by natural floodplain forest and cultivated forest. 13.9% is occupied by water meadows of the central floodplain, 8.0% by aquatic complexes of inland water bodies, 7.3% by anthropogenically transformed areas (settlements and industrial lands, roads and hydraulic structures), 5.1% by open areas of fresh-water floodplain and 2.8% by beach shoals of the river channel floodplain. The signs were revealed of a negative effect on the Volga through the regulation of its flow from desiccation of poplars and meagre species composition of meadow vegetation. It was established that the territory of the peninsula is exposed to a small extent by recreational activities.Conclusion. Landscape-ecological studies made in the Sareptsky peninsula allowed the assessment of the current state of forest and meadow ecosystems, the identification of the principal factors involved in the deterioration of their ecological status and the articulation of a better way to optimize nature management


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    Aim. The aim is to identify a complex of objective and subjective factors which generate a special state of individual consciousness, a social ground for manifestations of terrorism. Materials and methodology. In order to solve the problems posed in the study, a set of general scientific and psychological methods was used. The method of theoretical analysis and synthesis was used in the study of scientific publications and the development of the concept of research. The methods of empirical research (questioning, interviews, observation, etc.) were used in order to obtain the most complete volume of knowledge about the investigated object. For the analysis of the empirical data of sociological surveys, were used statistical methods as the sampling method, the method of analyzing statistical series and the method of constructing a diagram. Results. The analysis of objective information and subjective assessments of monitoring public opinion shows that certain groups of Dagestanis use religion exclusively to achieve their own selfish goals, one of which is spreading their influence in the republic. Studying the problems of mechanisms of development and management of integration processes in the implementation of the innovative educational systems allows creating a favorable environment for the education of tolerance among young people. Awareness of the current social situation which determines the specificity of the development of Dagestanis' self-awareness under the influence of the ideas of radical Islam has conditioned the topic of the proposed study. Conclusion. The findings obtained can be recommended for use as preventive measures in schools as well as in secondary special and higher educational institutions. It is necessary to hold meetings, round tables, seminars, conferences and symposiums together with the leading political scientists, sociologists, political psychologists, representatives of various confessions to discuss the true goals and objectives of information and the activities of aggressive religious movements


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    Link for citation: Syrodoy S.V., Malyshev D.Yu., Kostoreva Zh.A., Kostoreva A.A., Omarov A.A. Ignition of wooden biomass particles under microwave exposure at high-temperature radiation-convective heating. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Geo Аssets Engineering, 2023, vol. 334, no. 5, рр.159-167. In Rus. The relevance. Despite the active development of technologies for the production of electrical energy by means of wind power generators and solar batteries, by 2100, most of the energy will still be generated at thermal power plants that burn fossil fuels. As a rule, thermal power plants use coal as fuel (about 40 %). However, it should be noted that during the combustion of coal in the furnaces of steam and hot water boilers, toxic oxides of sulfur and nitrogen are intensively formed. In this regard, many scientists of the world working in the field of energy are working to create new innovative technologies for the eco- and energy-efficient production of heat and electricity. The latter include technologies for burning woody biomass in the furnaces of steam and hot water boilers of thermal power plants. The use of woody biomass can significantly reduce the environmental impact of thermal power plants on the atmosphere. However, no technology has yet been developed to burn wood with high energy efficiency. The latter is due to the high moisture saturation of woody biomass in its initial state. The main aim: experimental determination of the main stages and identification of a complex of physicochemical processes occurring together during the ignition of woody biomass particles under microwave exposure under high-temperature radiation-convective heating. Object: dry and moisture-saturated wood of two types (pine and cedar). The relative humidity of the wood from which the particles were made (with a characteristic size of 4 mm) varied from 6 (relatively dry biomass) to 42 % (moisture-saturated wood). Method. To establish the main characteristics of wood particle ignition under microwave exposure under high-temperature radiation-convective heating, a special experimental stand was developed, representing a reaction tube with heat-insulated radio-transparent walls through which a high-temperature oxidizer (air oxygen) was blown. The wood particle was mounted on the axis of the pipe so as to fall into the focus of the emitter. All processes were recorded by a high-speed video camera. Results. The paper introduces the results of experimental studies of ignition of dry and wet particles of woody biomass in the environment of air heated to high temperatures under conditions of radiation-convective and radiation-convective microwave heating. A significant influence of the type of wood on the ignition delay times (tign) was established. Rather significant effect of heating conditions on ignition is also shown, since microwave exposure leads to an acceleration of ignition of woody biomass particles. It was shown that during the ignition of wet wood particles, the effect of exposure to microwave radiation (acceleration of ignition) is more significant compared to ignition of dry wood particles. It was also found that the moisture content (φ) of woody biomass significantly affects the ignition delay times (increase in φ leads to growth in the tign value). The regularities established in the conducted experiments illustrate the prospects of using woody biomass (including moisture-saturated) in thermal power engineering as the main fuel