3 research outputs found

    Анализ механизма перехода в предельное состояние жилых домов серии 111 при Спитакском землетрясении 1988 г.

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    The study aimed at investigating the reaction of aresidential building (Series 111 nine-story block section) to seismic impacts that can lead to destruction of the building. The article presents the results of the retrospective analysis of the seismic resistance of nine-story block sections in the city of Gyumri (Leninakan) under the influence of the 07.12.1988 Spitak earthquake. The seismic resistance of the block section was calculated using the ‘pushover analysis’ method. Direct dynamic calculations were performed using a model of complex elastoplastic deformation of a mechanical system with two degrees of freedom. An external impact was represented by the earthquake records taken at the Ghukasyan station. Macroseismic survey data collected after the 1988 earthquake are presented. The block sections of Series 111 multistory residential buildings were designedbythe Armenian research and design institutions ArmNIISA and Armgosproekt in 1975 for construction in the Armenian Republic on sites with seismicity of 7–8 points. Vibration tests were conducted to test the strength of anine-storey block section in Yerevan in 1976, and it was discovered that the actual seismic resistance of the building did not comply with the current earthquake-resistant construction standards. However, the test results were ignored. On December 7, 1988, the earthquake took place, and the Series 111 buildings collapsed in the cities of Gyumri (Leninakan) and Vanadzor (Kirovokan). In the State Commission Report regarding the Series 111 design, it was concluded that considering the damage due to the violations of the design and construction standards and taking into account the inspection calculations, the accepted design solutions of the residential buildings did not meet the requirements of the regulatory documents for buildings designed to sustain seismicity of 8 points. Such design should not be used for seismic areas and must be critically revised. The retrospective analysis performed by the authors of this article on the basis of experimental data not only confirmed the conclusions of the State Commission, but also made it possible to establish a mechanism for the transition of Series 111 block-sections to the limit state. Unfortunately, the state management of the construction industry failed to use this information and did not take any urgent preventive actions.In fact, the authoritiesof the USSR supported the position of the Gosstroy of Armenia and allowed them to continue the construction of Series 111 residential buildings with minor changes. It was impossible to prevent the Spitak earthquake, but proper preventive actions could have reduced the amount of social and economic damage incurred due to the earthquake. The consequences of obvious design and construction errors discovered 12 years before the Spitak earthquake were ‘written off’and explained by the natural disaster, including underestimated standard seismicity, features of the engineering-geological settings, and the unfavorable spectrum of theactual impact. Thousands of people lost their life, and huge material damage was caused due to the loss of Series 111 residential buildings (300000square meters). Such was the price of professional incompetence and departmental ambitions.Целью настоящей статьи является исследование реакции 9-этажной блок-секции серии 111 на сейсмические воздействия вплоть до разрушения. Изложены результаты ретроспективного анализа сейсмостойкости 9-этажных блок-секций в г. Гюмри (Ленинакане) под воздействием Спитакского землетрясения 07.12.1988 г. Выполнены расчеты сейсмостойкости блок-секции по методу «pushoveranalysis», а также прямой динамический расчет модели сложного упругопластического деформирования механической системы с двумя степенями свободы. В качестве внешнего воздействия использованы записи землетрясения на ст. Гукасян. Приведены данные макросейсмического обследования последствий землетрясения 1988 г. Типовые проекты блок-секций многоэтажных жилых домов серии 111, разработанные в 1975 г. в АрмНИИСА и Армгоспроекте, предназначались для строительства в Армянской ССР на площадках с сейсмичностью 7–8 баллов. Проведенные в 1976 г. в г. Ереване вибрационные испытания 9-этажной блок-секции жилого дома серии 111 показали, что фактическая сейсмостойкость здания не соответствует действующим нормам. Игнорирование результатов вибрационных испытаний привело к тотальному обрушению домов этой серии в городах Гюмри (Ленинакан) и Ванадзор (Кировакан) 7 декабря 1988 г. В Заключении Государственной комиссии в отношении проектов серии 111 отмечено, что характер нарушений норм и данные поверочных расчетов свидетельствуют, что принятые конструктивные решения рассмотренных жилых домов не отвечают требованиям нормативных документов для зданий с расчетной сейсмичностью 8 баллов. Проекты не могут применяться для строительства в сейсмических районах без коренной переработки. Результаты ретроспективного анализа, выполненного авторами статьи на основе экспериментальных данных, не только подтвердили выводы Государственной комиссии, но и позволили установить механизм перехода блок-секции серии 111 в предельное состояние. К сожалению, тогдашнее руководство строительной отраслью страны не сумело использовать эту информацию для принятия срочных превентивных мер. Союзные органы фактически поддержали позицию Госстроя Армении, разрешив продолжить строительство жилых домов серии 111 с незначительными замечаниями. Предотвратить Спитакское землетрясение было невозможно, но социальный и экономический ущерб от него можно было уменьшить за счет превентивных мероприятий. Последствия очевидных проектных и строительных ошибок, вскрытых за 12 лет до Спитакского землетрясения, списали за счет стихии: заниженной нормативной сейсмичности, особенностей инженерно-геологического строения, неблагоприятного спектрального состава воздействия, что действительно имело место. В итоге – тысячи погибших и материальный ущерб от потери жилищного фонда серии 111 в объеме 300 тыс. м2. Такова цена профессиональной некомпетентности и ведомственных амбиций

    Analysis of the mechanism of transition to the limit state of Series 111 residential buildings during the 1988 Spitak earthquake

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    The study aimed at investigating the reaction of aresidential building (Series 111 nine-story block section) to seismic impacts that can lead to destruction of the building. The article presents the results of the retrospective analysis of the seismic resistance of nine-story block sections in the city of Gyumri (Leninakan) under the influence of the 07.12.1988 Spitak earthquake. The seismic resistance of the block section was calculated using the ‘pushover analysis’ method. Direct dynamic calculations were performed using a model of complex elastoplastic deformation of a mechanical system with two degrees of freedom. An external impact was represented by the earthquake records taken at the Ghukasyan station. Macroseismic survey data collected after the 1988 earthquake are presented. The block sections of Series 111 multistory residential buildings were designedbythe Armenian research and design institutions ArmNIISA and Armgosproekt in 1975 for construction in the Armenian Republic on sites with seismicity of 7–8 points. Vibration tests were conducted to test the strength of anine-storey block section in Yerevan in 1976, and it was discovered that the actual seismic resistance of the building did not comply with the current earthquake-resistant construction standards. However, the test results were ignored. On December 7, 1988, the earthquake took place, and the Series 111 buildings collapsed in the cities of Gyumri (Leninakan) and Vanadzor (Kirovokan). In the State Commission Report regarding the Series 111 design, it was concluded that considering the damage due to the violations of the design and construction standards and taking into account the inspection calculations, the accepted design solutions of the residential buildings did not meet the requirements of the regulatory documents for buildings designed to sustain seismicity of 8 points. Such design should not be used for seismic areas and must be critically revised. The retrospective analysis performed by the authors of this article on the basis of experimental data not only confirmed the conclusions of the State Commission, but also made it possible to establish a mechanism for the transition of Series 111 block-sections to the limit state. Unfortunately, the state management of the construction industry failed to use this information and did not take any urgent preventive actions.In fact, the authoritiesof the USSR supported the position of the Gosstroy of Armenia and allowed them to continue the construction of Series 111 residential buildings with minor changes. It was impossible to prevent the Spitak earthquake, but proper preventive actions could have reduced the amount of social and economic damage incurred due to the earthquake. The consequences of obvious design and construction errors discovered 12 years before the Spitak earthquake were ‘written off’and explained by the natural disaster, including underestimated standard seismicity, features of the engineering-geological settings, and the unfavorable spectrum of theactual impact. Thousands of people lost their life, and huge material damage was caused due to the loss of Series 111 residential buildings (300000square meters). Such was the price of professional incompetence and departmental ambitions