4 research outputs found

    Синтез новых амфифильных блок-сополимеров методом ATRP.

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    By means of ATRP the amphiphilic block-copolymers of polyisobornylacrylate-polyacrilic acid were produced. Kinetics of polymerization was investigated. Synthesized samples of polymers were characterized with molecular weight and polydispersity.Методом квазиживой радикальной полимеризации с переносом атома (Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization, ATRP) получены амфифильные блок-сополимеры полиизоборнилакрилата–полиакриловой кислоты. Изучена кинетика полимеризации. Полученные образцы полимеров охарактеризованы по молекулярной массе и молекулярно-массовому распределению (ММР)

    Газопроницаемость амфифильных блок-сополимеров полиизоборнилакрилат-полиакриловая кислота.

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    Amphiphilic block-copolymers of polyisobornylacrylate-polyacrilic acid synthesized by means of ATRP were used for producing of membrane. Gas permeability measurements were carried out on individual gases: carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogenАмфифильные блок-сополимеры полиизоборнилакрилата–полиакриловой кислоты, синтезированные методом квазиживой радикальной полимеризации с переносом атома (Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization, ATRP) использовались для получения мембран. Измерение газопроницаемости проводили на индивидуальных газах: диоксиде углерода, кислороде, азоте

    Synthesis of novel amphiphilic block-copolymers by means of ATRP

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    By means of ATRP the amphiphilic block-copolymers of polyisobornylacrylate-polyacrilic acid were produced. Kinetics of polymerization was investigated. Synthesized samples of polymers were characterized with molecular weight and polydispersity

    Gas permeability of amphiphilic block-copolymers polyisobornylacrylat-polyacrylic acid

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    Amphiphilic block-copolymers of polyisobornylacrylate-polyacrilic acid synthesized by means of ATRP were used for producing of membrane. Gas permeability measurements were carried out on individual gases: carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitroge