1,283 research outputs found

    Shielding of absorbing objects in collisionless flowing plasma

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    The electrostatic shielding of a charged absorbing object (dust grain) in a flowing collisionless plasma is investigated by using the linearized kinetic equation for plasma ions with a point-sink term accounting for ion absorption on the object. The effect of absorption on the attractive part of the grain potential is investigated. For subthermal ion flows, the attractive part of the grain potential in the direction perpendicular to the ion flow can be significantly reduced or completely destroyed, depending on the absorption rate. For superthermal ion flows, however, the effect of absorption on the grain attraction in the direction perpendicular to the ion flow is shown to be exponentially weak. It is thus argued that, in the limit of superthermal ion flow, the effect of absorption on the grain shielding potential can be safely ignored for typical grain sizes relevant to complex plasmas.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Some Remarks on Producing Hopf Algebras

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    We report some observations concerning two well-known approaches to construction of quantum groups. Thus, starting from a bialgebra of inhomogeneous type and imposing quadratic, cubic or quartic commutation relations on a subset of its generators we come, in each case, to a q-deformed universal enveloping algebra of a certain simple Lie algebra. An interesting correlation between the order of initial commutation relations and the Cartan matrix of the resulting algebra is observed. Another example demonstrates that the bialgebra structure of sl_q(2) can be completely determined by requiring the q-oscillator algebra to be its covariant comodule, in analogy with Manin's approach to define SL_q(2) as a symmetry algebra of the bosonic and fermionic quantum planes.Comment: 6 pages, LATEX, no figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of the 4th Colloquium "Quantum Groups and Integrable Systems" (Prague, June 1995

    Every latin hypercube of order 5 has transversals

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    We prove that for all n>1 every latin n-dimensional cube of order 5 has transversals. We find all 123 paratopy classes of layer-latin cubes of order 5 with no transversals. For each nā‰„3n\geq 3 and qā‰„3q\geq 3 we construct a (2q-2)-layer latin n-dimensional cuboid with no transversals. Moreover, we find all paratopy classes of nonextendible and noncompletable latin cuboids of order 5.Comment: Supplementary data https://zenodo.org/records/1020402

    Metal-insulator transition in a two-dimensional electron system: the orbital effect of in-plane magnetic field

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    The conductance of an open quench-disordered two-dimensional (2D) electron system subject to an in-plane magnetic field is calculated within the framework of conventional Fermi liquid theory applied to actually a three-dimensional system of spinless electrons confined to a highly anisotropic (planar) near-surface potential well. Using the calculation method suggested in this paper, the magnetic field piercing a finite range of infinitely long system of carriers is treated as introducing the additional highly non-local scatterer which separates the circuit thus modelled into three parts -- the system as such and two perfect leads. The transverse quantization spectrum of the inner part of the electron waveguide thus constructed can be effectively tuned by means of the magnetic field, even though the least transverse dimension of the waveguide is small compared to the magnetic length. The initially finite (metallic) value of the conductance, which is attributed to the existence of extended modes of the transverse quantization, decreases rapidly as the magnetic field grows. This decrease is due to the mode number reduction effect produced by the magnetic field. The closing of the last current-carrying mode, which is slightly sensitive to the disorder level, is suggested as the origin of the magnetic-field-driven metal-to-insulator transition widely observed in 2D systems.Comment: 19 pages, 7 eps figures, the extension of cond-mat/040613

    On the oscillation properties of eigenfunctions of Sturm--Liouville problem with singular coefficients

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    In the paper we consider singular spectral Sturm--Liouville problem āˆ’(pyā€²)ā€²+(qāˆ’Ī»r)y=0-(py')'+(q-\lambda r)y=0, (Uāˆ’1)yāˆØ+i(U+1)yāˆ§=0(U-1)y^{\vee}+i(U+1)y^{\wedge}=0, where function pāˆˆLāˆž[0,1]p\in L_{\infty}[0,1] is uniformly positive, generalized functions q,rāˆˆW2āˆ’1[0,1]q,r\in W_2^{-1}[0,1] are real-valued and unitary matrix UāˆˆC2Ɨ2U\in\mathbb C^{2\times 2} is diagonal. The main goal is to prove that well-known (for smooth case) facts about number and distribution of zeros of eigenfunctions hold in general case.Comment: 7 page

    p-Adic Mathematical Physics

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    A brief review of some selected topics in p-adic mathematical physics is presented.Comment: 36 page
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