15,802 research outputs found

    Improving feed efficiency in laying hens using individual feed records in a selection index

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    A five-generation selection experiment for feed efficiency using individual feed records of Leghorn hens has been completed. Selections were based on either one of the two indexes, I(,1), and I(,2). Body weight, egg mass and individual feed consumption were included in index I(,1); feed consumption was omitted in index I(,2). Each index was applied to four sublines originating from two separate populations. Each subline consisted of approximately 120 hens and 48 cocks. Parents were selected on sire family means with an average selection intensity of .47. Control flocks for each index were maintained in order to measure environmental changes over generations;Each hen was evaluated for two four-week testing periods during the laying cycle. The traits measured were body weight, egg mass, feed consumption, and feed efficiency. In addition, age at first egg, income over feed cost, and gross income were evaluated;Over the five generation interval, rate of improvement in egg mass production was similar for both indexes. However, the increase in both body weight and feed consumption was highest in the I(,2) lines. The net result was that the I(,1) lines were most efficient, having the highest genetic improvement in income over feed cost. This demonstrated that information on feed consumption, when used in a selection index, will enhance genetic improvement in feed efficiency

    Transformer-empowered Multi-modal Item Embedding for Enhanced Image Search in E-Commerce

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    Over the past decade, significant advances have been made in the field of image search for e-commerce applications. Traditional image-to-image retrieval models, which focus solely on image details such as texture, tend to overlook useful semantic information contained within the images. As a result, the retrieved products might possess similar image details, but fail to fulfil the user's search goals. Moreover, the use of image-to-image retrieval models for products containing multiple images results in significant online product feature storage overhead and complex mapping implementations. In this paper, we report the design and deployment of the proposed Multi-modal Item Embedding Model (MIEM) to address these limitations. It is capable of utilizing both textual information and multiple images about a product to construct meaningful product features. By leveraging semantic information from images, MIEM effectively supplements the image search process, improving the overall accuracy of retrieval results. MIEM has become an integral part of the Shopee image search platform. Since its deployment in March 2023, it has achieved a remarkable 9.90% increase in terms of clicks per user and a 4.23% boost in terms of orders per user for the image search feature on the Shopee e-commerce platform.Comment: Accepted by IAAI 202

    The Metastasectomy and Timing of Pulmonary Metastases on the Outcome of Osteosarcoma Patients

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    Background The author intended to clarify the therapeutic effect and prognostic factors of metastasectomy and timing of pulmonary metastases in osteosarcoma patents. Methods Data was obtained retrospectively on all consecutive osteosarcoma patients from 1985 to 2005 in author's institute. Fifty-two patients with pulmonary nodules were identified, including 24 patients undergoing pulmonary metastasectomy treatment. These patients were categorized into four groups: group 1, patients with lung metastases at the initial presentation; group 2, lung metastases identified during the period of pre-operative chemotherapy; group 3, lung metastases identified during period of the post-operative chemotherapy; group 4, lung metastases identified after therapy for the primary osteosarcoma completed. Results In our study, the 2-, 3-, and 5-year overall survival rates for 52 patients were 49%, 39% and 20%. The 2-year overall survival rates were 18% for group 1, 32% for group 3, and 70% for group 4 (p < 0.001). The 5-year overall survival rate was 34% for group 4. Patients who underwent metastesectomy showed a better survival outcome as compared with the patients not undergoing metastasectomy (p = 0.003). The 2-year and 5-year overall survival rates of only one lung metastatic nodule were 62% and 50%, and for initially multiple lung metastatic nodules, 45% and 5%, respectively. In addition, the patients presented with lung metastases had a worse prognosis as compared with those without initial lung metastases (p = 0.0001). Conclusions The patients having single metastatic nodule showed a better prognosis than those with multiple lung nodules. Furthermore, those patients who underwent metastasectomy survived longer than those not undergoing metastasectomy. Patients who had late metastases after complete chemotherapy had a better prognosis; whereas those who had metastases identified at the initial presentation predicted a poor prognosis

    Automatic Emergency Dust-Free solution on-board International Space Station with Bi-GRU (AED-ISS)

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    With a rising attention for the issue of PM2.5 or PM0.3, particulate matters have become not only a potential threat to both the environment and human, but also a harming existence to instruments onboard International Space Station (ISS). Our team is aiming to relate various concentration of particulate matters to magnetic fields, humidity, acceleration, temperature, pressure and CO2 concentration. Our goal is to establish an early warning system (EWS), which is able to forecast the levels of particulate matters and provides ample reaction time for astronauts to protect their instruments in some experiments or increase the accuracy of the measurements; In addition, the constructed model can be further developed into a prototype of a remote-sensing smoke alarm for applications related to fires. In this article, we will implement the Bi-GRU (Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit) algorithms that collect data for past 90 minutes and predict the levels of particulates which over 2.5 micrometer per 0.1 liter for the next 1 minute, which is classified as an early warningComment: 11 pages, 5 figures, and 1 tabl

    Supercontinuum generation and carrier envelope offset frequency measurement in a tapered single-mode fiber

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    We report supercontinuum generation by launching femtosecond Yb fiber laser pulses into a tapered single-mode fiber of 3 um core diameter. A spectrum of more than one octave, from 550 to 1400 nm, has been obtained with an output power of 1.3 W at a repetition rate of 250 MHz, corresponding to a coupling efficiency of up to 60%. By using a typical f-2f interferometer, the carrier envelope offset frequency was measured and found to have a signal-to-noise ratio of nearly 30 dB.Comment: 10 pages, accepted by Appl Phys

    Esophageal Food Impaction: A Homemade Suction Tube Attached to Esophagogastroduodenoscopy for Food Bolus Removal

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    The most common esophageal foreign body in adults is impacted food bolus. Polypectomy snares, Dormia baskets, retrieval nets, rat-tooth forceps, alligator forceps or polyp graspers are usually used to remove it. Here, we report the case of a 78-year-old woman whose esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) showed a firm goose liver impacted tightly in the lower esophagus; all of the above-mentioned retrieval instruments could not remove it. We used a homemade device by attaching a modified nasogastric tube to an EGD and successfully removed the goose liver by suction under endoscopic visualization. The method is very effective to remove firm and tightly impacted materials in a narrow lumen. When the usual retrieval instruments fail, a homemade suction tube attached to an EGD is an alternative