14,228 research outputs found

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia in patients undergoing liver transplantation: An emerging problem

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    In our institution, Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia appeared to occur with increasing frequency in patients undergoing liver transplantation. We thus conducted a prospective study to define risk factors and outcome in these patients. Over a 19-month period 6% of liver transplants were followed by Pseudomonas bacteremia. The mean age was 46 years (range, 24 to 67 years). The interval between transplantation and onset of bacteremia was 3 to 372 days (mean, 80). The incidence of Pseudomonas bacteremia in liver transplants was three times that of other transplants (heart, lung, kidney). Ninety one percent of infections were nosocomial. Polymicrobial bacteremia occurred in 30% of episodes. The portal of entry was respiratory in 30%, abdominal in 35%, and biliary in 13%. Four patients had recurrent Pseudomonas bacteremia: liver abscess (1), biliary obstruction (2), subhepatic abscess (1). Survival at 14 days was 70%. Survival rates were significantly lower for patients with hypotension, on mechanical ventilators, and increasing severity of illness (p < 0.05). Survival was higher when bacteremia occurred within the first 30 days after transplantation compared to after 30 days. A large number (43.4%) of Pseudomonas bacteremias occurred after transplant surgery or biliary tract manipulation, while the patient was receiving a prophylactic regimen of cefotaxime and ampicillin. P. aeruginosa is an important pathogen in the liver transplant recipient; prevention may be possible for a subgroup of patients with the use of prophylactic antibiotics with activity against P. aeruginosa

    Factors influencing audio-visual comfort evaluation in the metro commercial space

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    Metro commercial spaces have a potential audio-visual problem because of lack of outside openings. China has built plenty metro commercial entities with its rapid urban development, in which the audio-visual comfort has been concerned as current situation is not good. In order to improve space quality and then enhance staying willing in the metro commercial space, this paper illustrates a study of influencing factors on aural and visual comfort in the metro commercial space. The study takes three metropolises (Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Guangzhou) into account and investigated 103 metro commercial cases. In the study, the spatial differences on aural and visual comfort were firstly examined, and then physical factors of the acoustic and visual environments were considered. It is found that correlations of various acoustic and visual environmental factors on aural and visual comfort were not significant as the correlation value is rather low. If taking spatial differences into account, closer relations could be found. It discovered that visual environmental factors could influence aural comfort, and the vice versa. The factors of saturation, brightness, illuminance and roughness from the visual environment, and sound level and sources from the acoustic environment, are significantly influence aural and visual comfort especially to a typical spatial type of the metro commercial space

    Long-term survival rates of laryngeal cancer patients treated by radiation and surgery, radiation alone, and surgery alone : studied by lognormal and Kaplan-Meier survival methods

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    BACKGROUND: Validation of the use of the lognormal model for predicting long-term survival rates using short-term follow-up data. METHODS: 907 cases of laryngeal cancer were treated from 1973–1977 by radiation and surgery (248), radiation alone (345), and surgery alone (314), in registries of Connecticut and Metropolitan Detroit of the SEER database, with known survival status up to 1999. Phase 1 of this study used the minimum chi-square test to assess the goodness of fit of the survival times of those who died with disease to a lognormal distribution. Phase 2 used the maximum likelihood method to estimate long-term survival rates using short-term follow-up data. In order to validate the lognormal model, the estimated long-term cancer-specific survival rates (CSSR) were compared with the values calculated by the Kaplan-Meier (KM) method using long-term data. RESULTS: The 25-year CSSR were predicted to be 72%, 68% and 65% for treatments by radiation and surgery, by radiation alone, and by surgery alone respectively, using short-term follow-up data by the lognormal model. Corresponding results calculated by the KM method were: 72+/-3%, 68+/-3% and 66+/-4% respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The lognormal model was validated for the prediction of the long-term survival rates of laryngeal cancer patients treated by these different methods. The lognormal model may become a useful tool in research on outcomes

    Minimum follow-up time required for the estimation of statistical cure of cancer patients: verification using data from 42 cancer sites in the SEER database

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    BACKGROUND: The present commonly used five-year survival rates are not adequate to represent the statistical cure. In the present study, we established the minimum number of years required for follow-up to estimate statistical cure rate, by using a lognormal distribution of the survival time of those who died of their cancer. We introduced the term, threshold year, the follow-up time for patients dying from the specific cancer covers most of the survival data, leaving less than 2.25% uncovered. This is close enough to cure from that specific cancer. METHODS: Data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database were tested if the survival times of cancer patients who died of their disease followed the lognormal distribution using a minimum chi-square method. Patients diagnosed from 1973–1992 in the registries of Connecticut and Detroit were chosen so that a maximum of 27 years was allowed for follow-up to 1999. A total of 49 specific organ sites were tested. The parameters of those lognormal distributions were found for each cancer site. The cancer-specific survival rates at the threshold years were compared with the longest available Kaplan-Meier survival estimates. RESULTS: The characteristics of the cancer-specific survival times of cancer patients who died of their disease from 42 cancer sites out of 49 sites were verified to follow different lognormal distributions. The threshold years validated for statistical cure varied for different cancer sites, from 2.6 years for pancreas cancer to 25.2 years for cancer of salivary gland. At the threshold year, the statistical cure rates estimated for 40 cancer sites were found to match the actuarial long-term survival rates estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method within six percentage points. For two cancer sites: breast and thyroid, the threshold years were so long that the cancer-specific survival rates could yet not be obtained because the SEER data do not provide sufficiently long follow-up. CONCLUSION: The present study suggests a certain threshold year is required to wait before the statistical cure rate can be estimated for each cancer site. For some cancers, such as breast and thyroid, the 5- or 10-year survival rates inadequately reflect statistical cure rates, and highlight the need for long-term follow-up of these patients

    Structure of Psb29/Thf1 and its association with the FtsH protease complex involved in photosystem II repair in cyanobacteria

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    One strategy for enhancing photosynthesis in crop plants is to improve the ability to repair photosystem II (PSII) in response to irreversible damage by light. D espite the pivotal role of thylakoid embedded FtsH protease complexes in the selective degradation of PSII subunits during repair, little is known about the factors involved in regulating FtsH exp ression. Here we show using the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 that the Psb29 subunit, originally identified as a minor component of His tagged PSII preparations, physically interacts with FtsH complexes in vivo and is required for normal accumulation of the FtsH2/FtsH3 hetero oligo meric complex involved in PSII repair. We show using X ray crystallography that Psb29 from Thermosynechococcus elongatus has a unique fold consisting of a helical bundle and an extended C terminal heli x and contains a highly conserved region that might be involved in binding to FtsH. A similar interaction is likely to occur in Arabidopsis chloroplasts between the Psb29 homologue, termed THF1, and the FTSH2/FTSH5 complex. The direct involvement of Psb29/THF1 in Ft sH accumulation helps explain why THF1 is a target during the hypersensitive response in plants induced by pathogen i nfection. Downregulating FtsH function and the PSII repair cycle via THF1 would cont ribute to the productio

    Health-related quality of life as measured with EQ-5D among populations with and without specific chronic conditions: A population-based survey in Shaanxi province, China

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    © 2013 Tan et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Introduction: The aim of this study was to examine health-related quality of life (HRQoL) as measured by EQ-5D and to investigate the influence of chronic conditions and other risk factors on HRQoL based on a distributed sample located in Shaanxi Province, China. Methods: A multi-stage stratified cluster sampling method was performed to select subjects. EQ-5D was employed to measure the HRQoL. The likelihood that individuals with selected chronic diseases would report any problem in the EQ-5D dimensions was calculated and tested relative to that of each of the two reference groups. Multivariable linear regression models were used to investigate factors associated with EQ VAS. Results: The most frequently reported problems involved pain/discomfort (8.8%) and anxiety/depression (7.6%). Nearly half of the respondents who reported problems in any of the five dimensions were chronic patients. Higher EQ VAS scores were associated with the male gender, higher level of education, employment, younger age, an urban area of residence, access to free medical service and higher levels of physical activity. Except for anemia, all the selected chronic diseases were indicative of a negative EQ VAS score. The three leading risk factors were cerebrovascular disease, cancer and mental disease. Increases in age, number of chronic conditions and frequency of physical activity were found to have a gradient effect. Conclusion: The results of the present work add to the volume of knowledge regarding population health status in this area, apart from the known health status using mortality and morbidity data. Medical, policy, social and individual attention should be given to the management of chronic diseases and improvement of HRQoL. Longitudinal studies must be performed to monitor changes in HRQoL and to permit evaluation of the outcomes of chronic disease intervention programs. © 2013 Tan et al.National Nature Science Foundation (No. 8107239

    Chlorophyll f synthesis by a super-rogue photosystem II complex

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    Certain cyanobacteria synthesize chlorophyll molecules (Chl d and Chl f) that absorb in the far-red region of the solar spectrum, thereby extending the spectral range of photosynthetically active radiation1,2. The synthesis and introduction of these far-red chlorophylls into the photosynthetic apparatus of plants might improve the efficiency of oxygenic photosynthesis, especially in far-red enriched environments, such as in the lower regions of the canopy3. Production of Chl f requires the ChlF subunit, also known as PsbA4 (ref. 4) or super-rogue D1 (ref. 5), a paralogue of the D1 subunit of photosystem II (PSII) which, together with D2, bind cofactors involved in the light-driven oxidation of water. Current ideas suggest that ChlF oxidizes Chl a to Chl f in a homodimeric ChlF reaction centre (RC) complex and represents a missing link in the evolution of the heterodimeric D1/D2 RC of PSII (refs. 4,6). However, unambiguous biochemical support for this proposal is lacking. Here, we show that ChlF can substitute for D1 to form modified PSII complexes capable of producing Chl f. Remarkably, mutation of just two residues in D1 converts oxygen-evolving PSII into a Chl f synthase. Overall, we have identified a new class of PSII complex, which we term ‘super-rogue’ PSII, with an unexpected role in pigment biosynthesis rather than water oxidation