116,057 research outputs found

    Setting Standards for Fair Information Practice in the U.S. Private Sector

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    The confluence of plans for an Information Superhighway, actual industry self-regulatory practices, and international pressure dictate renewed consideration of standard setting for fair information practices in the U.S. private sector. The legal rules, industry norms, and business practices that regulate the treatment of personal information in the United States are organized in a wide and dispersed manner. This Article analyzes how these standards are established in the U.S. private sector. Part I argues that the U.S. standards derive from the influence of American political philosophy on legal rule making and a preference for dispersed sources of information standards. Part II examines the aggregation of legal rules, industry norms, and business practice from these various decentralized sources. Part III ties the deficiencies back to the underlying U.S. philosophy and argues that the adherence to targeted standards has frustrated the very purposes of the narrow, ad hoc regulatory approach to setting private sector standards. Part IV addresses the irony that European pressure should force the United States to revisit the setting of standards for the private sector

    Opinion diversity and community formation in adaptive networks

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    It is interesting and of significant importance to investigate how network structures co-evolve with opinions. The existing models of such co-evolution typically lead to the final states where network nodes either reach a global consensus or break into separated communities, each of which holding its own community consensus. Such results, however, can hardly explain the richness of real-life observations that opinions are always diversified with no global or even community consensus, and people seldom, if not never, totally cut off themselves from dissenters. In this article, we show that, a simple model integrating consensus formation, link rewiring and opinion change allows complex system dynamics to emerge, driving the system into a dynamic equilibrium with co-existence of diversified opinions. Specifically, similar opinion holders may form into communities yet with no strict community consensus; and rather than being separated into disconnected communities, different communities remain to be interconnected by non-trivial proportion of inter-community links. More importantly, we show that the complex dynamics may lead to different numbers of communities at steady state with a given tolerance between different opinion holders. We construct a framework for theoretically analyzing the co-evolution process. Theoretical analysis and extensive simulation results reveal some useful insights into the complex co-evolution process, including the formation of dynamic equilibrium, the phase transition between different steady states with different numbers of communities, and the dynamics between opinion distribution and network modularity, etc.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Journa

    Analysis of the strong coupling constant GDs∗DsϕG_{D_{s}^{*}D_{s}\phi} and the decay width of Ds∗→DsγD_{s}^{*}\rightarrow D_{s}\gamma with QCD sum rules

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    In this article, we calculate the form factors and the coupling constant of the vertex Ds∗DsϕD_{s}^{*}D_{s}\phi using the three-point QCD sum rules. We consider the contributions of the vacuum condensates up to dimension 77 in the operator product expansion(OPE). And all possible off-shell cases are considered, ϕ\phi, DsD_{s} and Ds∗D_{s}^{*}, resulting in three different form factors. Then we fit the form factors into analytical functions and extrapolate them into time-like regions, which giving the coupling constant for the process. Our analysis indicates that the coupling constant for this vertex is GDs∗Dsϕ=4.12±0.70GeV−1G_{Ds*Ds\phi}=4.12\pm0.70 GeV^{-1}. The results of this work are very useful in the other phenomenological analysis. As an application, we calculate the coupling constant for the decay channel Ds∗→DsγD_{s}^{*}\rightarrow D_{s}\gamma and analyze the width of this decay with the assumption of the vector meson dominance of the intermediate ϕ(1020)\phi(1020). Our final result about the decay width of this decay channel is Γ=0.59±0.15keV\Gamma=0.59\pm0.15keV.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1501.03088 by other author

    A class of anisotropic (Finsler-) space-time geometries

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    A particular Finsler-metric proposed in [1,2] and describing a geometry with a preferred null direction is characterized here as belonging to a subclass contained in a larger class of Finsler-metrics with one or more preferred directions (null, space- or timelike). The metrics are classified according to their group of isometries. These turn out to be isomorphic to subgroups of the Poincar\'e (Lorentz-) group complemented by the generator of a dilatation. The arising Finsler geometries may be used for the construction of relativistic theories testing the isotropy of space. It is shown that the Finsler space with the only preferred null direction is the anisotropic space closest to isotropic Minkowski-space of the full class discussed.Comment: 12 pages, latex, no figure

    Triple-gap superconductivity of MgB2 - (La,Sr)MnO3 composite. Which of the gaps is proximity induced?

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    Interplay of superconductivity and magnetism in a composite prepared of the ferromagnetic half-metallic La_0.67Sr_0.33MnO (LSMO) nanoparticles and the conventional s-wave superconductor MgB_2 has been studied. A few principal effects have been found in bulk samples. With an onset of the MgB_2 superconductivity, a spectacular drop of the sample resistance has been detected and superconductivity has been observed at temperature up to 20K. Point-contact (PC) spectroscopy has been used to measure directly the superconducting energy coupling. For small voltage, an excess current and doubling of the PC's normal state conductance have been found. Conductance peaks corresponding to three energy gaps are clearly observed. Two of these gaps we identified as enhanced \Delta_{\pi} and \Delta_{\sigma} gaps originating from the MgB_2; the third gap \Delta_{tr} is more than three times larger than the largest MgB_2 gap. The experimental results provide unambiguous evidences for a new type of proximity effect which follows the phase coherency scenario of proximity induced superconductivity. Specifically, at low temperature, the p-wave spin-triplet condensate with pairing energy \Delta_{tr} is essentially sustained in LSMO but is incapable to display long-range supercurrent response because of a phase-disordering state. The proximity coupling to MgB_2 restores the long-range phase coherency of the triplet superconducting state, which, in turn, enhances superconducting state of the MgB_2.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
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