23 research outputs found

    Experimental Research of the Hot-Rolled Pipe Wall Sizing Process at the Reeling Mill of Pipe-Rolling Plant-140 in Conditions of Product Mix Extension

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    This experimental study was conducted on the equipment of pipe-rolling plant-140 with an automatic mill in order to give a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the parameters which define the pipe wall sizing process in reeling mills. During investigation values of the power parameters of the process were recorded for different sizing routes. Conclusions about the special features of the wall sizing process and feasibility of extension of the reeling mill process capabilities were formulated. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Research of Load Distribution between Working and Backup Rolls of Sheet Levelling Machine with Regard to Gaps and Heat Strain

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    The article addresses to distribution of loading between working and backup rolls of sheet levelling machines taking into account presence of initial gaps between them and heating that occurs during the straightening process, which is especially important in case of the high-temperature straightening. For levelling machines with a single row of backup rolls calculated dependencies were obtained to evaluate loads suffered by backup roll taking into account factors under this study and the analysis of results for the 9-roll straightening machine were carried out. The analysis showed a significant overload suffered by backup rolls. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Increasing the working efficiency of the forholler of the pilger rolling mill

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    The article examines the issues of increasing the reliability and efficiency of the feeding mechanism (forholler) of Piler rolling mill. A new design of the trolley and the piston system of the brake chamber is proposed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Modelling of technological machines motion

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    The software for modelling dynamic processes of technological machines drive mechanisms using algorithmic language PYTHON. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Feeder operation in pilger mills

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    A dynamic model of the feeder in a Pilger mill is proposed. The model takes account of the operational characteristics of the pneumatic and braking chambers. © 2011 Allerton Press, Inc

    Optimal selection of the parameters of the kinematic chain of the main drive of the cold rolling mill

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    The article is devoted to the choice of optimal parameters of the system of dynamic balance of loads in the mechanism of the cyclic action of the drive of the working stand of the cold rolling mill. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Feeder operation in pilger mills

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