415 research outputs found

    Phase formation and structural characteristics of Cd-Pb-S nanopowder compositions produced by modification of CdS powder in a citrate-ammonia solution of a lead salt

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    Nanopowders obtained by modification of a cadmium sulfide powder in a citrate-ammonia solution of lead acetate have been studied by X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, and thermal analysis. The type of crystal structure and composition of Cd-Pb-S nanopowders depend on the conditions of their synthesis. The thermoanalytical curves show a well-defined endotherm in the temperature range 284-321 C. The position of this endotherm depends on the duration of contact of a CdS powder with an aqueous solution of a lead salt. Heating nanopowders to 600 C in an argon flow leads to formation of oxygen-containing phases: lead sulfate and cadmium oxide. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Remarkable hydrostatic piezoelectric response of novel 2–0–2 composites

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    This is the first study of the significant influence of the 0–3 ceramic / polymer layer on the hydrostatic piezoelectric parameters of novel 2–0–2 relaxor-ferroelectric single crystal / ferroelectric ceramic / polymer composites. Examples of the performance of two 2–0–2 composites based on domain-engineered single crystals are analysed by taking into account the elastic anisotropy of the 0–3 ceramic/polymer layers with changes in the volume fraction of ceramic inclusions and their aspect ratio. The unique feature of the hydrostatic properties of the studied 2–0–2 composites consists in their large values of piezoelectric coefficients d*h ≈ 1 nC/N and e*h ≈ 20 C/m2, squared figure of merit d*hg*h∼ 10−10 Pa−1, and electromechanical coupling factor k*h ≈ 0.7.</p

    Дослідження безпосередніх та віддалених результатів комплексного лікування хворих з місцево-розповсюдженим раком молочної залози з використанням системної та ендолімфатичної поліхіміотерапії в неоад'ювантному режимі

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    Мета. Порівняти безпосередні та віддалені результати лікування хворих з місцево-розповсюдженим раком молочної залози (МР РМЗ) з використанням різних способів введення препаратів поліхіміотерапії (ПХТ). Матеріали і методи. Дослідження проведено на основі вибіркового аналізу медичних карт 112 стаціонарних хворих з МР РМЗ стадії T4A-DN0-3M0, які отримували комплексне протипухлинне лікування на базі Донецького обласного протипухлинного центру та Університетської клініки Одеського національного медичного університету в 2000 - 2017 рр. До контрольної групи увійшли 65 (58%) пацієнток з неоперабельними формами МР РМЗ, яким у неоад’ювантному режимі була проведена системна ПХТ (СПХТ). До досліджуваної групи увійшли 47 (42%) пацієнток з неоперабельними формами МР РМЗ, яким як неоад’ювантний курс була проведена ендолімфатична ПХТ (ЕЛПХТ). Результати. За показниками три- та пۥятирічної виживаності між контрольною і досліджуваною групами не було статистично значущої відмінності. Безпосередні результати лікування пацієнток, яким проведена ЕЛПХТ у неоад’ювантому режимі, кращі, ніж результати лікування пацієнток, яким проведена СПХТ, без статистично значущої переваги. Висновки. Безпосередні і віддалені результати комплексного лікування МР РМЗ у разі несприятливого прогнозу пухлинного росту з проведенням ЕЛПХТ у неоад'ювантному режимі і виконанням радикального оперативного втручання кращі в порівнянні з результатами лікування за аналогічною схемою, але з проведенням СПХТ на передопераційному етапі, без статистично значущої переваги

    Application of marker of proliferative activity Ki-67 for analysis of efficacy in complex treatment of patients, suffering locally-spread mammary gland cancer

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    Objective. Application of the proliferative activity marker Ki-67 for analysis of the results of neoadjuvant polychemotherapy, using regional or systemic ways of delivery of pharmacological preparations, for the patients, suffering locally spread mammary gland cancer (LS MGC). Materials and methods. Retrospective analysis of the data, concerning 90 women-patients, suffering LS MGC, who obtained complex treatment, based on regional and systemic ways of the preparations administration. Results. Dynamics of proliferative activity of a LS MGC as a result of neoadjuvant polychemotherapy, analyzed by the Ki-67 level determination, have demonstrated a statistically significant advantage of regional ways of the preparation injection, comparing with systemic ways of administration. Correlation of tumoral metastatic potential with level of Ki-67 was revealed, using detailed investigation. Conclusion. It is possible to estimate tumoral proliferative activity and the neoadjuvant polychemotherapy efficacy, using Ki-67 analysis, and in such a way to select the optimal tactics of complex treatment

    Risomorphic Model of Communication on the Internet: Specifics, Problems and Development Prospects

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    Статья поступила в редакцию 18.10.2021 г.Статья посвящена изучению современной формы интернет-коммуникации, которую мы называем ризоморфной. Цель — рассмотрение особенностей ризоморфной коммуникации, определение основных проблем, связанных с ее функционированием, и перспектив развития. Объект исследования — модель ризоморфной коммуникации. Научная новизна статьи обусловлена рассмотрением пока еще слабо изученного феномена ризоморфности в интернете. Результатом работы является проведенный SWOT-анализ ризоморфной модели коммуникации в интернете.This article is devoted to the study of the modern form of Internet communication, which we call risomorphic. The purpose of the article is to consider the features of risomorphic communication, determine the main problems associated with its functioning and development prospects. The object of the study is a model of risomorphic communication. The scientific novelty of the article is due to the consideration of the still poorly studied phenomenon of risomorphism on the Internet. The result of the work is a SWOT analysis of the risomorphic model of communication on the Internet

    Comorbidity of tics and epilepsy in children and adolescents

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    Tics are the most common forms of hyperkinesis among children and adolescents, the etiology of which is not fully clear. A study has shown a high comorbidity of tic disorders and epilepsy, as evidenced by video-EEG monitoring. In patients with tics even in the absence of epileptic seizures, epileptiform activity is an adverse predictor and a determinant of the potential risk of comorbid epilepsy especially during neuroleptic therapy. Antiepileptic drugs are the drugs of choice to treat this category of patients

    Enchanced preoperative rehabilitation as part of the complex perioperative rehabilitation of patients with super-obesity and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (clinical outlook)

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    Obesity is a global social and economic problem. The bariatric surgery is a most effective treatment for obesity. The presented clinical case demonstrates the usage of principles of enchanced perioperative rehabilitation for the preoperative preparation of a patient with super obesity and with severe obstructive sleep apnea and alveolar hypoventilation syndrome.A 54-year-old patient was hospitalized with complaints of obesity, impossibility of persistent weight loss conservatively, severe daytime sleepiness, frequent nocturnal awakenings (up to 8 times per night). The patient’s weight was 230 kg with a height of 157 cm (BMI 93.5 kg / m2). The examination revealed a syndrome of sleep apnea of mixed genesis of extremely severe degree, chronic night hypoxemia of an extremely severe degree. Preoperative preparation was performed in accordance with the program of enchanced perioperative rehabilitation. The duration of preoperative preparation was 19 days; weight loss — 40 kg (%WL -17,4), compensation of comorbidities was achieved as well. After that the patient underwent a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. There were no complications in the postoperative period. Length of postoperative hospital stay was 6 days. At follow-up examination one year after surgery, body weight dropped from 230 to 153 kg (% WL-33.5), a significant improvement of the quality of life was achieved.The enchanced perioperative rehabilitation program can be successfully used as an effective method for preoperartive preparation of the patients with morbid obesity in combination with severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.and obesity hypoventilation. It can be a reasonable alternative to the standard program with preoperative intragastric balloon treatment. The use of this technique allows to increase the effectiveness of treatment of these high-risk patients, as well as to reduce the risk of perioperative complications