10,369 research outputs found

    Simulating Auxiliary Inputs, Revisited

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    For any pair (X,Z)(X,Z) of correlated random variables we can think of ZZ as a randomized function of XX. Provided that ZZ is short, one can make this function computationally efficient by allowing it to be only approximately correct. In folklore this problem is known as \emph{simulating auxiliary inputs}. This idea of simulating auxiliary information turns out to be a powerful tool in computer science, finding applications in complexity theory, cryptography, pseudorandomness and zero-knowledge. In this paper we revisit this problem, achieving the following results: \begin{enumerate}[(a)] We discuss and compare efficiency of known results, finding the flaw in the best known bound claimed in the TCC'14 paper "How to Fake Auxiliary Inputs". We present a novel boosting algorithm for constructing the simulator. Our technique essentially fixes the flaw. This boosting proof is of independent interest, as it shows how to handle "negative mass" issues when constructing probability measures in descent algorithms. Our bounds are much better than bounds known so far. To make the simulator (s,ϵ)(s,\epsilon)-indistinguishable we need the complexity O(s25ϵ2)O\left(s\cdot 2^{5\ell}\epsilon^{-2}\right) in time/circuit size, which is better by a factor ϵ2\epsilon^{-2} compared to previous bounds. In particular, with our technique we (finally) get meaningful provable security for the EUROCRYPT'09 leakage-resilient stream cipher instantiated with a standard 256-bit block cipher, like AES256\mathsf{AES256}.Comment: Some typos present in the previous version have been correcte

    Investigation of acyl transfer auxiliary-assisted glycoconjugation for glycoprotein semi-synthesis

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    Homogeneous glycoprotein syntheses have become possible in the last decade due to advances in chemical ligation strategies, particularly Native Chemical Ligation (NCL). For native glycoproteins this still requires laborious and technically challenging syntheses of glycopeptide components, combined with multi-segment ligation reactions. Here we explore new reactions between sugar-linked acyl transfer auxiliaries and peptide thioesters. We show that native glycoproteins are difficult to produce using this approach but various related analogues are accessible. The results show that site-specific neoglycoconjugation is a viable route to simply glycosylated proteins, which may be extended using well-documented enzymatic processes

    Sound-Induced Flash Illusion is Resistant to Feedback Training

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    A single flash accompanied by two auditory beeps tends to be perceived as two flashes (Shams et al. Nature 408:788, 2000, Cogn Brain Res 14:147–152, 2002). This phenomenon is known as ‘sound-induced flash illusion.’ Previous neuroimaging studies have shown that this illusion is correlated with modulation of activity in early visual cortical areas (Arden et al. Vision Res 43(23):2469–2478, 2003; Bhattacharya et al. NeuroReport 13:1727–1730, 2002; Shams et al. NeuroReport 12(17):3849–3852, 2001, Neurosci Lett 378(2):76–81, 2005; Watkins et al. Neuroimage 31:1247–1256, 2006, Neuroimage 37:572–578, 2007; Mishra et al. J Neurosci 27(15):4120–4131, 2007). We examined how robust the illusion is by testing whether the frequency of the illusion can be reduced by providing feedback. We found that the sound-induced flash illusion was resistant to feedback training, except when the amount of monetary reward was made dependent on accuracy in performance. However, even in the latter case the participants reported that they still perceived illusory two flashes even though they correctly reported single flash. Moreover, the feedback training effect seemed to disappear once the participants were no longer provided with feedback suggesting a short-lived refinement of discrimination between illusory and physical double flashes rather than vanishing of the illusory percept. These findings indicate that the effect of sound on the perceptual representation of visual stimuli is strong and robust to feedback training, and provide further evidence against decision factors accounting for the sound-induced flash illusion

    Stability analysis of a tall building with mat foundation over sandy soil with soil-structure interaction approach

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    This paper presents the stability analysis of a tall building with mat foundation founded on liquefaction susceptible soil during design earthquake. The stability of a structural foundation and structure itself is mainly depends on the bearing capacity of underlying soil during and after earthquake. Since modulus of subgrade reaction or stiffness of the soil is a conceptual relation between the soil pressure and deflection, it can be changed with fluctuation of net allowable bearing capacity of underlying soil. Bearing capacity of the soil can also be changed according with the value of liquefaction potential. The loss of spring stiffness occurred more or less depending on degree of liquefactions. Modification of localized spring stiffness of the foundation is carried out by numerical method. For a typical 2 unit 10 storey building, the stress states were chosen at a depth of 12 ft. It belongs to seismic zone 2A. ETABS software is used as a design aid for performance of numerical completion for the analysis of model. The focus of this paper is to study the influence of liquefaction potential on modifying spring stiffness of the soil under the building and potential failure modes of the building to be considered in soil structure interaction

    The intracellular domain of homomeric glycine receptors modulates agonist efficacy

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    Like other pentameric ligand-gated channels, glycine receptors (GlyRs) contain long intracellular domains (ICDs) between transmembrane helices 3 and 4. Structurally characterized GlyRs are generally engineered to have a very short ICD. We show here that for one such construct, zebrafish GlyREM, the agonists glycine, β-alanine, taurine, and GABA have high efficacy and produce maximum single-channel open probabilities greater than 0.9. In contrast, for full-length human α1 GlyR, taurine and GABA were clearly partial agonists, with maximum open probabilities of 0.46 and 0.09, respectively. We found that the elevated open probabilities in GlyREM are not due to the limited sequence differences between the human and zebrafish orthologs, but rather to replacement of the native ICD with a short tripeptide ICD. Consistent with this interpretation, shortening the ICD in the human GlyR increased the maximum open probability produced by taurine and GABA to 0.90 and 0.70, respectively, but further engineering it to resemble GlyREM (by introducing the zebrafish transmembrane helix 4 and C terminus) had no effect. Furthermore, reinstating the native ICD to GlyREM converted taurine and GABA to partial agonists, with maximum open probabilities of 0.66 and 0.40, respectively. Structural comparison of transmembrane helices 3 and 4 in short- and long-ICD GlyR subunits revealed that ICD shortening does not distort the orientation of these helices within each subunit. This suggests that the effects of shortening the ICD stem from removing a modulatory effect of the native ICD on GlyR gating, revealing a new role for ICD in pentameric ligand-gated channels

    Effects of ischaemic conditioning on major clinical outcomes in people undergoing invasive procedures: systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    OBJECTIVE:  To summarise the benefits and harms of ischaemic conditioning on major clinical outcomes in various settings. DESIGN:  Systematic review and meta-analysis. DATA SOURCES:  Medline, Embase, Cochrane databases, and International Clinical Trials Registry platform from inception through October 2015. STUDY SELECTION:  All randomised controlled comparisons of the effect of ischaemic conditioning on clinical outcomes were included. DATA EXTRACTION:  Two authors independently extracted data from individual reports. Reports of multiple intervention arms were treated as separate trials. Random effects models were used to calculate summary estimates for all cause mortality and other pre-specified clinical outcomes. All cause mortality and secondary outcomes with P<0.1 were examined for study quality by using the GRADE assessment tool, the effect of pre-specified characteristics by using meta-regression and Cochran C test, and trial sequential analysis by using the Copenhagen Trial Unit method. RESULTS:  85 reports of 89 randomised comparisons were identified, with a median 80 (interquartile range 60-149) participants and median 1 (range 1 day-72 months) month intended duration. Ischaemic conditioning had no effect on all cause mortality (68 comparisons; 424 events; 11 619 participants; risk ratio 0.96, 95% confidence interval 0.80 to 1.16; P=0.68; moderate quality evidence) regardless of the clinical setting in which it was used or the particular intervention related characteristics. Ischaemic conditioning may reduce the rates of some secondary outcomes including stroke (18 trials; 5995 participants; 149 events; risk ratio 0.72, 0.52 to 1.00; P=0.048; very low quality evidence) and acute kidney injury (36 trials; 8493 participants; 1443 events; risk ratio 0.83, 0.71 to 0.97; P=0.02; low quality evidence), although the benefits seem to be confined to non-surgical settings and to mild episodes of acute kidney injury only. CONCLUSIONS:  Ischaemic conditioning has no overall effect on the risk of death. Possible effects on stroke and acute kidney injury are uncertain given methodological concerns and low event rates. Adoption of ischaemic conditioning cannot be recommended for routine use unless further high quality and well powered evidence shows benefit

    Existence, uniqueness and structure of second order absolute minimisers

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    Let ⊆ Rn be a bounded open C1,1 set. In this paper we prove the existence of a unique second order absolute minimiser u∞ of the functional E∞(u, O) := F(·, u)L∞(O), O ⊆ measurable, with prescribed boundary conditions for u and Du on ∂ and under natural assumptions on F. We also show that u∞ is partially smooth and there exists a harmonic function f∞ ∈ L1() such that F(x, u∞(x)) = e∞ sgn f∞(x) for all x ∈ { f∞ = 0}, where e∞ is the infimum of the global energy

    Diabetes status and post-load plasma glucose concentration in relation to site-specific cancer mortality: findings from the original Whitehall study

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    ObjectiveWhile several studies have reported on the relation of diabetes status with pancreatic cancer risk, the predictive value of this disorder for other malignancies is unclear. Methods: The Whitehall study, a 25year follow-up for mortality experience of 18,006 men with data on post-challenge blood glucose and self-reported diabetes, allowed us to address these issues. Results: There were 2158 cancer deaths at follow-up. Of the 15 cancer outcomes, diabetes status was positively associated with mortality from carcinoma of the pancreas and liver, while the relationship with lung cancer was inverse, after controlling for a range of potential covariates and mediators which included obesity and socioeconomic position. After excluding deaths occurring in the first 10years of follow-up to examine the effect of reverse causality, the magnitude of the relationships for carcinoma of the pancreas and lung was little altered, while for liver cancer it was markedly attenuated. Conclusions: In the present study, diabetes status was related to pancreatic, liver, and lung cancer risk. Cohorts with serially collected data on blood glucose and covariates are required to further examine this area

    A review of RCTs in four medical journals to assess the use of imputation to overcome missing data in quality of life outcomes

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    Background: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are perceived as the gold-standard method for evaluating healthcare interventions, and increasingly include quality of life (QoL) measures. The observed results are susceptible to bias if a substantial proportion of outcome data are missing. The review aimed to determine whether imputation was used to deal with missing QoL outcomes. Methods: A random selection of 285 RCTs published during 2005/6 in the British Medical Journal, Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and Journal of American Medical Association were identified. Results: QoL outcomes were reported in 61 (21%) trials. Six (10%) reported having no missing data, 20 (33%) reported ≤ 10% missing, eleven (18%) 11%–20% missing, and eleven (18%) reported >20% missing. Missingness was unclear in 13 (21%). Missing data were imputed in 19 (31%) of the 61 trials. Imputation was part of the primary analysis in 13 trials, but a sensitivity analysis in six. Last value carried forward was used in 12 trials and multiple imputation in two. Following imputation, the most common analysis method was analysis of covariance (10 trials). Conclusion: The majority of studies did not impute missing data and carried out a complete-case analysis. For those studies that did impute missing data, researchers tended to prefer simpler methods of imputation, despite more sophisticated methods being available.The Health Services Research Unit is funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health Directorate. Shona Fielding is also currently funded by the Chief Scientist Office on a Research Training Fellowship (CZF/1/31)