542 research outputs found

    Modulating Image Restoration with Continual Levels via Adaptive Feature Modification Layers

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    In image restoration tasks, like denoising and super resolution, continual modulation of restoration levels is of great importance for real-world applications, but has failed most of existing deep learning based image restoration methods. Learning from discrete and fixed restoration levels, deep models cannot be easily generalized to data of continuous and unseen levels. This topic is rarely touched in literature, due to the difficulty of modulating well-trained models with certain hyper-parameters. We make a step forward by proposing a unified CNN framework that consists of few additional parameters than a single-level model yet could handle arbitrary restoration levels between a start and an end level. The additional module, namely AdaFM layer, performs channel-wise feature modification, and can adapt a model to another restoration level with high accuracy. By simply tweaking an interpolation coefficient, the intermediate model - AdaFM-Net could generate smooth and continuous restoration effects without artifacts. Extensive experiments on three image restoration tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of both model training and modulation testing. Besides, we carefully investigate the properties of AdaFM layers, providing a detailed guidance on the usage of the proposed method.Comment: Accepted by CVPR 2019 (oral); code is available: https://github.com/hejingwenhejingwen/AdaF


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    The paper employs M-form and U-form organization theory to analyze the structural innovation of government governance, and tries to study the resources integration and economic performances among different cities in a metropolis circle by using the example of Wuhan metropolis circle in China. Specifically, we focus on analyzing the difference between economic performance before and after the formation of Wuhan metropolis circle. The research result shows that, on the one hand, the formation of Wuhan metropolis circle can make full use of the U-form organization; on the other hand, different cities also benefit from coordinated regional development and rational resources allocation thanks to the formation of metropolis circle. Furthermore, each city has individual characteristics and complementary to other cities. Consequently, the economic performance of theses cities greatly differs from each other.Rad koristi organizacijsku teoriju M-forme i U-forme za analizu strukturalnih inovacija vladinog upravljanja, te pokuÅ”ava proučiti integraciju resursa i ekonomske učinke vladinog upravljanja među raznim gradovima velegradskog područja koristeći primjer wuhanskog velegradskog područja u Kini. Posebno je usredotočen na analizu razlike između ekonomskih učinaka prije i nakon stvaranja wuhanskog velegradskog područja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da, s jedne strane, stvaranje wuhanskog velegradskog područja može u potpunosti iskoristiti U-formu organizacije, dok s druge strane, različiti gradovi također profitiraju radi koordiniranog područnog razvoja i racionalne raspodjele resursa zahvaljujući stvaranju velegradskog područja. Osim toga, svaki grad ima individualne karakteristike i one komplementarne drugim gradovima. Stoga se ekonomski učinci ovih gradova uvelike razlikuju jedni od drugih

    Exploration of the CU-MN-AS ternary phase diagram and MN3B4 antiferromagnets

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    CuMnAs was first studied more than fifty years ago, both in a tetragonal phase (t-CuMnAs) and orthorhombic phase (o-CuMnAs). Today, the prospect of spintronics has created a new focus on antiferromagnetic materials with NeĢel temperatures above room temperature, with the goal of reading and writing spin orientations by electrical current. Tetragonal CuMnAs is a candidate whose experimental reading and writing with electrical field has been realized as a proof of concept. Our fundamental knowledge of other phases in the Cu-Mn-As ternary system remains to be improved. In this study, we study a broader part of the phase diagram of this system. We examine the structure of different phases, their thermal and magnetic properties, and the relationship between stoichiometry and structure. We also present our synthetic and magnetic characterization of antiferromagnetic Mn3B4. Single crystals larger than 200 microns were obtained and examined by single-crystal diffraction and magnetometry

    Consumption and savings of migrants in China ā€“ social cohesion perspective

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    Boosting domestic demand is the task of Chinaā€™s sustainable economic development, and in particular, China has become an important global consumer market and the savings patterns should be more cohesive and without discriminations. Using data of China Migrants Dynamic Survey, the paper provides new evidence on internal migrantsā€™ savings in China from the perspective of homeownership and family migration. We find that migrantsā€™ savings are 5.25ā€“6.60 percentage points higher than hukou population even when controlling for working, social status, and social insurance coverage which means the migrant will save 1019.88ā€“1647.10 yuan in 2010 price more monthly. Furthermore, we discover housing could partly explain the saving gap, while when we take remittance and family migration into account, the saving rate differences between migrants and hukou population disappears, which means migrants may save to consume when they go back to their hometown with their family members instead of consuming later in the resident cities. The research is carried out taking into account the objectives of social cohesion policy identified at national and international level and their involvement in consumption and saving processes. Our empirical results reveal that homeownership, remittance motive and family migration play important roles in shaping saving behaviour of migrants
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