16 research outputs found

    Photomicrographs of kidney tissues stored for 24 hours in experimental kidney preservation solutions.

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    Glomerular degeneration (asterisk), tubular degeneration (arrowhead), inflammatory cell infiltration (short arrow) in UW (A) group. Mild degree of tubular degeneration (arrowhead) in UW-g (B) and UW-m (C) groups. Low degree of glomerular (asterisk) and tubular degeneration (arrowhead) in mUW (D) and mUW-g (E) groups. Low degree of glomerular degeneration (asterisk), tubular degeneration (arrowhead) and inflammatory cell infiltration (short arrow) in mUW-m Group (F). H&E staining, A,B,C,D,E,F x200 magnification, insets: x400 magnification.</p