122 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Habitat Dan Penyebaran Kulim (Scorodocarpus Borneensis Becc.) Di Hutan Larangan Adat Rumbio

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    Kulim (Schorodocarpus borneensis Becc.) is the multipurpose tree species(MPTS), almost the part of tree can be used at this time, although most economic value is wood. Kulim is one of the species that already rare the forest. The aims of this research was to determine the characteristic of kulim in the prohibition tradition Rumbio forest and the distribution of kulim from the seedlimg and it is habitat. This research was conducted in March-April 2016 in the prohibition Rumbio forest. This research using primary data and secondary data. The data collect from systematic sampling with random start technic and plot sizing 50 m x 50 m using purposive sampling technique. Kulim has a habitat on sandy loam, yellowish brown, average water content 5,88% with pH 5,40 (acid). Kulim is located at altitude 93 mdpl-103 mdpl. Average temperatures 25,71 ˚C and average humidity 71,46 %, the thickness of the litter 45 cm. Total of the species 32, Shorealeprosula higher 22,32 INP.Macaca nemestrina, Tupaia javanica, Sus scrofa,Hebarctus malayus and Neofelis nebulosa is the species of animal can be found and can indentify around kulim. Parent tree can be found in the prohibition traditional Rumbio as much as 5 individuals from five lines. Regeneration of kulim for seedlings found 60 individuals farthest distance seedlings from parent tree 1015 cm and the closest distance 57 cm

    Identifikasi Jenis-jenis Rotan pada Kawasan Arboretum Universitas Riau

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    Rattan is one of timber forest products that was commercial and high value. Arboretum area was located in University of Riau, has a collection of rattan. However, the data information on the types of rattan was contained in the arboretum area does not exist, it is necessary to do this research. The purpose of this research is to determine the types of rattan found in the Arboretum Area in University of Riau and was knowing rattan species diversity found in the arboretum Area in University of Riau. This research have been used descriptive data analysis or describe data obtained directly in the field. The results has been showed that the types of rattan that are in arboretum Area in University of Riau is Rattanudang (KorthalsiaechinometraBeccari), Rattan umbut (DaemonoropskorthalsiiBlume), Rattan manau(CalamusmananMiquel), Rattan manautikus (Calamustumidus Furtado), Rattan bubuai(Plectocomiaelongata Martius ex Blume) and Rattan rukong(Daemonoropssabut Becc). The results was showing the value of diversity index rattan species in the arboretum area University of Riau is low with the value H '1.57

    Solvent contribution to the stability of a physical gel characterized by quasi-elastic neutron scattering

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    The dynamics of a physical gel, namely the Low Molecular Mass Organic Gelator {\textit Methyl-4,6-O-benzylidene-α\alpha -D-mannopyranoside (α\alpha-manno)} in water and toluene are probed by neutron scattering. Using high gelator concentrations, we were able to determine, on a timescale from a few ps to 1 ns, the number of solvent molecules that are immobilised by the rigid network formed by the gelators. We found that only few toluene molecules per gelator participate to the network which is formed by hydrogen bonding between the gelators' sugar moieties. In water, however, the interactions leading to the gel formations are weaker, involving dipolar, hydrophobic or ππ\pi-\pi interactions and hydrogen bonds are formed between the gelators and the surrounding water. Therefore, around 10 to 14 water molecules per gelator are immobilised by the presence of the network. This study shows that neutron scattering can give valuable information about the behaviour of solvent confined in a molecular gel.Comment: Langmuir (2015